St e l l a r i a U l ig in o s a . B og S t i c h w o r t *
STELLARIA Lin. Gen. PI. Decan.dria T rigynià .
' Call:y, patens: Pétala 5 bipartita. Cap/, l-locularis, pôi
RaiiSyn. Gen. 24. Herbæ Pentapetalæ Vasculiferæ..
STELLARIA ulitgaibnso fcaa lfyocleii sb roevvaitoor-ilbaunsc.e olatis apice callöfis, ' flöribiis fubrp aniculatis IàternU1bÜ.UrcS» Pe"
STELLARIA graminea var. y: Lin,-JFl Sueçi n. 393..- Hud/. FI Afigl: ed.i. p. igd: ■
STELLARIA uliginofa.:Schreb. Spic.
ALSINE foliis ellipticis, acuminatis ; petalis bipartitis. Hall. Ehum. p: 385. ÈoeKrn Libf S
n- 374* Alfine foliis lanceolatis, petalis bipartitis; petiolis UnMoris. HalL Hijl'n. *881?
STELLARIA (hypericifolia) foliis ■ ovato-lanceolatis, integerrimis; pedunculis fólitariis- tJlË&a Prim. Hoi/., p..34. n. 364. Alfine Hyperici folio.. Vaihl. Par. p. 9. ’ -
STELLARIA./aquatica) foliis lanceolatis ; petalis bipartitis, calycem Iongitudine æquantihn, ' P o lh ch . Pal. p . 429.. n. 442. \ , ,■ \ ^ • UJ>*
STELLARIA (Dilleniana) foliis lanceolatis integerrimis, caule procilmbente. Leers Herb 'orn t im n. 331'. §1 ‘ 'l-'' ï ' ^ <■ I
ALSINE aquatica folio gratiolæ flore ftellato. Dill. Catal.Gifs. 38 et App. 39.
ALSINE aquatica media. Bank. Pin. 251..
ALSINE fontana. Tabern. icon. 712.
ALSÏNE Pro™.iens locis, J - Æ III. 365. R d i è / f 3 i1. Long-leav'd
ffiDIX annua, fibrillofa, terras arfte inhærens.
ftULESc upmlubreesn,t esp,a tlemtraargeso nai,d lapsevdesa,l etes,n udeisf,f uflfai,c ciddei-, difrupti filofi, par um ramofi.
pi! teanpuiicfefi mflio, rfifuerrciu. liformes, fparfi, nonnunquam pLIA olopnpgoafi, tad, ufaesf fitlrieaf, vceo nlinnaetaas, ulalttara, ffuebmfeucnucniadma, fcuilbiactoan, naivpeicneti af, uofcvoa toca-llalonfcae, oaladt al,a taecruat afu, bbrauf-i !1 flexa, tenera, lasvia, pallide viridia.
LORESp alravtie, raallebsi,, driaamroe trtoe rdmuianraulmes ,l inpeeadruunmc.ulati,
tDUNfCimULpIl iceexs aaxuiltl isc ofomlipoorfuimti,, fuotl itpalruiir,e bsi npie, dtiecrenlili, I emxi puonloli cpaeredsu andc uploo llciocmarmesu, nfui peegrrneed iiannctruarf,l aftei-, I dfluoaribguesr,i learnec&eio, latforu-féettiagceerii s,d emfleemxib, rabnraa&ceeiiss, • j albidis ad bafin et divifiones inftrudli.
il> ROOT, finely fibred, flicking flrongly to the
I STALKSl n nulemngetrho,u- sl,o offreolmy fap rheaandd, s-breadth to a foot cornered, fmooth, {lender,wdeeacku, mwbheennt b, rofokuenr-. >> BRANCHafEuSn dveer rfyt ri(nlegnyd,e ra, l{ithtloeo tb-rliaknec, hpedla.ced irregu- >> LEAVESl aorlpyp oonfi tthe,e ffteafllkil,e ,f oumneitteimd esa tf lobwotetroimno“- aatb toovpe. >> ihna lbfr aena ditnhc, hf rienq lueenngttlhy agnrdo wtwinog o rto t hroenee lifnidees foof tahse aftlamlko,f ta ntod btoeuncdhin ga tt othwea prdosi netasc, ho voathtoe-r v lbarnocweno laanted, pcaolilnotuesd, , tfurrinnegde d baatc tkh ea blaiftetl, et ipast | tchoel ofuidre.s, tender, fmooth, and of a pale green
| FLOWERfoSo tfltaatlekrsa,l ,f mfaellld, owmh ittee,r maibnoaul,t t(wlaon dliinnges oinn ^ . diameter.
fI FLOWEtRhe-S lTeaAvLesK, Sfi ngplryo,c eoerd iinng ftwroom’s thaen db otfhormese ’so,f > fimple or compound, feveral partial flower- j dftuanlkcsl e,p rhoaclefe adnin gin cfhro mto oann e inccohm inm olenn gpthe-, > tuhpicrikgehnte, dt hea bfrouviet-, betahrei n(glo owneers- bteuarrniendg doownens[
pwoairndtes,d , fumrneimfliberda nowuisth whtwitioft i vfelroyra lml eainvuetse > at the bafe and divifions. .
\ CALYX: a Perianthium of five leaves, permanent,
* ^ • Perianthium - perfiftens, pentaphyllum, 1
laciniis patentibus, lanceolatis, acutis, lasvi- !
bus, viridibus, triis ftriis obfolete lineatis, (
the fegments fpreading, lanceolate, ; plionienst efdai,n .tflmy oportohm, ignreenetn, ,f gm.a 1rk. ed with three* | COROLLA: five Petals (horter than the Calyx,ap-
i pCraolxyixm, aetxinpga,n dlyeidn gin oan f tathr-el ikfee gfmoremnt, sd oivfi dtehde r . wquiditee a ftuon dthere, .ibnavfeer,f eltyh oe vfaeteg manedn tws hfipter,e afidpi nog . £5> STAMINaAlt e:r ntaetne Fonilesa mfleionrttesf,t ; tapering, white,"the A n th er s nearly 1 round and yellowifti, fg . 3.
| PISTILLUM : G ermen roundifli, furrounded by five
I glands ; Styles three, very fine, and fpreadaM
j Jig. i.
jROLLA: Petala quinque, calyce breviora, ap- (
proximata, laciniis calycinis incumbentia, j
ftellatim expanfa, ad bafin ufque bipartita, i
laciniis divaricatis, obovatis, albis, fg . 2. !
j MINbAre; vFioirla;a mAent a io, fubulata, alba, alterna ' ntheræ fubrotundas, flavefcen- ■
Vi tes> ßg' 3-
j : Germen fubrotundum, glandulis ■
quinque cinftum ; Sty li tres, capillares, *
RlCAßmnteS’ Stigmata obtufa, alba, fg . 4. !
M S i lng; Stigmata obtufe and white, fa. 4. | SEED-VESSEL : an ovate Capsule, of one cavity
y and fix valves, fig. 5. .
| SEEDS numerous, minute, roundifii, flattened, wrink- } led, of a reddifh brown colour, fo-. Q.
PIUM : Capsula ovata, unilocularis, fex- Ï ■ a ptuBrim»a, -m’i nuta, fubrotunda, comprelfa, :1
! ' “gola, rufa, Jg. Q. ‘