ALOPECURUS Linnoti Gen. PI. T riandria. D igynia ,
Cal. 2-valvis. Cor. i-valvis.
Rail Syn. Gen. 27. Herbie graminifoli.« flore imperfecto culmiFer /S*
ALOPECURUS myo/uroides fpica cylindrica longiflima, glumis glabrjs ; culmofubereßo. tiudfon
Fl. Angl. p. 23.
ALOPECURUS Agreßis culrao fpicato erefto, glumis Iaevibus. Lin. Syft. Vegetab. p. 93. Sp. PI. p , 8gt
ALOPECURUS culmo ere£to, fpicato, calyce ciliato. Haller hiß. helv. p. 249.
GRAMEN Typhoides fpica anguftiore. Bauhin Pin. 4.
GRAMEN cum cauda muris purpurafcente. I. Bauhin. 2. jfl. 473.
GRAMEN fpicatum, fpica cylindracea tenuiflima longiore. Scheuch. Gram. 69.
GRAMEN myo/uroides majus, fpica longiore, ariflis reöis. Rail Syn. p. 397. The greater Moufe-
tail Grafs.
GRAMEN alopecuroides fpica longa majus et minus. Parkinfon 1169.'
GRAMEN alopecuroides minus. Gerard emac. 10. Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 91. Schreber. Gram. 140.
19• fis* 2.
RADIX annua, fibrofa, fufca. $
CULMUS pedalis, ereßus, ball fiepe infra&us, $
rigidiufculus, teres, geniculatus.
FOLIA triuncialia, ad duas lineas lata, laevia, flriata, t
ball membrana obtula inftru&a, A
SPICA longa, tenuis, fubcylindracea, purpurafcens. $
SPICULE unifloras, ovato-acutaï, in fpicam imbrica- |
tim congeftae, externe convexulse, interne |
planae, ßg. 1. $
CALYX: G luma bivalvis, uniflora; valvulae fubae- $
quales, muticae, nervofae, baß annulo cintttz, f
fig- 3- . '• $
COROLLA univalvis, valvulä calyce paulo longiore, a
membranaceä, laevi, 4, Arifta recta, e ;f;
bafi valvulae exferta, fpicula duplo fere Ion- %
giore inftru&a, ßg. g. $
STAMINA: F ilament a tria, capillaria, ere£ta, f
valvulis calycinis duplolongiora: A n th er s f
oblongae, utrinque turcatae, ßg. 6. £*
PISTILLUM: G e rmen minimum, fig. 7 : Stylus f
brevis, bafi tumidus,j?g. 8: Stigm a ta duo, 1
fetacea villofa apice reflexa, ßg. 9. p
SEMEN unicum, minimum, fubrotunaum, corolla et $
calyce obveftitum, ßg. 10. |
RO OT annual, fibrous, and brown.
S T A LK a foot high, upright, often crooked at bottom,
ftifnlh, round, and jointed; the joints
fmooth and purple.
LEAVE S about three inches long and two lines broad
fmooth, ftriated, furniihed at bottom with
an obtufe membrane.
SPIKE long, flender, fomewhat cylindrical, and pur-
plilh. r
SPICUL JS uniflorous, o f a pointed oval (hape, lying
clofely one over another in a fpike, externally
roundifh, internally flat, fig. 1.
C A L YX : a G lume of two valves, containing one
flower; the valves nearly equal, not terminated
by any fhort Arifta, ftrongly rib’d, and
furrounded at bottom by a ring, Jig. 2, 3.
CO ROL LA o f one valve, the valve a little longer
than the calyx, membranous, and fmooth,
Jig. 4, furniihed with a ftraight Arifta, which
proceeds from the bafe of the valve, and is
nearly twice the length of the fpicula, Jig. 5.
S T AM IN A : three Filaments, very fine, upright,
twice the length of the valves of the calyx ;
A n th e r s oblong, and forked at each end
fig- &
PISTILLUM: G ermen very fmall, Jig. 7 ; Sty le
fhort, fwelled at bottom, jig. 8: St igm a ta
two, tapering, villous, bent back at top, fig. 9.
SEED one, very minute, enclofed by the corolla and
calyx, Jig. 10.
tifeful-pafture raft J ’ lu r eu LU «»s **v.uxluic, may De conuaerea ratner as a weed than as an
It is very common in cultivated ground ; and often abounds fo much in corn fields, as to be DreiudiVml.
among rubbiih, and on banks by the fides of fields, it is alfo frequently found ; but fcarce ever in meldows ‘ ’
i r “°™rs ear7 » and continues to bloflom till Autumn; and comes into bloom the quickell after
[ ‘own, of any grafs that I have hitherto noticed. M r DelnS
P o im \ Ä f r i{hed f r0rV , he ° ther fPeciesr of f i m % § » by its long flender fpike, which tapers to a
> fnilSS d h [?mV efembIa,I?ce to a moufes tail, whence J. B a u h i n e ’s and Mr. H u d s o n ’s names This
fSmpf- ge?era,17 ,of f i PurPll{h colour, at leaft on that fide which is moft expofed to the fun ■ ’thouo-h
i n g e S 5 ^ e-Wfhole ^ a p p e a r s of a whitilh colour. The form of the fpike, and its place of growth, w§?
! reconrU !’ m °U! thlS fp-ec,es plainty enouSh* But lf thefe ßould he found deficient, the ftudent mav have
T Ü S anpulus or ring, which furrounds the bafe of each fpicula, vid. fig. q. ^
nave found this fpecies effected with the difeafe called Ergot, defcribed under the Flote Fefcue Grafs