/O Z
VINCA Lin. Gen. PI. Pentandria Monogynia.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 17 Herbje multisiliqu.® seu corniculat^e.
VINCA minor caulibus proeumbentibus, foliis lanceolatoovatis, floribus pedunculatis. Lin. S\ß. Vege-
tab. p. 209. ' Sp. PI. 304.
PERVINCA caulibus proeumbentibus, foliis ovato lanceolatis, petiolis unifloris. Haller, hiß. 572.
CLEMATIS daphnoides minor. B. Pin. 301.
VINCA PERVINCA minor. Ger. emac. 894.
VINCA PERVINCA vulgaris. Parkins. 380. Raii Syn. p. 268. Periwinkle.
fiudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 91. Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 147.
v erennis, repens* fibrofa. | RO O T perennial, creeping and fibrous. ^ ,
BI ES floriferi ereCti, fimplices, dodrantales, aut pe- | STALKS producing the flowers, are upright, Ample,
l " dales in fepibus etiam, vepris fuftentati ad t from nine inches to a foot in height, and fome-
altitudinem humanam quandoque evehuntur,
debiles, teretes, glabri, utrinque fulco obfo-
lete uotati, peraââ florefcentiâ humi repent.
I times in hedges fupported by the buJhes,
^ they are raifed to the height of fix feet, weak,
i round, fmooth, marked on each fide with a
I groove faintly imp refled, when out of bloom
j: creeping on the ground.
BIA oppofita, petiolata, petiolis foliis ipfis quadruple | LEAVES oppofite, ftanding on footftalks four times
■ brevioribus, fempervirentia, liguftrina, ovato- ^ Ihorter than the leaves themfelves, evergreen,
lanceolata, glabra, margine mtegerrima,nuda; ¥ fomewhat like thofe of Privet, oval, and
in caulibus floriferis lacti-us virentia. | pointed, finooth -and Ihining, the edge per-
| fe&ly entire, and naked, thofe on the flower-
I ing ftalks of the molt lively colour,
SjLiS FLORIFERÜS unicum aut duos flores, etiam | THE FLOWERING STALK produces one or two
plures aliquando producit, caeruleos, purpu- ? handfome flowers, fometimes more, of a blue
reosve, pulehellos, ocello :albo, ad plenitudinem | or purple colour, with a. white eye, and much
pronos. "/ $ dilpofed to be double. 03UNCULI uniflori, axillares, alterni, fubereCli, j FLOWER-STALKS fupporting one flower, axillary,
foliis duplo fere iongiores, teretes, glabri, pur- | alternate, nearly upright, almoft twice the
purafeentes. t length of the leaves, round, fmooth and fhin-
I ing.
4; Perianthium qumquepartitum, tub© co- | C A L YX : a Perianthium deeply divided into five
roll* triplo brevier, perfiftens, laciniis erec- i fegments, three times Ihorter than the corolla,
•tis, aeutis, glabris. fig. 1 | - permanent, the fegments upright, pointed
•% and Imooth. fig,' 1.
kOLLA monopetala, hypocrateriformis; Tubus in- f COROLLA monopetalous, falver-Ihaped ; Tube below
ferne cylindraceus, fopeme latior, lineis quin- |
que infculptus, ligidufos; externe nitidus, in- ?
terne villofus ; Limbus horizontalis, quinque- |
partitus, laciniis apici tubi adnatis, extror- |
fum latioribua, oblique truncatis. t
|\MINA: Filam-enta quinque, fereviffima, in-
flexa, retroflexa, foperne dilatata; Antheræ |
meoïbranaceæ, obtulâe, incurva?, pilofæ, mar- $
gine utrinque fariniferæ. fig. 9. 1 o.
cylindrical, above fpreading, having five
grooves, fomewhat rigid, externally Ihining,
internally villous; Limb horizontal, deeply
divided into five fegments, which appear to
grow to the top of the tube, externally
broadcli and cut off obliquely.
STAMINA : five F ilaments, very Ihort, bent in,
v and afterwards back again, dilated above;
A nther.® membranous, blunt, bent in, hairy,
0 .........4 JPB JP 7 producing its farina on each fide of the edge.
^TILLUM: Germina duo, f o b rotunda, comprefla | PISTILLUM: G ermina .two, roundilh, fomewhat
corpufculis duo bus ad iatera, nitidis, longitu- $ flattened at the fides by two Ihining corpufdine
germinum; Stylus obverfe conicus, |' cles of the length of the germina ; St y le
longitudine ftaminum; St igm a ta duo, in- $ inverfely conical, the length of the ftamina;
ferius orbiculatum, planum,- margine vifei- ? Stigmata two, the lowermoft orbicular,
dum, fuperius capitatum, pilofum, albifli- | flat, and clammy on the edge, the uppermoft
mum. fig. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 11. | forming a little tuft of very white hairs.
WHOEVER looks into the tube of this flower with any degree of attention, muff be ftruck with the wifdom
in the formation of the parts contained within it; in all the plants I have feen I do not recoiled any greater
Jnce of care taken to preferve the tender parts of the fructification, each Anthera is terminated by a membrane
Jch bends over at top, and the membranes of all the Anther* doling together, effectually feclude every thing
Jch might injure the parts of the fructification below them, diftinguilhed not lefs by the delicacy than the fin-
Inty of their ftruCture. The.filaments in their Ihape fomewhat referable a note of interrogation, the Anther*
■ peir nrutture^ are very fimilar to thofe of . the violet, and open inwardly in the fame manner : the ftyle which
■ poll flowers is broadeflr at top is here flendereft; they are two in number, but fo clofely united, that, without
Jsgniner, the divifion is fcarce to be perceived ; the ftigmata, according to Linnaeus, are two in number; it is
n / k however, that the lowermoft, which is flat with a glutinous edge, and which forms a kind of ring
1 V L CS’ H lllf- true ftigmji; the top is a little elevated above the ftigma, and appears like a round white
% which, when magnified, is found to confift of a number of hairs diverging from one center, in the microfi*
J * is a very pleafing fight; the ripe feed vefi'el of this plant I have not been able to difeover; they are moil
Ibly rarely produced. .
P - - ° f Periwinkle varies much in the colour of its bloffoms, which are fometimes purple, fometimes of
je ^ d o u r , and fometimes white; in the gardens it is alfo- fold with divers forts of variegated foliage and
5ftC^ 0j a ^le^er’^ hedge expofed to the morning fun, it flourilhes very much, efpecially if the foil be
1;,’ ‘n- a, a very pretty ornamental flower in the lpring months, nor is it fo fugacious as manv, but will
b ottom a month or fix weeks. . . 8
1 % n ^0UU<^ ^ivers places about London ; as yet, however, 1 have noticed it in one fpot
fiiuv If' l P I hedge of a field on the left hand fide of Lordlhip Lane near Dulwich, whefe it had every ap-
I 1'« Of being ln a wild ftatc. ' • ’ 1