edum album, White-flowered Stonecrop
qEDUM Linnai Gen. PI. Decandria PentagyNia.
Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 5-petala. Squama ne&ariferae 5, ad bafin germinis. Caps. 5.
Rail Syrt. Gen. 17. Herb.® multisiliqu® seu corniculat®.
SEDUM album foliis oblongis obtufis teretiufculis feffilibu» patentibus, cyma ramofa. Linn. Syß.
Vegetab. p. 359. Sp. Pl.p. 619. FI. Suecic. 153.
SEDUM caule, glabro, foliis teretibus; umbellis ramofis; floribus petiolatis. Haller, biß. heh. n. <)$<).
SEDUM album. Scopoli FI. Cam. p. 324.
SEDUM minus teretifolium album. Bauhin. p. 283.
SEDUM minus officinarum. Gerard, emac. 512. ,
VERMICULARIS five crafiula minor vulgaris. Parkinfion. 734. Ran Syn. 271. Hudfon. Fl. Angl. p. 171.
Oeder. FI. Dan. Icon. 66.
DlX perennis, fibrofa. I ROOT perennial and fibrous.
ULES flexuofe fuper muros repent, dein eriguntur, | STALKS creep on"the walls triunciales cireiter, foliofi, rubri. | grow upright, abouti nth rae ec rionochkeeds hfiogrhm, , letahfeyn, and red.
L1A feafdfimliao, doubmlo ncgoan feetr ftae,r ep caytelinntdiara, cceaar,n oofbat,u fgal,a nboran, f? LEAVESb ufet fftihlei,n loyb lopnlagc eadnd' oaillm othfte cyftlainlkd,r iclapl,r eoadbitnugfe,, fscpius rubicunda. | flefliy, fmooth, and generally of a reddilh colour.
fLORESCENTIA: Flores petiolati,.in Cy&iam ra-If INFLORESCENCE; Flowers Handing on foot-ftalks, ‘ mofam confertam difpoliti. | and difpofed in a thick-branched Cyma.
k?X: Peeianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis brevi-1 CALYX: a Peeianthium of five leaves, which are
bus, obtulis, jig. 1. | - : .fliort and obtufe, jig, i.
I . • ... . . *R0LLA: Pet a la quinque alba, acuminata, linea | COROLLA: five white Petals, acuminated and geme-
longitudinali rubra faepius notata, fig. 2. | rally marked with a longitudinal red ftreak, .
i ' fig- 2-
ECTARfiInUgMul i gGlaenrmduilnai sm, inima fquamiformis ad bafin f NECTARY a very minute fquamiform gland at the bafe fig. 6. | of each; of the Germina, fig. 6.
^AMINA: F ilamenta decern alba, Jig. 2, 3 ; A nt| STAMINA: ten white F ilaments, fig.^z, 3 ; A nther
® rubras. - ' | ther® deep red.
I»S TILLUM": Germina quinque, in Stylos totidem || PISTILLUM: five G ermina, term.i na' m fo many
acuminatos definentia; Stigmata fimplicia, | . acuminated Styles ; the Stigmata fimple,
fig- 4* 5- ' I ; ; A* 4» 5-
|RICARP1UM: Capsul® quinque minimse acurni-* SEED-VESSEL: five {mail acuminated Capsules
natae introrfum dehifcentes, fig. 7. I opening inwardly, fig. 7.
MINA parva, oblonga, fig. 8. $ SEEDS fmall and oblong, fig. 8.
gI Touht eT Soewdunm, paalbrutimcu mlaarlyy boen ctohnef iCdehraepde lw-witahl l uisn aKs ernattih/he-rT ao wfcna,r cweh pelraen itt ;h aits gisr ofwounn fdo rh meraen ya nyde artsh e; real foon u ptohne aW Waalllsl jVVt«htey lteof tr-ehcaonmd mfiedne dl eiatd aisn ga fgraormde Bnr pomlalneyt, taon Bdr iosm alcecyo-rHdainllg, liyn, Mwiidthd levfeexry. lIittt lhe ast robueebnle ,t hcouultgivhat tteod pionf fmefas nfyuf ofifc itehnet . jRrdaetiioisn o ift twheil lc ugrrioowus,, flnooutrhifihn,g amndo rep rboepiangga tnee citelHelafr yv etrhya fna fpt.lacing it in a pot filled with gravel or mould: in fuch a lPiwt ehrsa si nb eJeunl yc.a lleTdh aelb ruomu nfdro amn dt hoeb lcoonlgo ufhr aopfe i otsf iftlso wleearvse, sw rehaicdhil yg ednifetrinaglluyi,f thieosw iet vferro,m h aovuer ao ttihnegre S otofn reecdro ipns .them. It
[[tHnnael lhearem ionrfrohramgess ,u sb,u tth daote sit n pootf fineffioesr mal lu tsh we ivtihr tuwehsa ot ff uthcece flsa.r geB Hyo wufaeyle eokf, caantadp ltahfamt hite ihs aasp pulfieedd tthoe t hjuei cpeil eosf w ith einn IaI p aasi naf upli cfktalete., and is faid to have fometimes been made the fame ufe of in cancers with fuccefs. By fome it is