Mi l i um e e fus um. Mi l l e t G ras s .
MILIUM Lin. Gen. PI. T riandria Digynia.
CaU 2-valvis, uniflorus : valvulis fubæqualibus. Corolla breviffima. Stigmata
RaiiSyn. Gen» 27. Herbæ graminifoliæ flore imperfècto culmiferæ.
MILIUM effufum floribus paniculatis difperfis muticis. Lin. Syß» Veget. p. 94. Sp. PI. p. 90. iFl.
Suée. n. 61.
MILIUM paniculis raris, longiffime petiolatis. Haller. Hiß. 1525.
GRAMEN fylvaticum, panicula miliacea fparfa. Baub. Pin. 8.
GRAMEN miliaceum, Lob. icon. 3. Ger. emac. 6. I. B. II. 462.
GRAMEN miliaceum vulgare. Park. 1153.' Rdii Syn. p. 402. Millet-grafs. Lightjoot Pl. Scot. p. 92.
■ RADIX perennis,, repens. | ROOT perennial, and creeping.
■ pULMl tenues, tres, quatuorve pedes alti, quatuor| STALKS Render, three or four feet high, commonly
communiter geniculis diftin&i, totidemque, f furniftied with four joints, and cloathed with
vel quinis foliis a geniculis oriundis, veftiti. | as many or five leaves, arifing from the joints.
■ FOLIA palmaria, fpithamaea, et pedalia, glabra, tenuia, $ LEAVES from four to feven inches or a foot in length,
et infirma, fubtiliffime per longitudinem ftriata, | fmooth, thin and weak, very finely ftriated
fupernS et inferna parte afpera, marginibusf . through their whole length, the upper and
etiam, fi deorfum ftringantur, afperis donatar| under fide as well as the edges rough if drawn
tres, quatuorve lineas lata, fenfim in acutum | backward through the hand, three or four lines
mucronem terminata. Vagina ftriatae, glabras, t in breadth, terminating gradually in a fine
ad internam foliorum bafin in membranulaml point. Sheath ftriated, fmooth, at the inner
tenuem, plerumque laciniatam terminate. J bafe of the leaf terminating in a membrane
| which is often jagged.
■ PANICULA palmaris, frequentius tamen fpithamasa, ? PANICLE four inches in length, but more frequently a
pedalis et longior quandoque, fuberedta, diffufa, | fpan, a foot, or more, nearly upright, fpreading
laxa. ' and loofe.
■ RAMI panicula;, capillares, flexuofi. iBRANCHES of the panicle very fine, and crooked.
■ CALYX: Gluma uni flora, bivalvis, acuminata, valvulis | C A L Y X : a Glume of one flower, and two valves,
aequalibus, lsevibus, ovatis, acutis. Jig. 1 .2 . % pointed, the valves equal, fmooth, ovate, and
| pointed, fig. r. 2.
jCOROLLA bivalvis, calyce minor: valvulse ovata;,f COROLLA compoied of two valves, fmaller than the
obtufiufculie, altera minore. fig. 3. 4. | calyx: the valves ovate, bluntifli, one fmaller
| than the other, fig. 3. 4.
■ STAMINA: Filament a tria, capillaria, corolla Ion- ¥ STAMINA : three F ilaments, very fine, longer than
giora. An th e r s primo oblongs, demum| the corolla. A n thers firft oblong, then
■ bifurcas, flavae. fig. 5. t forked at each end, of a yellow colour, fig, 5.
■ *ISTILLUM : Germen fubrotundum, viride, glabrum;|PISTILLUM : Germen roundiffi, green, fmooth.
St y l i duo reflexi, plumofi, albi. fig. 6. $ Sty les two, turned back, feathered and white.
I fig. 6.
■ S.EMEN unicum, te&um, fubrotundum, nitidum.^g-. 7. * SEED Angle, enclofed, roundilh, and fliining. fig. 7.
I The grafs here figured is the only one we have of the genus Milium. It is diftinguiftied from the Panics, to
■ which it has the greateft natural affinity, by having a calyx of two valves only: the height it ufually attains, the
particular fituation in which it is found, joined to the delicacy of its panicle, eminently diftinguilh it from all our
■ ther graces.
■ It abounds in many of the woods about town, particularly in Charlton Wood, and flowers in May with the Lily
§>f the Valley and Hare-bell.
■ It has a creeping root, and grows readily in a fhady fituation.