Y 0 S ü R U S M I N I M U S M o u s E-T AIL
MYOSURUS Lin, Gen. PI, Pentandria Polygynia.
Cal. 5-phylIus, bafi adnatus. Neâaria j fubulats, petaliformia. Sente
RaiiSyn. Gen. i j . Herbæ semxne nudo polyspermæ.
MYOSURUS minimus. Lin. Syß. Fegetab. p. 254. Sp. PI. p. 407. Fl. Sutc. n. 276.
MYOSURUS. Haller. Hiß. n. 1159.
HOLOSTEO adfiuis Cauda mûris. Baub. Pin. 190.
CAUDA MURINA. Hoà. Pcmpt. 112.
RANUNCULUS gramineo folio, flore caudato, feminibus in capitulum fpicatum congeftis. Tournefort
MYOSUROS. "Dillen. JSfov. Gen. p. 108. t. 4.
HOLOSTEUM Loniceri, Cauda mûris Vocatum. Park. 500.
CAUDA MURIS. Gerard, emac. 426. Rail Syn. 251. Moufe-tail. Lightjoot FL Scot. p. ï7o. Hudfon
Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 136.
annua, fibrofa. j | ROOT annual and fibrous.
XIA, omnia radicalia, viginti circiter in planta m edia|LEAVES, all of them radical, about twenty in a plant
magnitudinis, ereda, longitudine inmquali, t of a middling fize, upright, of unequal length
linearis, fuperne latiora, compreffa, utrinq.ue| linear, broadeft at top, and flattened, faintly
obfolete canaliculata, glabra, fubcarnofa, ob-t channeled on each fide, fmooth, fomewhat
tufa, e flavo-viridia, bafi rubicund». | flelhy, blunt, of a yellowilh green colour,
/ ? and reddifti at the W e .
jAH quatuor, qumque, aut plures, uniflori, ere£li,| FLOWERING-STEMS four, five, ormore.each fupport-
bipolhcares et ultra, foliis longiores, teretes,| ing one flower, upright, two inches or more
fuperne paulo ciafliores, glabri. | in length, longer than the leaves, round,
_ t fmooth, and a little thickefl: at the top.
bïX: Ferianthium pentaphyllum, foholis ob -JCA L YX : a Perianthium of five leaves, the leaves
longxs, obtufis, concavis, herbaceis, patenti-1 oblong, obtufe, hollow, herbaceous, rereading
bus. Unguibus poflice elongatis, appreflis,* Claws lengthened out behind, preffed to the
acummafis. Jig. i , 2. | flowering Item, and tapering to a point. Jig.
TlOLLAx P e t a e a quinque, calyce breviora, minu-* COROLLA : five P e t a l s , fhorter than thé calyx
tilfima, flavefcentia, unguiculata, limbo patente, | very minute, of a yellowilh colour, clawed’
bah fubtubulofa. Jig. 3. auft. 3. | the limb fpreading, fomewhat tubular at its
L ..... _ ' ■ I bale. Jig. 3. magn. 5.
jftMlNA: F x l a m e n t a quinque, vel plura, longitu-jSTAMINA: F i l a m e n t s five or more, almoft the
dine fere calyCis, receptaculo inferta, fili-1 length of the calyx, fixed to the receptacle
lortnia, alba, erefla. A n t h e r « oblong®, | thread-lhaped, white, upright. A n t h e r «
WI m , e^tes‘ 4" f oblong and yellowilh. fig. 4.
jXiLLUM: G e r m in a numerofa, receptaculo in for-f PISTILLUM : G e r m in a numerous, fitting on a re-
I uiam conico-oblongam infidentia. St y l i nulli. ¥ ceptacle, of an oblong, conic fhape. S t y l e s
s t ig m a t a minim'a, fimplicia. Jig. 6. | none. St i g m a t a very (mall and Ample.
»1CARPIUM nullum. Receptaculum longiffimum, | SEED-VESSEL none. Receptacle very long, ftyle-
[ ltylitorme, feminibus imbricatim difpofitisf fliaped, covered with feeds, laying one over
U 7- . I another. Jig. 7.
j n numerofa, compreffa, mucronata. Jig. 8, 9. | SEEDS numerous, flat, and pointed. jig.%, 9.
f c °f 'heearl7 Botanids gave to this plant the name of Moufe-tail, more from the general appearance of the
fcLENi.iv attention to generic charafter. T ournefort afterwards arranged it with the Ranunculi,
pie Unift” rSfi' d Wlth fuch arrangement, made a diftinft genus of i t ; which has been adopted by L inn« us.
F fR §h S wh°l® fructification Angular,and deferving the attention of the young Botanift- in
Bl:. e should be careful to diftinpuilh the the Stamina
warn f ‘ rructincarion is nnguiar, ana aeiervmg the
k y V diftinguifh Corolla from Stamina.
to fta!'a^e annual grows if* 1 coni and clover-fields, and by path-fides, especially where water has been
f a bPfnJ- 1, 1S round about I/lington, Paddington, and Pancrafs; but with more certainty in the fields about
It« ’ P.ecially on the right-hand-fide of Lordlhip-I'liOWpr ' x * — **6*“ . vii d-aut isjutjj-luamnce,, uncecaiir jD_juulwich Wood.
rs in May and June, and ripens it feed in July and Augujl.