SAXIFRAGA tinned Gen. PL Decandria D ig yn ia .
Cal. 5,-partitus. Cor. 5-petala. Cap/. 2*roftris, i-locularis_, poly-
Raii Syn. Gen. 24* Herbie Ten t a p e t a l s vasgulifer/e.
SAXIFRAGA tridattylites foliis caulinis cuneiformibus trifidis alternis, caule ere&o ramofo. tin*
Syft. Vegetab. p. 344. Sp. PL p. 578; FL Suede, p. 143:
SAXIFRAGA foliis petiolatis trilobatis caule erefto ramofo et foliofo. Haller Hiß. helv. p. 422*
n. 986.
SAXIFRAGA iridaäylites. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 237. -n. 500.
SEDUM tridaäylites te&orum. Bauhin Pin. 285.
PARONYCHIA rutaceo folio. ' Gerard emac. 624.
PARONYCHIA foliis incifis. Parkinjon 556.
SAXIFRAGA verna annua humilior. /. R. H. 252. Raii Syn. p. 354, Rue Witlow-grafs.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. lßg. ed. 2. 182,.
Lightfoot FL Scot. p. 224.
RDIX annua, fibrofa.
kuLIS plerumque rimus, ramofturisu, npciilailsi sg, laenrdefutluifse, rties rveesf, trituubse ur-t ut folia curn calycibus.
PLIA imduan it nbtiepgarrat,i tafu, btrroiptuanrtditaa, caauut lqinuain fqicuuetp aafrcteitna-, lfounbgciaorrniobfuas, croigmidpala, naptaiste nintifaid, enpteitai,o lfius prfeomliias lfaeftlaf lfiau,b ebriepfalart.ita aut fimplicia, ovato-lanceo-
$ ROOT annual and fibrous.
% STALK generally about three inches high, upright*
|f croouvnerde,d o (fa sa barlfigo htth ree;d l ecaovleosu ra,n bdr canalcyhxe)d waintdh | hairs having glands at their extremities.
f LEAVES : the bottom leaves entire and roundifli;
f thofe of the ftalk as they afcend, are deeply
divided into two, three, or five fegments,
$ fomewhat flelhy, rigid, and fpreading, fitting
f on flattened foot-ftalks longer than the leaves;
the uppermoft leaves feflile, divided into two
$ fegments, or entire, of an oval pointed Ihape,
and nearly upright.
/LORES albi, ere6li, parvi. f FLOWERS white, fmall, and upright.
lALYX: Perianthium monophyllum., quinque- CALYX: a Perianthium of one leaf, fhort, and
partitum, breve, laciniis ovato-acutis, fub- | divided into five fegments, which are oval,
erefitis, Jig. 1. • I pointed, and upright, fig. 1.
}OROLLA: Pet ala quinque exigua, laciniis calycis | COROLLA: five fmall Petal s, a little longer than
paulo longiora, ovata, obtufa, patentia, bafi |s the fegments of the calyx, oval, blunt, and
angufta, immaculata, fig. 2. f fpreading, narrowed at bottom, and fpotlefs,
% - M - 2.
|TAMINA: Fi l ament a decern, fubulata: A nthe- | STAMINA: ten Filaments, tapering towards the
RjE fubrotundje, flavae, Jig. 3. | „ top: A n th er s roundilh and yellow,Jig. 3.
r ? flSTILLUM : G ermen inferum, calyce obte&um, J PISTILLUM : G ermen placed below the calyx and
fubrotundum, definens in Stylos duos bre- | covered by it, of a roundilh Ihape, and terves:
Stigmata villofa,^-. 4. f minating in two Ihort St y l e s : the Stig-
| mata villous, Jig. 4.
fERICARPIUM : C apsula fubrotunda,' bilocularis, | SEED-VESSEL a roundilh Capsule of two cavities
biroftris, ore aperto, ovali, integro. | and two beaks, the mouth oval, open, and
pMlNA minima, nigricantia. * SEEDS very minute, of a blackilh brown co
IR eIn t otphse omf oonutrh ws aolfl sA. prIitl garonwd sM alafoy , otnh ihso uliftetsle, apnladn at mfuocncge erudbs btihlhe. Draba verna, and is no fmall ornament to
LRInt cvhaerdie sit ibne fciozme efrso, man odn teh eto m fioxr ei nncuhmese, roour se avreen tmheo rdei vinif iponasrt iocfu iltasr lfeiatuvaetsio: nosn : tthhee cloarngtrearr iyt, ginro iwtss ,f mthalel mftaotree, Pe ftalk is frequently Ample, and the leaves undivided.
Its medical virtues, if any, are not fufficient to preferve it in the prefent pra&ice.