G eum U r b a n um, C ommon A v e n s .
GEUM Linncei Gen. PI. I cosa'ndria Po l yg yn ia .
Cal. ïo-fidus. Pdalei 5. Sem. arifla geniculata,
Run Syn. Gen. ig. H e rbas semine nudo polysperm^e.
GEUM urbanum floribus ereftis, fruftibus globöfis villofis: arifiis uncinajis nudis, foliis lyratis
Linnxi Sy/i. Vegetab.fi. 3 gg. Sfi.Pl.fi. 716. Fl. Suecic. p. 179.
• GEUM foliis pinnatis, pinna ultima trilobata; floribus patulis, tubis aduncis. Haller hifi. n. 1130.
C A RYOPH YL LA TA urbana. Scofioli Fl. Carniol.fi. 364.
C A RYOPH YL LA TA vulgaris. Bauhin Pin. 321.
C A RYOPH YL LA TA Gerard emac. ggg. Parkinfon 13S.
Raii Syn. Avens, Herb Bennet.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 198.
Lightfoot Fl. Scot. fi. '273.
RADIX perennis fibrofa, fufea, fapore et odore aro- $ RO OT perennial, fibrous, o f a brown colour with
mattco Caryophyllorum. f the aromatic tafte and fmell of Cloves.
CAULES plures, pedales aut bipedales, fubereBi, pa- j STA LK S feveral, from one to two feet high, nearly
rum flexuofi, fubangulofi, hirfutuli, ramofi. | upright, a little crooked, flightly angular,
| hairy, and branched.
FOLIA radicalia admodum variantia, plerumqpe vero I L E A V E S : radical leaves varying very much moft
Dinnata.Detiolata.v a a in a npfin nmm * _______ pinnata, petiolata, vagina petiolorum ciliata, y i._ • i ' Pn <■ ~
pinna extima magna, trilobata aut tripartita |
pinnis lateralibus paucis, parvis, inasqualibus, §
omnibus incifo-ferratis, venofis, hirfutulis* |
caulina tripartita aut tèrna. f
commonly pinnated, and Banding on a foot-
ftalk, the (heath o f which is edged with hairs,
the outermofi leaf or pinna large, divided a
little way down the leaf, or nearly to the
bafe; the lateral leaves few, fmall and unequal,
|. all of them deeply ferrated, veined, and
f hairy ; the leaves of the Balk deeply divided
f into three fegments, or entire leaves.
S T IPU L E dum, magrim, fubrotunds, foliis fimiles. | S T IPU L E two, large, o f a roundilh figure like the
PEDUNCULI folitarii, fubemai, teretes, hirfutuli. | F LOWER-STALKS Engle, nearly upright, round
and hairy.
CA L YX : Paat ANTHiuMmonophyllum,decemfidum, | CA L YX : a Perianthium o f one leaf, divided into
aClmlS a,te™ls acutis, hir- ten fegments, and fpreading; the alternate
, demum reflexis ; lacrmis majoribus in- J fegments very minute, pointed, hirfute
terne v.llofis, margme craflis, Jig. u $ finally turning back : the‘ larger fegmenS
■ : villous on the infide, and thick at the edge
I fis- I
COROLLA i Petala quinque rotunda, flava, longi- I CO R O L LA : five roundilh yellow Petals, the length
ttuuddminee ccaallyvcciiss., rreemmoo*ttaa., uunnog-umibhunss Kbrr^evviiffTfitmmiios V _r g v... , n A ® .
. M - 2.
STAM INA: Filament a plurima, flavefeentia, fubu-
lata, calyci affix a, primum inflexa, demum
erefta : A n th e r s fubrotundas, flavas, demum
fufeas, jig. 3, 4.
o f the Calyx, at a little diBance from each
other, having very fliort claws, jig. 2.
STAM INA : F i laments numerous, o f a yellowifh
colour, tapering, affixed to the Calyx, at
firB bending inward, laBly becoming upright:
A ntherae roundilh, o f a yellow colour,
finally brown, jig. 3, 4.
PISTILLUM: G ermina numerofa in capitulum J PISTILLUM: G ermina numerous, collefied into a
co leaa, pdofa : Stylus medio gemculatus, | head, hairy : St y le jointed in the middle a
apicepaululuminerairato: Stigma fimplex, | little thickened at top: S tigma fimple,/g.'s .
SEMINA numerofa, comprefla, hifpida, Stylo longo | SEEDS numerous, Battened, hiTpid terminated bv a
geniculato anBata, fir. 6 recentaculn m * i . n_ A ’n , •* tcnmudiea dj a
feaceo infidentia, L . l ' P P f Croo^ed near the ,«trem.ty, J 6 • Jig- o, leated on a hairy receptacle, jig. 7.
The w r “m j a very C? T - n pIant w-’* us’ in woods and hed«es. flowering from May to September
n a L ^ ™ S ; i: . dCgree ° f J j j S d° ” ed *° “ I j J j flavour like t i t of Clones,
Infuled in beer, it renders it more fragrant, and prevents it from Toon turning four Lin Fl Sucrir
d e ^ S S r 1^ -
The root is laid to pofiefs the moft virtue when it grows in a dry fituation.
I ! i t ” b}nk jnr’ g0atS’ lhl eP- and fwinc ; but not readily by horfes.
It is diftmguilhed from our other Geum by its yellow flowers