Uygonum amphibium«. Amphibious Persicaria.
POLYGONUM Lin. Gen. PL Oc t aNdria T rig ykia .
Cal. ot Cor.. 5-partita, caly'cina. Sent*. 1. angulatum.
Rati Syn. Gen. 5. Herbæ flore imperfect© Seu staminé© vel apetalö PÓTibSi
POLYGONUM amphibium floribüs pentandris feuiidîgyniâ, fpica ovata. Lin. Syfi. Veeetab v oI2
. Sp\ PI. 517. Fl. 'Suec. m 341; 6 0 1
POLYGONUM foliis ovato Janceolatis ciliatis, fpicis ©vatis; Haller Hifi. n. 1565.
POTAMOGETON fali e is folio; Bauh. pin. ipg.
F0NTAL1S major longifolia. Parkinj. 1254.
POTAMOGITON anguflifolium. Ger. emac. 821.
PERSICARIA fnlicis folio perennis. Rwi Syn, Perennial Willow-leaved Arimarf, commonly called
narroK-lea.ed Pondweed Hudfin Fl, Angl. cd. 2; p. ,69. Lghtfoot FI, Scot. p. 207.
Oeder FI. Dan. t. 282. Lhrelkeld Syn. S/irp. Hibern. V • '
|)1X perennis, fepens* craffitie cülmi triticéi majoris, | ROOT perennial, creeping, the thickhefs Tbf a M I l™ * QAfüCc*> eX b0It,S fiVe ag ns diffici-llime | wheaten ffiraw^ tfa reddifh brown colour, ,
IlLIS fefquipedalis et ultra-, adfeendens, plerumque | STALK
‘ fimplex, teres, fiftuloliis, fæpius ruber, geni-J
culis tumidiufeulis; * |
2 greateft difficulty rooted out of wardens,
or fields; s ii 6
a foot and a half or more in length, bending
upward-, generally fimple* round, hollow, molt
___ J commonly of a red colour* the joints a little
i ‘ :■ ■ - f fwelled.
P PS ’ cil^ f LEAVES Handing on | ngidula, faturate vn.d.a, f*pe maculate, fub- | , heart-lhaped baffoe,o tRrtiaglkhtsl,y hlainrfcuetoel,a -teed, gewd iwthi rlat
undulata, alrerua, patent«. f hairs, harlh to the tbuchf of a deep gW ™ !
I lour, often fpotted, fomewhat waved, alternate,
JPULfE longie, mutfeat, hirfute, vaginantes, cattle» f S T O O L * k ^ M f r in g e d with hairs at the extre-
atde c,„genres. - I mity, hirfute, forming a (heath, w h ic h e S S
I r v i , f . furrounds the ftalk. ' UNCULI folitarn, feu gemim, h.rfuti, rubn, ad | FLOWER-STALKS growing fiugly, or two together
anum latus compreflo-fulcatl, vix terminals. | hirfute, red, on flattened, and Rightly
M raberrimat, primo pyramidales, demum ovate. | SPIKES o Y X ' f lo w f J r f r^righ r“ ^^'colour, at firlt
nvy • T)_« i. - ? pyramidal, afterwards ovate.-
T l ™ pedrcellatum, qu.nque-parti- | CALYX : a P erianthium on a footftalk, divided into
obtufis H perliftens, lacimis ovatis, | five iegments, coloured and permanent, the •
HOLLA nulla. 1 COROT Tf^ mentrs ovate and °btufc- M '•
L“ AMENTA qumque-, aut fex, fnndo | STAMINA : five F ilaments inferred into the bottom
ealyes tnferta fubulata alba, calyce longiora | of the calyx, tapering, wh re longer that the
ant™ didymte ; Pollen album, globe | H H R | - double ; S w f e atd
fnLLT l ? !ItMEc h G B ™brum ! ! PiSTILLUM i^Germen fomewhat ovate, and of a red
M m m m ■ d“°> $ ■ ; ^ as & * —
MEN ovflMvm vt- . . t s t igm at a two, round. 2.
» « a c a r f c r * ""•rED « • -
S i S S S i e S K * — «*v”;,VTR
i'»hichit oneedd-|V0n °n the.Senlls Ltrmxi, this Is the’only one that has a perennial root, a chn-
—'We with h ! dddf?t PS irr‘“•f'lg’CeSjd a? bafP”e-=C.l etSh’ eyb efft,dee asl ftoh lhs airfl hhears tmo ath"ye pmeucuclhi atrhitaiens ,a nthye'o fle tahvee so athree rh Searfrti-clahraipae’sd hwfpfcs of np a" Sroypsoutof.the water, its ft.pulm more clofely furround the ftalk, which has gene’
kLW;i .y 1oyu ouun“ng5g*, ®aannXcdl 1rof1fT aa bbbruHiggJhhitt«eei.r^r mireidS y^’ r, ^ h a n°^f i wyb ioafh thaere f ppeecrifeesf trleyl atteerdm tion aitl, ; twhehfeen fipti kgeros wasr ei nm tohree wpyartae-r
fit wweedt tf l b^X ?Tntg Srows°0'1h1 Ta na<H^ da riSe Tl°6nrgee rd»i fpa°r®e h1 ere fhorter than the corolla* the'ftamb"
ft»thetra™Pof tf,SisaX T repernici0US’ Bttttefrea Fields, in' which this plant abounds, bear fufficient tefti-
p ” never e radintriX, ‘,T ’ T■ “ “ 'y c™p. but penetrate fo deep into the earth that they are
L ils~|j"~ “ iuo,ls,> K Itowcrs abun
Is. the feeds 0™which1lX ra>lly ”r arable ., a n d .“ fbm'."aKly i» a more local plant than many of the fame
r atone f • W .1C1 are eit“ er or introduced with manure.
Pi thofe w ho'whhX'T-“5 p" . laud> !t contributes highly to ornament pends, rivers, and pieces o f
Vicki, liu i“ ]"- “ c.l,ltl',ate " for thls PurP°fc need only plant the roots near the water's edge, the plants
| ” then way into the water, where they muft be fecured from water-fowl, who are fofid of its feeds!
ill wet feafonsd ’it „ t “ T P>j ' ° f tbe ^C'ds “i leldom flowcrs- but in certain (pots, where the water
s bl o*. ons’IC Howcis abundantly in September:
* This is by no means conftant.