CAUCALIS Lin. Gen. PL Pentandrïa Dig yn ia .
Cor. radiatæ ; difci mafculæ. . Petala inflexo-marginata. FruEbus fetis
hifpidus. Involucra integra.
Raii Syn. Gen. 11. Umbelliferæ Herbæ.
CAUCALIS arvenfis involucro univerfali monophyllo, umbella conferta, feminibus rotundato-
ovatis, foliolis ovato-lanceoïatis, pinnatifidis, ramis divaricatis. Hudf. Fl. Angl.
ed. 2. p. 113.
SCANDIX infefta femine exteriore hifpido, umbellulis confertiflimis hemifphæricis. Lin. Syfl. Vcf.
p. 237. Jacq. Fl. Aujir. t. 46.
CAUCALIS foliis duplicato-pinnatis, pinnulis longe confluentibus. Hall. Hiji. ,742.
CAUCALIS fegetum minor Anthrifco hifpido fimilis. Raii Syn. p. 20. FUJI. Pl. p. 468. Small
CAUCALIS pumila fegetum Goodyero.. Ger. emac.
blX annua, fufiformis, tenuis, fublignofa, al- jt ROOT annual, tapering, (lender, fomewhat woody,
bida. % and whitifh.
lULIS folitarius, femipedalis ad bipedalem, prope § STA LK (ingle, from half a foot to two feet high, dir
bafin in ramos patentes, longos divifus, pa- J vided near the bafe into long fpreading
rum flexuofus, teres, inferne glaber, fubru- | branches, a little crooked, round, fmooth
bens, fuperne fcabriufculus, ftriatus, vi- f below, and reddilh; above roughilh, (Iriated,
ridis. * ' and green.'
;L1A alterna, feffilia, remotiufcula, patentia, apice § LEAVES alternate, feffile, fomewhat remote, fpreadparum
deflexa, petiolata, pinnata, pilis mi- f
nutis albis utrinque hirfutula, fordide viridia, $
pleraque demum purpurea ; Foliola feu f
pinnae très, ad feptem, oppofitæ, circum- f
fcriptione ovatæ, aut ovato-lanceolatæ, ex- é
tima longiflima, pinnatifidæ, laciniis lanceo- f
latis, acutis : innmæ petiolatae, remotiores, |
ceteræ feffiles, fuperiores confluentes. f
TORES in umbellis, parvi, albi, inodori.
ing, turned down a little at the tip, (landing
oil footftalks, pinnated, covered on both (ides
with minute white hairs, whence (lightly hir-
fute, of a dull green colour, mod; of them
finally purple; the leaflets or pinnae from
three to feven, oppoute, ovate or ovato-
lanceolate, the outermoft very long, pinna-
tifid, the fegments lanceolate, pointed, the
■ lowermoft (landing on footftalks, and more
diftant than the others j the reft feflile, the
upper ones running together.
FLOWERS growing in umbels, fmall, white, and
sLYX: Umbella univerfalis, jnaequalis, radiis | C A L Y X : the univerfal Umbel, unequal, with from
tribus ad noVem. ■ § three to nine rays.
--------------- -partialis inaequalis, conferta, J -----------the partial Umbel, unequal, crowded, con-.
convexa, radiis pluribus, exterioribus quin- | vex, compofed of numerous'rays, the five
que longioribus. .. | outermpft of which are the longeft.
^OLUCRUM uniterfale fubmonophyllum, pie- | INVOLUCRUM: the general one, o f one leaf, more or * I
rumque nullum.
partiale foliolis fubquinis, linear!
fubulatis, apprefljs, hirfutulis, umbellulæ fere |
longitudine. |
lefs, mod commonly wanting
the partial one, compofed of about
five fmall leaves, very narrow and tapering,
appreft, (lightly hirfute, almoft the length of
, {. the fmall umbel.
^RIANTHIUM proprium, minutqm, quinqueden- I- PERIANTHIUM of each floret very fmall, with five
l ' tatum. | p i l l teeth.
jlROLLA univerfalis difformis, radiata ; flofculi% CO ROLLA: the univerfal Corolla mifhapen, ra-:
difci fepe abortivi. $ diated, the florets of the di(k often abortive. •
---- -propria hermaphrodita; Petalis quin- | ---- —------ -— the florets hermaphrodite, compofed of
que inflexo-cordatis, insequalibus, extimo f five Petals, inflexo-cordate, unequal, the
maximo, ceteris gradatirn diminutis, 1. Y outermoft very large, the • reft gradually
IdVTTMA r* . . . $ diminilhed in fize, Jig. i.
■ tamina: Filamenta quinque, capillar.ia; A n- | STAMINA: have five capillary Filaments, and
wtit t ttHER'E Parv®> purpurafcentes, 2. X fmall purplifh A nther^:, fig. 2.
| 11LLUM: Germen oblongum, inferum, hifpi- | PISTILLUM : G ermen oblong, below the corolla,
dum, pilis apice rubris, Jig. 3. St y l i duo, | hifpid, hairs red at the tips, fg . 3. Styles’
iubulati, patentes ; Stigmata duo, capi- | two, tapering, fpreading wide ; Stigmata 4- . | two, each forming a little head, f ig . 4.
| ovato-oblongus, ftriatus, fetis rigidis unci- J FRUIT ovato^-oblong, ftriated, exceedingly hifpid
L m A T hirpidiffirnus’ A°-- 5- ,f with (lifthooked bridles, fig. 5.
W "A duo, oblonga, hinc convexa, inde plana. | SEEDS two, oblong, convex on one fide, and flat
f pn the other,
manv°^e a?Jc*ent Lotanifts confounded this plant with the Caucalis Anthrifcus, which they might do with-
I 0Lgreat disparagement o f their difcernment: Mr. G oodyer, of Hampfhire, the friend of old G erard,
L n mentioned by him with refpefl, appears firft to have noticed it; R ay afterwards defcribes it with
fbred? The P^ant aPPears n ow to w e il known, Botanifts differ as to the genus to which it (hould be
f e S l i W ln his ?ypma Natures has confidered it as a Scandix, and Jagquin in his accurate and
«humble •• •ed ’ Baron Haller, on the contrary, ranks itas a Caucalis; and Mr. Hudson, in
|allowed ?pin.10n Wltlj great propriety, coincides with him in opinion ; for y t apprehend it will generally
\ drawn r ” 31 P S umbelliferous plants, a chara£ler taken from.the feed is more to be depended on than
Jight differQIi|; 1 lnvolucrum ^we have therefore taken Mr. Hudson’s fpecific defcription, but that we
jThetermPfn6,® poflible from L innaeus, we have changed the generic name only,
fhich itig^ ihaS been aPP!ied to this P,ant> .from its being a very common and bad weed in corn-fields,
Kt with 5 P0talt°gether confined, being fometimes found by the fides of hedges and among rubbi(h : we
here t0 o n fe|'?^ tly in Batter/ ea fields> where ( flowers from June to Augujl.— The feeds when ripe