EPILOBIUM Linnçei Gen, PL Octandria Monogynia. .
Cal, 4-fidus. Petala 4. Capf. oblonga, inféra. Sem. pappofa.
RaiiSyn. Gern 21. Herbæ vasculiferæ flore tetrapetalo anomalæ. .
EPILOBIUM villqfum foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, dentatis, pubefcentibus, caule tereti villofo.
EPILOBIUM hirfutum foliis Ianceolatis ferratis fubdecurrentibus; inferioribus oppofitis, caule lub-
fimplici. Hudfon, Fl. Ang. ed. 2. p. 162.
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa hirfuta parvo flore. C. Bauhin. pin. 245. Prod. 116.
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa hirfuta flore minore. I. B. IL go6.
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa fylveftris hirfuta. Parkivfon. Raii Hiß. PL p. 861. Syn. ed. 3, ^. 311.
The lefler hairy codded Loofeftrife or Willow-herb, with fmall flowers.
Lightfoot, FI. Scot. p. 198. var. hirfut.
r^DIX perennis, fibrofa,
pLIS pedalis ad tripedalem, fimplex, aut ramofus \
pro loco natali, teres, villofus.
f ROOT perennial and fibrous.
i S T A LK from one to three feet high, fimple or branched
S)LIA oblongodanceolata, connata, non vero decur- |
rentia, rare dentata, dentibus glandulofis, \
mollia, pubefcentia, fubtus albida, patentia, i
in locis ficcioribus fæpe ere&a.
ULj parvi, purpurei.
?Xî Perianthium tetraphyllum, fuperum, fo- *
liolis ovato-lapceolatis, hirfutulis, Jig. i. ■
<)R0LLAî Petala quatuor, obcordata, calyce \
duplo fere iongiora, jig . 2,
jrAMINA; Filamenta o&o; fubulata, alterna bre- \
viora; A nthe^ æ ovales, comprêffæ, o b -<
3. I
1STILLÜM; Germen cylindraceum, longiflimum: <
Stylus filiformis: Stigma craflum, quadri- !:
fidum, laciniis vix vero revolutis, jig . 4. \
pICARPIUM: Çapsuxa prælonga, rubefcens. \
pINA plurima, pappo coronata. j
according to its place o f growth, round,
hoary, and purplilh.
\ LEAVES oblong and lanceolate, uniting at bottom
j around the ftalk, but not running down it,
teeth at the edge few and glandular, foft,
[ downy, underneath whitifh, fpreading, but
t in more dry fituations frequently upright.
| FLOWERS fmall and purple.
; C A L YX : a Perianthium of four leaves, placed
above the Germen, oval, pointed, and {lightly
hirfute, jig . 1.
i CO ROLLA: four Petals inverfely heart-fhaped, al-
• moft twice the length of the Calyx, jig . 2.
. STAMINA: eight Filaments, tapering, the four
alternate ones fhorteft: Anther a; oval,
flattened, and ojjtufe, jig , 3.
PISTILLUM: Germen cylindrical, very long: Style
filiform: Stigma thick, divided into four
fegments, which are fcarcely rolled back
A - 4-
SEED-VESSEL, a long Capsule, ofa reddilh colour.
! SEEDS numerous, covered with a pappus or down,,
[ n three refpe&s does this plant particularly, and invariably, differ from the hirfutum; of which, as hath before
oblerved, it is confidered by Linnaeus and other writers, as a variety only; viz. in its'blojfoms, root, and
* licence;■ either of which would appear alone fufficient to canftitute, it a diftinft fpecies.
U ,n tfie fir'ft place, are not in general more than one third as large; the root does not creep; and
Hand leaves are covered with numerous foft hairs, which give the whole plant a whitilh or hoary appear-*
|The bloffoms
? ftalk and lea____ ____,
p |Sj is particularly icitlarlxt flrilfinr.ftriking,
' .
leredfpp^6 c^ara^.ers’ f l i planUs alfo much fmaller; and, in general, is not fo much branched. I have ofte
p| high
|o| Mr.
Pecirnens of it not more than a foot in height, with a fimple ftalk; and have alfo frequently found it
tier, as well as much branched, when there was no reafon to fuppofe the plant had received any injury,
ljfe r Hudson aflerts is always the cafe, when the plant occurs in the latter ftate, The Calyx and Stigir
0 very materially in the two plants,
[ ls very common with us on the banks of rivulets, and in watery places; and flowers in July and Aqguft,
0 Particular qualifies are afcribed to it.