r t/ odàm/runuum /.
■ daturA Lin. Gen..Pl. Pentandria Monogynia.
Cor. infundibuliformis; plicata. Cal. tubulofus, angulatus, deciduus. Gapf.
4-val vis.-
Rail Syn.'Gen. 16. Herbæ Bàcciferæ.-
■ DATURA Stramonium pericarpiis fpinofis ere&is ovatis, foliis ovatis glabris. Lin. Syß. Vegetab.
p. 220. Sp. PL p. 255. Fl. 'Suec. n. 198.
■ r.TRAMONlUM foliis angulofis, fru6lu ere&o, muricato, calÿce pentagono. Haller hifl. n. 586.
■ STRAMONIUM foetidum. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. n. 152-.
■ SOLANUM foetidum. pomo fpinofo oblongo, flore albo. Bauh. Pin. 164.
»STRAMONIUM fpinofum. Gér. emac.'^g.
■ SOLÀNÜM pbmo fpinofo, oblongo, flore calathôide Stramonium vulgo diftum. Raii Syn. 266.
FLùafon.Fl. Angl. èd. 2. p. 92.
^fennua, ramofa, albida.
"[varias altitudinis pro ratione foli, pedalis, |
lâd fepedàlem, té res,; glaber, late diffufus, ‘
iramblüs, ramis: dicfiotomis, minutim pubef-
IcentibusT $
fl| èdichotomia caulis et ramorum, folitaria, vix f
^Hpîtharnea, petiolata, ovata, acuta, utrinque $
Bglabra, fuperne faturate viridia, inferne et f
■ ad margmes ’ pallidiora, nervis- robuftis,
■ fubalternis, margine undique inæqualiter |
■ finyato-dentata, uno latere per' petiolum |
S. longius extenfo.. $
ILI teretes, pübefcentes, foliis breviores, fu- §
■ perne obfole.te ca n a liculati.
folitarii, e dichotomia caulis, una cum foliis' >
I egredientia, breviter pedunculati, erefti. **
»X: Perianthium monophyllum, oblongum, $
tübulatum, ventricofum, dilute viridefcens, |
I quinquanguläre, quinquedentatum, deci- -§
[ duum horizontaliter prope bafin, parte re- |
I manentej Orbicülata, perfiftente.
Xp)LLA monopetala, infundibuliformis, nivea, $
I Tubus viridefcens, pentagonus, calyce bre- %
Ivior; Limbus bafi nervolus, ereföo-patulus, |
I quinquangularis, quinqueplicatus, quinque- f
I dentato-acuminatüs,fig. 1.
J|INA: Fi la menta quinque, fubulata, inferne f
tubo corolläe adnata, fuperne libera; An- |
Thera: ovali-lineares,’ ereclae, infidentes, $
I e fu (cod u te fee ntes, fig . 2. f
ÄVRIUM: Glandula crenata, annularis, ad bafin f
v t JffljLLUM; Germen fuperum, fubconicum, un- $
diqup hifpidum ; Stylus filiformis, albus, f
■ füperne paulo craflior, longitudine ftaminum. j|
J Stigma crafliüfculum, obtufum,1 bilamel- f
I latum, fig. 4j 6.
ÄARPIU^ ; Capsula fpinofa, fubovata, bilo- |
cularis, quadrivalvis, bafi calycis impofita, f
. • ................................‘ I
A numerofa, fubreniformia, nigricantia.
RO OT annual, branched, whitifh.
S T A LK various in its height, according to the foil
• in which it grows, rifing from one to fix feet,
: round, fmooth, fpreading widely,: branched, ,
branches forking, and covered with a fine .
LEAVES fpringing from the forking of the ftalk and
branches, Angle, fcarcely fix inches long,
Handing on footfialks, ovate, pointed, fmooth
on both fides, above o f a deep green colour,
beneath and on the edges paler, ribs ftrong,
fomewhat alternate, the edge through its
whole extent unequally finuated and toothed,
extending farther down the footftalk on one
fide than on the other.
LEAF-STALKS round, downy, Ihorter than the-
leaves, above faintly channelled.
FLOWERS Angle, proceeding together with the
leaves from the forking of the ftalk, Handing
on fhort footflalks and upright.
CALYX : a Perianthium of one leaf, oblong, tubular,
bellying out, of a pale green colour,
having five angles and five teeth, feparating
horizontally near the bafe, the remaining
part orbicular and permanent.
COROLLA monopetalous, funnel-fhaped, white,
Tube greenifh, five-cornered, Ihorter than
the calyx ; Limb ribb’d at the bafe, upright
and Ipreading, five-cornered, with five plaits
and five long pointed teeth, -Jig. 1.
STAMINA: five Filaments, tapering* below attached
to the tube of the corolla, above
loofe ; A nthera betwixt oval and linear,
upright, fitting, of a brownifh yellow colour,
fig- 2- .
N E C T A R Y : a circular notched Gland at the bafe o f
. the germen, fig 3 J f c ' '
PISTILLUM : Germen above the calyx, fomewhat
conical, hifpid ; Sty le filiform, white,
thickened a little above, the length of the
flamina. Stigma thickifh, obtufe, and com-
pofed of two lamellae, Jig. 4, 5, 6.
SEED-VESSEL : a Capsule, thorny, fubovate, of
two cavities, and four valves, placed on the
bafe of the calyx, Jig. 7.
• SEEDS numerous, fomewhat kidney-fhaped - and
is found occafionally in the environs of London, on dunghills, in cultivated ground, and
j Lr b j both Mr. R ay and Mr. Hudson place it amongft the Britifh plants, regarding it at the
jfchei-p! 3 native ; following their example, we have figured it in the Flora Londinenjis, in-
Bo 0^ fit additional confideration of its being a poifonous plant, and, as fuch, neceflary to be
W it •
" l a ^ative of America, we have the moft indubitable proofs :'in the earth brought with plants from
IHjs °t that extenfive country, we are fure to have the Thorn-apple come up, which we Hiall not
■ S m B S * e following extract from K alm’s Travels into North-A^erica. “ The Datura
p;|f0r !lwgC°ws in great quantities' in all the villages; its height is different according to the foil it is
pi|o fL ■ a,nc“ foil, it grows eight or ten feet high-; but, in h^rd and poor ground, it will feldom come ML ne^nc ^his Datura, together with the Phytolacca, or American Nightlhade, grow here in thofe
Wm\ lhe gairdens, - houfes, and roads, which in Sweden are covered with Nettles and Goofefoot,
■ ■ b are very fcarce- in America ; but the Datura and Phytolacca ms the worft weeds'
°9y knowing any particular ufe of them.” ,