Èriophorum vaginatum. Single-headed Cotton-Grafs.
ERIOPHORUM Lin. Gen. PL T r ian d r ia Mo no g ynia . Glumee paleaceæ,. undîque imbricatæ.
Cor. o. Sem. i. Land longiflima cinCtum.
RaiiSyn.Gen. 28.. H erbte gram inifo ltæ non culmiferæ flore imperfecto
ERIOPHORUM vaginatum culmis vaginatis teretibus, fpica fcariofa. Lin. Syß. Fegetab. p. 87. Sp.
PI. p. 76. Fl. Suec. n. 50.
ERIOPHORUM caule tereti, foins caulinis vaginalibus, fpiea ere&a, ovata. Haller, hiß., n. 1332.
LINAGROSTIS vaginata. Scopoli FI. Cam. n. 66.
JUNCUS alpimis, capitulo lanuginofo, feu fchzenolaguros. Bauh. pin. 12. S'cheuzch, Agroß. p. 302. t. 7.
JUNCUS alpinus cum cauda leporina, Bauh. hifl. 2. 514.
GRAMEN juncoides lanatum alterum danicum. Parkins. 1271. Raii Syn. p. 436. Hares-tail rufh.
Light foot FI. Scot. p. 90.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 22.
■ The Eriophorum vaginatum is with us a much fcarcer plant than the polyjlachion, but in fome parts of Great
Writairt, and in other Countries, is equally common.
■ In its generic characters, excepting the fhortnefs of its Pappus, it agrees with the polyjlachion 5 it has there-
Ibre the fame figures of reference to them; in its fpecific characters, it differs very obvioufly, its root is not
weeping but more matted, and its leaves, which are much finer, are confequently more apt to grow in tufts;
■ he vagina of the upper ftem-leaf in particular is remarkably inflated, and it never produces more than one
Ipike, which is upright.
■ It is found in fimilar fituatioris to the other ; on the boggy parts of Shirley Common, near Croydon, I have
wound it in tolerable plenty; it flowers fomewhat earlier than the polyjlachion, but produces its pappus about the
Rime time.
■ Sheep are very fond of it, whence in Weftmoreland they call it Mofs-crops. Raii. Syn. p. 436.