R antago L anceolata.
P l a n t a i n , or
Narrow - L eaved
R i b w o r t .
p l a n t a g o
Linncei Geft. PI. T e trand ria Mo nogynia.
Cal. 4-fidas. Cor. 4-fida: limbo reflexo. Stamina longiflirna»
Capf. 2-locularis, circumfcilfa.
Raii Syn. Gen.'22. Herb.« vasculiferas, flore t e tr a p e t alo anomal.e .
lanceolata foliis lanceolatis, fpica fubovata nuda, fcapo angulato. Lin. Syjl. Vegetab.
lanceolatis quinquenerviis, fcapo nudo, fpica ovata. Haller hijl. n. 6g6.
lanceolata. Scopoli FI. Carniol. p. 108. n. 163.
angufti folia major. Bauhin Pin. 189.
quinquenervia. Gerard, emac. 422.
quinquenervia major. Parkinfon 495. Raii Syn. p. 314. Ribwort or Ribwort-
Plantain. Hudjon FI. Angl. p. 52. Oeder FI. Dan. icon. 437.
RADIX perennis, fufca, fibris multis inftru&a, per ^
ætatem præmorfa. $
KOLIA longe petiolata, bafi purpurea, lanuginofa, ^
lanceolata, quoad latitudmem infigniter va- $
riantia, quinquenervia, rariter dentata, hir- ^
futula, erefifa, nonnunquam vero patentia.
■ CAPUS foliis longior, fimplex, fulcato-angulofus, <)
L fubtortuofus, ere6lus. I
■ PICÆ ovato-oblongæ, nigricantes. Q
RRACTÆA fingulo flofculo impofita, ovato-acumi- $
nata, concava, fig. 1. <>
pALYX : Perianthium triphyllum, foliolis inæqua- $
libus, duo lateraliacymbiformia, acuta, 'fig. 3 ; 0
dbrfale ovatum, obtufum, emarginatum, li- Î
neis duabus viridibus notatum, jig. 2. $
KOROLLA rrionopetala, tubulofa, membranacea, |
cylindraceo-globöfa, limbus quadripartitus, $
laciniis ovato-acutis, patentibus, dempto ^
calyce reflexis, jig. 4. ^
IT AMIN A: Filamenta quatuor longiflima : A n- |
I theræ albidas aut flavefcentes, Jig. A- ®
pSTILLUM: G ermen ovatum: Stylus filiformis, |
ftaminibus dimidio breviof.: Stigma fim- v
plex, fig. 6. ■ ; I
RERICARPIUM : C apsula ovata, bilocularis, cir- <>
cumfcifla, diflepimento jibero, fig. 7, 8. , |
^pMINA düo, oblonga, nitida, fuccinei coloris, hinc Q
cönvexa inde concaya, jig. 9,, 10, 11. |
RO OT perennial, of a brown colour, furnifhed with
numerous fibres, when grown old appearing
as if bitten off.
LEAVES Handing on long foot-ftalks, purple and
woolly at bottom, lanceolate, varying remarkably
in their breadth, having five ribs,
and a few teeth at the edges, fomewhat hairy, .
upright, but fometimes Threading.
FLOWERING-STALK longer than the leaves;
fimple, angular, and grooved, {lightly twilled
and upright.
SPIKES o f an oval oblong (hape, and blackifh colour.
BR ACTEA or floral leaf, placed under each flofcule,
oval-pointed, and concave, fig. i. ,
C A L YX : a Perianthium of three unequal leaves,
the two fide ones boat-fhaped and pointed,
jig. 3 ; the back leaf oval, obtufe, emargi-
nate, fig. 2, and marked with two green lines.
CO ROL LA monopetalous, tubular, membranous, of
a form betwixt globular and cylindrical; the
limb quadripartite; the fegments o f an oval
pointed fhape, and fpreading, on the removal
of the calyx turning back, jig. 4.
STAMINA: four very longFiLAMENTs: A n t h e r s .
white or yellowifh, jig. 5.
PISTILLUM: G ermen oval: Sty le filiform, half
the length of the ftamina : Stigma fimple,
/ . J f e 6-
SEED-VESSEL : an oval Capsule o f two cavities,
dividing horizontally in the middle, the difle-
pimentum or partition loofe, fig. 7, 8.
SEEDS two, oblong, Alining, of an amber colour,
convex on one fide and concave on the
other, jig. 9, 10, 11.
it ^ne.Farmers in general confider this fpecies of Plantain as a favourite food of fheep, and other cattle;
■ pee it is frequently recommended in the laying down o f meadow and pafture land ; and the feed is for that
Rurpofe kept in the {hops. How far the predileftion of cattle for this herb is founded in truth we cannot at
IlM-nt del,e?'mine; .nor :IS we pretend to fay how far it is ceconomical (fuppofing the fa£l to be fo) to
■ iDltitute this plant in the room of others which produce a much greater crop, and which they {hew no
■ peiiion to. We fhould be rather inclined to think, that Plantain (or Rib-Grajs, as it is called) ftiould be
Ht, Ipanngly made ufe of, particularly if the Farmer’s chief aim be a crop.
RtLc ^Cn I ! ! ^ ,nta^n grows among pafturage, its leaves are drawn up to a confiderable height: but when
■ L' Cui s ln a dry and barren foil, they are Ihorter, broader, and more fpread on the ground ; and fometimes
m*y aitume a filvery hue.
M p grows fpontaneoufly by the fides of roads, and in dry paftures ; flowering early in the fummer.