R a NUNCÜLUS Ä r v ENSIS. Corn Crowfoot.
RANUNCULUS. Linn. Gen. PL P o l y a n d r ia Polygyn ia.
Cal. 5-phyllus. Pet-ala 5 intra ungues poro mellifero. Sem. nuda.
Rail Syn. Gen. 15. Herb as semine nudo polysperm/e.
RANUNCULUS feminibus aculeatis, foliis fuperioribus decompofitis linearibus. Linn. Syfl.
Veget. ed. 14. Murr. p. 518. FI. Suec. ed. 2. p. 197. Sp. PI. ed. 3. v. 1. p. 780.
Hudf. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 242. Light/. Scot. v. 1. p. 294. Scop. Carn. v. 1.
p. 400. ed. 2. 1'
RANUNCULUS feminibus aculeatis, foliis tripartitis, Iobis longe petiolatis, bi et tripartis, acute
incifis. Hall. Miß. n. 1 176.
RANUNCULUS arvenfis echinatus. Bauh. Pin. p. 17g. ,
RANUNCULUS arvorum. Park. Lh. 328. fig. 4. Crowfoote of the ploughed fields. Raii Syn. ed. 3,
^.248. Cora Crowfoot.
RANUNCULUS arvorum. Crowfoote of the fallowed field. Ger. Herb. p. 805. emac. p. 951. f 3.
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa. 1 ROOT annual, fimple, and fibrous.
CAULIS ere&us, pedalis et ultra, teretiufculus, hinc | STA LK upright, a foot or more in height, roundifh,
fubcornpreffus, inferne lasyis, fuperne hir- X flattened a little on one fide, Imooth below,
futulus, ramofiflimus, ramis ante florefcen- Q flightly hirfute above, very much branched,
tiam fubnutantibus. 6 branches nodding fomewhat before flowering.
FOLIA pleraque alterna, fupenora quasdam oppofita, a LEAVES moftly alternate, fome of the upper ones
fubpetiolata, vaginantia, tripartita, lacipiis tri- X; oppolite, fliort footftalk’d, Iheathing, tripar-
_ fidis,patentibus, lacinulis lanceolato-linearibus, X tite, the fegments trifid, fpreading, the fmaller
bi-trifidis, ac'utiufculis, bafi anguftatis; radica- § divifions lanceolato-linear, bifid or trifid,
lia petiolata, Iaciniislatioribus. § \ s fomewhat pointed and narrpwed at the bale;
a root leaves ftanding on long footftalks, feg-
A ments broader.
- h |
FLORES flavi, minores. f FLOWERS yellow, rather fmall than large.
PEDUNCULI Foliis oppofiti, iis paulo longiores,.patiflo- | FLOWER-STALKS oppofite to and fomewhat longer
ere6ti, teretes, pubefeenteSj folitarii, uniflori. X than" the leaves, betwixt upright and fpready
ing, round, downy, fingle and one-flowered.
CA L YX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis ovatis, | CALYX : a Perianthium of five fmall ovate leaves,
concavis, lutefcentibus, bafi albidis, deciduis, X concave, yellowifh, whitifh at the bafe, and
f S ‘ 1\ | deciduous, fig. 1.
CO ROLLA: Petala 5, obovata, intus nitida, extus f CO ROLLA: 5 Petals, inverfely ovate, gloffy within,
venofa, unguibus parvis, _/%. 2. A veiny without, claws fmall, fig. 2. , $
NECTARIUM .fovea in fingulo petalo fupra unguem, 9 N E C T A R Y : a fmall depreflion in each petal above
fquamula emargmata claufa, fig. 3. ^ the claw, covered, by a fmall emarginate fcale,
1 1 § !
STAMINA: Filamenta circiter 16, corolla dimidio
breviora; A ntherae ereflge, oblongae, ob- 1
tufas, didymas, petalis concolores,^ fig. 4, 5. 1
STAMINA: about 16 Filaments half the length
of the corolla; A n th e r s upright, oblong,
obtufe, double, the colour of the petal, fig. 4,5.
PISTILLUM . G ermina numerofa, in capitulum @ PISTILLUM: G ermina numerous, form in o- a fmall
f cplle6la; Stigmata recurva, fig. 6. 9 head; Stigmata bent back, fig. 6?
SEMINA fex ad 0Ö0, echihata, fig. 7. 1 SEEDS, about fix or eight, prickly, fig. 7.
O f the genus Ranunculus there are feveral fpecies which have prickly feeds, but no englilh one in which
they are fo confpicuoufly fo as in the prefent; what a difference in iize and form betwixt thefe and thofe o f the
Ranunculus fceleratus, plants evidently of the fame genus!
The Ranunculus arvenfis is a plant common to the corn-fields of raoft parts of Europe, but grows more
abundantly in fome foils than others; it flowers in May and June, and ripens its feeds in June and July. As
thefe readily vegetate where they are fpontaneoufly fcattered, this fpecies adds to the lift of the weeds of our
corn-fields, but not of the moft formidable kind.