rjJJCUS Sylvaticus. Great HaIry Wood-Rush.
jUNCUS Lin. Gen. PI. H e x a n d r ia M o n o g y n iä .
Cal. 6-phyllus. Cor. o. Capf. l-locularis.
Rcdi Syn. Gen. 27. Herb.« graminifolias flore imperfecto culmiferas.
JUNCUS Jylvaticus foliis planis pilofis, corymbo decompofito, floribus fafcicülatis fefillibtiS,
Hudfon FI. Angt. p. 151.
JUNCUS foliis planis hirfutis, floribus paniculatis, fafcicülatis. Haller hiß. n. 1324.
GRAMEN iiemorofum hirfutüm Iatifolium majus; Scheuch. Agroß. p. 317. C. B. Pin. 7.
GRAMEN nemorofum hirfutum latifoliurii maximum. Raii Syn. p. 4.16. The greateft Broad-
leaved hairy Wood-Grafs.
GRÄMEN luzulae maximum, j . B. II. 493. Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 180.
luthors have contributed not a little to miflead ftudents, by defcribing this fpecies o f Juncus, as uncom-
9y large and fcarce, and it is probable that Mr. R ay would not have confidered it as a fpecies, had he
y accident met with fome very luxuriant fpecimens of .it; in certain fituations it doubtlefs may be found
*' rge, and tall, but it more ufually occurs with a Italic a little more than a foot high ; of fome plants
‘«mg in my garden, clofe to each other, in a moift, but not very fhady fituation, the comparative height
Jhe Juncus campejlris, pilofus, and Jylvaticus, was as follows, campejiris 9 inches, pilojus 11, and fylva-
115, the account of its being a fcarce plant is Hill more erroneous, as there is nardly a wood in the
Ibourhood of London, nor as far as we have obferved in any part of the kingdom, in which they do not
for plentifully together; they do fo at leaft in Bilhop’s-Wood, Hampftead, which is near the fpot where
|Ray defcribes his plant as growing.
y LiNNifEUS this plant is confidered as a variety only of the pilofus: Mr. Hudson and Baron H aller,
‘ining it with more attention than L inn-«us, make a diftinO; fpecies of it, and give fuch a defcription of
cannot fail to make it known.
6 the chara&ers given in their fynonyms above quoted, we may add that the leaves are not only much
Her, and more concave, but more Iharply pointed than t-hofe of the pilofus, that it flowers three weeks
[month later, and that when the flowering is,over, the.flower-ftalks o f the pilofus are more reflexed or
iilous than thofe of the Jylvaticus.
ins fpecies flowers in May, or earlier , if the feafon be a mild one. •