CYNOGLOSSUM majus vulgare. Bauhin. Pin. 2,57. Ger. eina'c. 804. . Parkins. £11. Great
Houndftongue. Raii Syn. ed. 3. p» 226. Httdfon FI. Angl. Vd*. 2.' pi S'®*; Lightfioot
FI. Scot. p. 133..
IrADIX biennis, craffitie digiti feu pollicis, pedalis et|R OOT biennial, the thicknefs of the finger or thumb, a
W ultra, fufiformis, foris nigricans; intus albida. | foot or more in length, tapering* blackifh bn
$ the outfide, arid whitifh within.
CAULIS bi feu tripedalis, ereftus, fulcato-angulatus, | STALK two or three feet in height, upright^ grooved
B^ villofus, foliofiffimus, fuperne ramofus; Rami% or angular, villous, very leafy, branched at
plurimi, fubere&i, villofi. | top; Branches- numerous; nearly upright arid
■ I B • I villous.
■ OLIA radioalia magna, pedalia et ultra, petiolata, ova-1 LEAVES proceeding from the root large, a foot or more -
ta, acuta, lericea hirfutie incana, venofa, cau- | in length, Handing on footftalks, ovate,
lina, faltem fuperiora feffilia, conferta, fparfa, t pointed, covered with a filky down which
erefta, lanceolata, bafi latiora. | gives them a .greyiflv colour, veiny, thofe of
* the ftalk at leaft the uppermoft ones feflile,
X ' numerous, placed irregularly on the ftalk, up*
♦ right, lanceolate, and broadeft at the bale*
»LORES primo fordide rubentes, demum caerulefcentes, | FLOWERS -at firft of a dull red colour, afterwards be-
raceniofi, fecundii * coming blueifh, growing in racemi of long
¥ bunches, and hanging all one way.
¥ RACEMI nearly upright, and generally naked*
| FLOWER-STALKS round, alternate, and downy*
■ ALYX: P e r ia n t h iu m quinquepartitum, fofiolis f CALYX : P e r i a n t h iu m deeply divided into five leg-
ovato-lanceolatis, ereftis, pubefcentibus, obtu | ments, the leaves ovato-lanceolate, upright,
fiufculis, interne nitidis. Jig. 1. | -downy, bluntifh, fhining on the infide, Jig. 1*
KOROLLA : monopetala, infundibuliformis; Tubus c y - f COROLLA monopetalous, funnel-fhaped, Tube cylindri-
lindraceus, craflus, pallidus, calyce duplo bre-| cal, thick, of a pale colour, half the length of
vior; Limbus concavus, quinquefidus, laciniist the calyx. L im b concave, divided into five
rotundatis. Jig. 2, 3. . | roundifh fegments. Jig. 2, 3. J
■ IECTARIUM: Squama quinque, purpureas, antice | NECTARY : five purple Scales, anteriorly hollow, gib*
concaviufcuke, vertice gibhae, obtufae, margini j bous at top, blunt, inferted into the edge of the
tubi-infertae, limbo duplo breviores, conni-| tube, half the length of the limb, clofing toventes.
Jig. 4. Faux coroll*£ perforata. t gether. Jig. 4. Mouth of the corolla perforated.
gSTAMINA: F i l a m e n t a quinque, breviffima ; A n- | STAMINA: five F i l a m e n t s , very lho rt. A n t h e r *®
t h e r .® oblongae, virides, fub fquamis ne&areis? oblong, green, hid under the fcaly nectaries.
■ reconditas* fig. 5, I J*S- 5*
BISTILLUM: G e r m in a quatuor, e luteo-virefcentia, f:PISTILLUM: G e r m in a four, of a yellowifh green
glabra; St y l u s fubulatus longitudine ftami-| colour, fmooth. S t y l e tapering, the length
num, perfiftens ; St i g m a obtufum, emargi-| of the ftamina, permanent. St i g m a blunt and
■ i, natum. fig. 6. f nicked, fig. 6.
■ ERICARPIUM: C a p s u l a quatuor depreflic, fubro-1 SEED-VESSEL-: four flat C a p s u l e s of a roundifh
tunds, fcabrae, noil dehifcentes, apice affixae. 1 fhape, fomewhat prickly, not opening, fixed
■ ' I B B * by their pbiafs, fig. 7. \
■ emiina lolitaria, fubovata, gibba, acuminata, glabra, i SEEDS Angle, fomewhat ovate, gibbous, pointed and
8. | fmooth.^. 8.
B The leaves of this plant are in fhape thought to relemble a Dog’s-tongue, whence its name.
B , 8rows wild by road lides, and in uncultivated places; and is particularly common about Charlton, and in the
■ oad to Lewijham. ■
It flowers in June and July, and ripens its feeds in Augufi and September.
I he whole plant has a difagreeable fmell, much relembling that of mice. Its effe£ls are faid to be narcotic;'
■ hy j 10 i'-juucu 111 u ic srni. uxon. a.
in which the leaves boiled by miftake for thofe of Comfrey,
r , or *:re^ a "whole family, and proved fatal to one
one. B a r o n H a l l e r quotes Dr. B l a i r as defcribing a cafe fome-
B at j but in that inftance the plant ufed
s not the CynogloJJum, but the Pulmonaria maritima -j; a plant
« e would n°t fufpeft of being poifonous,
■ oundftongue has been ufed in 1 medicii:
medicine both internally and externally; but the prefent practice takes no notice
W * 111 any intention.
■ ornet^6 m ^enera^ ^iflike i t ; but the Goat, who with impunity will eat Deadly Nightfhade and Tobacco, is. faid
»HW f i c}l l The H to,CroP ma?this be naufeous B99 plant; it is the natural food of the caterpillar of the fcarlet tyger-moth (Phalana it i» April and May.
Bhd d e mmusJolio virente Ger. emac. 805, is confidered by L innjeus merely as a variety of this plant,
Btout by ^AY as growing in the London road between Kelvedon and JVitham in E jfe x but more plentifully
^ tbe W2X ^^es* ^ has alfo been obferved in fome fliady lanes about Worcefier by Mr. Pitts-, at
B M j'Ki 'yt plentifully, Mr .J.Sherard; by the road fide, about a mile beyond Walt ham-abbey, towards
W ’ r* Newton; At Norbury in Surrey, a mile from Leatherhead, plentifully. Merr. Pin.
B i ilibtre -^ rcy,ladain Oxonicnlis, et maritus cumliberis, etquotqiiot erant iftius familite, folia Cynogloffi (protenellis Sympliyti foliis collcfta) co^a?
nee noli u”1 ’ Ct Plant^'° «»ox omnes xgrb fe habebant, et non roulto poft vomitus moleftus iufequebatur, deinde ltupore «t. torn no eorrcprx
Bljip, v,.f oras fcre 40 penitus excitati; unus autem mortuus ell.”
I “»«cellaneous Obfervations, p. ss.