I ordeum Mu r i num. Wa l l -Ba r l e y ,
HORDEUM L in n . G en . P I . T riandBia DigYnia.
Cal. lateralis, bivalvis, uniflorus, temus.
R a i l Syn. Gen. 27. Herbæ oraminifoliæ, ïlo r eAmperBe c îo cülmi^ê r à .
HORDEUM m u rin um flofculis lateralibus mafculis ariftatis, involucris intermediis ciliatis. L in n . S y ß , ,
Vegetab. fi. 108. S p . P l . f i . 12 6 . ^ .5 7^ .7 1 .1 13 .
HORDEUM fpicis craffis, longe ariftatis, calycinis glumis ariftatis. H a lle r H iß . n . 1536.
HORDEUM mu rin um Scopoli F l. Carn . n . 1241.
ÔRAMEN hordeaceum minus et vulgare. B a u h . P in . 8.
HORDEUM fpurium vulgare. P arkin fon 1147.
GRAMEN fecalinum et fecale fylveftre. Ge r. emac. 73. R a ii Syn. fi. 391. Wild Rie or Rie-Grafs,
Wall-Barley, Way-Bennet. H u d / b n F l .A n g l .e d .2 . f i .^ 6 . Ligfitfoot FL. S c o t .f i. 108. *1
RADIX annua, fibrofa, albida vel fubfufca.
I mLMI plures, pedales et fefquipedales, fubereêti, fo-
f liofi, bafi procumbentes, infraéli, geniculati,
geniculis majufculis, pallidioribus.
[îOLIA palmaria in quibufdam etiam fex uncias Ionga,
■ diras vel tres lineas lata, fubglauca, molli pube
1 veftita, bafi appendiculis duabus albis* acu-
minatis, amplexicaulibus- inftru&a; membra-
na breviflima, obtula ; vagina vix pubefcens.
®CÆ palmares, et ultra, parum nutantes, pallide
virentes, comprefîæ, fpicis hordei diftichi
; haud abfimiles.
CALYX: Involucrum hexaphyllum, triflorum, fo-
liolis fetaceis, acuminatis, ariftis corollæ bre-
vioribus, fcabris, duobus intermediis bafi la-
tioribus, ciliatis, f ig . 1.
pïiOS intermedius hermaphrodituS, latérales mafculi,
omnibus magnitudine et forma finiilibus,^^. 2.
Flos HermaphrocL.
COROLLA bivalvis, valvula exterior oblongo-ovata,
f acuminata, obfolete trinervis, lævis, definens
in ariftam biuncialem fcabram,^^. 4. valvula
interior lanceolata, plana, medio fulcata,
apiceemarginato-truncata,^g-.3. ad bafin ex-
teriorem hujus valvulæ exfertur arifta refta X
longitudine filamentorum, jig s 8. ô
ifCTARIUM: Glümul Æd uæ, acuminatæ, ad bafin y
l germinis, jig . 7. ' §
^B\.MINA: Filamènta tria, capillaria, glumis co- s
rollæ multo breviora. A ntheræ parvæ, e 1
|P flavo virefcentes, jig . 5. ÿ
^■ TILLUM: G ermen ovatum, pubefcens. St y li a
duo, reflexi, villofi, jig. 6. $
ROOT annual, fibrous, whitifh, or ofabrownilh colour,
STA LK S numerous, a foot or a foot and a half high,
nearly upright, leafy, procumbent at the bafe,
and crooked or broken, jointed, the joints
rather large and paler than the ftalk.
1 LEAVES a hands-breadth, or in fome even fix inches
; in length, and two or three lines broad, fome-
what glaucous, and covered with a foft down,
furnilhed at the bafe with two fmall, white,
pointed appendages, which embrate the ftalk;
membrane very fhort and obtufe; jh ea th
fcarcely downy.
1 SPIKES a hand’s-breadth or more in length, drooping
a little, of a pale green colour, flat, and not
unlike thofe of common barley.
[ C A L YX : an Involucrum of fix leaves, containing -
three flowers, the leaves running out to a long
briftly point, Ihorter than the beards of the
corolla, the two intermediate ones broader at
the bale than the others, and edged with
hairs, fig. 1.
1 FLOWER in the middle hermaphrodite, the fide ones
males, all alike in fize and Ihape, jig . 2.
Hermaphrodite Flower.
COROLLA of two valves, .the outer valve oblong-
ovate, with a long point, faintly three-ribbed,
fmooth, terminating in a beard or awn, which
is rough to the touch, jig . 4. the inner valve
lanceolate, flat, with a groove, truncated at
top, and flightly emarginate, fig. 3. at the
outer bafe of this valve arifes a ftraight awn
the length of the filaments, jig . 8.
N E C T A R Y : two long-pointed, little G lumes, at the
bafe of the germen, jig . 7.
STAMINA: three capillary Filaments, much Ihorter
than the glumes of the corolla. A n th er s
fmall, of a yellowilh green colour, fig. 5.
PISTILLUM: G ermen ovate, downy. Styles two,
reflexed, and villous, jig'. 6 .
H|me of the grafles are noxious to the hulbandman in one way, and fome in another. We have been
^informed, on the mod refpe&able authority, that in the Ifle of Thanet this grafs is well known to the innT
1 T nfrS' •W*10 Ca** si Squirrel- Fail Grafs ; and find, that if horfes feed' on it for fome time, the beards or awns
^phe fpikes ftick into their gums, and$make them fo fore, that they are in danger of being ftarved. The
llpleman, who related to me this faft, informed me,.that on the road he had a bill put into his hand, fignifying,
Mt at fuch an inn travellers might depend on having good hay for their cattle, without any mixture of
iSquinel-Tail Grafs'. r . . & & /
[Jr. 's chiefly on the edges of paths, at the bottoms of walls, and on the borders of fields, that we°find this
k°’X'r M ^ra^s ’ anc^ *n ^uc-h fituations it is extremely common in the neighbourhood of London. Fortunately
JjjJ 6 aom Pr never found in the body of paftures and meadows, and confequently it rarely occurs in our
^Kontinues to flower and prbduce feed during the greateft part of the fummer.
■ ar.e carefully to diftinguifh it from the Ho rdeumpratenfe. of Mr. Hudson, which L inn3sus, contrary
tKlf.0?lmon Ray. V a illant, Haller, and other refpe&able Botanifts, confiders only as a variety of
Ul1 prelent fpecies.