S O te <
Ly c h n i s F l o s C u c u l i . M e a d o w L y c h n i s .
LYCHNIS Linncei Gen. PI, Decandria Pentagynia.
Rail Synopßs Gen. 24. Herbas pentapetalas vasculiferAs.
LYCHNIS Flos Cuculi petalis quadrifidis fru&u fubrotundo. Lin. Syß. Vegetal, p. 361. Sp. PI. 625.
LYCHNIS petalis quadrifidis. Haller. hiß. v. 1. n. 921.
CARYOPYLLUS pratenfis, laciniato flore fimplici, five Flos Cuculi; Baukin. pin. 210;
LYCHNIS plumaria fylveftris fimplex. Parkinf. Parad. 253.
ARMERIUS pratenfis mas et fcemina. Gerard. Emac. 60o.
Raii Synop. ed. 3. 338. Hudfon. Fl.Angl. 174. Oèder. Flor. Dan. tab. 590. Scopoli.
FI. Carniol. ed. 2. p. 311.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, ex albido-fufca, faporis | ROOT perennial, fibrous, fubacris. <j> and fomewhat bitinogf ata bftreo.w nfifh white colour
1AULIS lapteudsa, liasr taidc utrlaiptueds,a lgeemn,i ceureli& utusm, fiudlic, atfoca-abnriguuf-- |x STALK wfrhoamt aonngeu ltaor tahnrede g rfoeeotv hedig, hjo, inutperdig, htht,e fjooimnets- cuius, purpurafcens. | fwelled, roughilh, and of a purpliffi colour.
|0LIA cnaautlais, , fuobpepreo&fiata, , laceovnian. ata, lavn ceolata, cari- |% LEAVESt hoe f tmhied rfitba lkp roopmpionfeitnet, uconndnerantee,a tlha,n cueporliagthet, X and fmooth.
jEDUNCULI oppofiti, plerumque unico intermedio. $ PEDUNCLES oppofite, one generally intermediate.
|ALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, tubulatum ] quinquedentatum, decangulatum, purpu- <
reum, perfiftens, Jig. 1. | 0ROLLA P j et a l a quinque, unguis longitudine |
calycis, Jig. 2. Limbus quadrifidus, laciniis <
exterionbus brevioribus, et anguftioribus, j
Jig. 4. ad bafin limbi laminæ dùæ ereftæ, \
acutæ, Jig. 3. . j
STAMINA : Filamenta decern, fubulata, quorum
quinque breviora, Jig. 5. brevioribus ungui
petalorum affixis, fig. 6. Antheræ ob- <
longæ, biloculares, fig. 7. incumbentes, pur- \
purafcentes. ' <
fcSTILLUM' Germen fubovatum, fig. 8. Styli \
quinque, fubulati, fubincurvatij^g. io. Stig- (
mata fimplicia, fig. 10. <
KRICARPIUM Capsula ovata, unilocularis,. ore
quinquedentato, déntibus rèfièxis, fig. 9.
CALYX a Peri anthium of one leaf, tubular, quin-
quedentate, having ten angles, or ridges, and
of a deep purple colour.
COROLLA: five petals, the claw the length of the
calyx, fig. 2. the Limb divided into four
lacmias, the exterior fhorteft and narroweft,
Jig. 4. at the bottom of the limb are placed
* two fmall upright laminae, fig 3. ,
| STAMINA: ten Filaments, tapering, five long and
t five fhort, fig. 5. the (hotter filaments affixed | to the claw of each petal, fig. 6. the Anl
th er a oblong, b i l o c u l a r ,7. laying acrofs
| the filaments, and of a purpliffi hue.
PISTILLUM: the Germen fomewhat oval, fig. 8.
five Styles tapering and bending a little in-
v ward, _^r. 10. Stigmata Ample, Ag-. 10.
.~"' ' \ $ SEED-VESSEL: a Capsule, oval, of one cavity,
f the mouth having five teeth which turn back, l fiS-9- ■'
PMINAc innuemreeor-ofufafc, a,f ufibgc.o m11p, re1f2la. , fcabriufcula, ex ^J SEEDS anluhm' ceorloouusr,, ffigla.t t1if1h,, 1ro2.ugh, and of a brown
■PgAg vedar iRetoyb ionf, n&acm. eMs ehaadtho wb eLeync hgnivise, nh otow etvheisr , pfleaenmt,s taos uMs tehaed omwo ftP einlikg,i bCleu. ckIotw a bFoluonwdesr i,n Wmiolidf t Wmeialldiaomwss], ■Bejrreo piot ufnlodewde: rsg oinat sM, afyn eeapn,d aJnudn eh,o rafneds, isa rien cfaluidd etod faemedo nognf t itt.h e Tghreea tu fneu mtob werh oicfh with icish aopuprl imede afdeoewm s htaoy bies wB>«alcye omr ntahme egnatradle; ntsh eo fb ethauet ycu orifo iutss, flwowheerres jiut ftilsy f reenqtuitelnestl yi tf o(uwnidth w mitahn ay doothuebrl en eflgolwefetre,d mBarkitiinfgh aP blaenatust)i futol ■■ gpaetaerda neciet,h earn db yr efqeuedir'si nogr l itftlliep ms; orteh ec afreee idns itms acyu ltbuere /,o uthnadn troi pbee mpl atcheed ilnat tae rm eonifdt foitfu Jautinoen,: bity mthaey (bidee sp roo-f ■* dQi eWs lthw hRe dreo uthbele m(loowweerr’,s afncdyt.fhoem heatsim neost wreiathc hae dw hthiteem o.n e W; beu fto tmhiest iims easl tfoingde tthheer Macecaiddoewnt aLl.y chnis growing0
«I | agreement between the blowing of flowers, and the periodical return of birds of paflage, has been
■leifid VlKl fe1^0V at.i bmnS tW^eC reea r^efSt raegaet s.c onBfeeqfoureen cteh ei nr eptuorinnt ionfg thoeu t fedaaftoends wtimase se xfoa&r ltyh ea fpcuerrtpaoinfeesd. obf ya garfitcrounltoumrey ,• 1 > >n many a cottage, the birds of paflage and their correfponding flowers aflift in regulating
1 M The Jhort and fimple annals of the poor?
pwerS rea^on’ no we have feveral other plants that, in different places, go by the name of Cuckow
I t K C a r d a m i n e pratenfis (Common Ladies Smock) is the true Cuckow Flower. Sh a k fiere’s BCW U°S arC " 3"r110"’ ^ue*” By fome the Orchis, Arum, and Wood-Sorrel, are all called after the
'Si iii