a uû s f/w a /tti
A doni s a u t u m n a l i s . P h e a s a n t s-e y e .
ADONIS Llnneei Gen. PI. Polyandria PolygyniAo
Cal. 5-phyllus. Pelala quinis plura abfque nectario, Sem, nuda.
RaiiSyn.Gen. 15. Herb® semine nudo polyspermæ.
ADONIS autumnalis floribus odtopetalis, frudtibus fubcylindricis. Linnoei Syjl. Vegetab. p. 427. Sp,
PI- p- 771-
ADONIS radice annua, flore odtopetalo. Haller hijl. n. 1158.
ADONIS autumnalis. Scopoli Flor. Carniol. n. 677.
ADONIS hortenfis, flore minore atrorubente. Bauhin Pin. 178.
FLOS ADONIS Parkinfon Parad. 293.
FLOS ADONIS flore rubro. Gerard emac. 387. Raii Syn. 251, Adonis Flower, Red Maithes.
Hudfon F l. Angl. ed. 2. p. 239. *
RADIX annua, craffitie digiti minimi, fufiformis, | ROOT annual, the thicknefs of the little finger, ta-
paucis fibrillis, inftrudta. ‘ | pering, furnifhed with few fibres.
STALK about a foot high, upright, fomewhat angular,
hollow, purplifh, hoary, branched quite
to the bottom.
BRANCHES numerous, placed irregularly on the ftalk,
which they refemble, upright, and generally
taller than the ftalk producing .the firft flower,
LEAVES alternate, of a yellowifh green colour; the
• lower ones {landing on foot-ftalks; the upper
ones feflile, pinnated; the pinna; divided into
numerous capillary fegments, pointed, and
fbining on the under fide..
C A L Y X : a Perianthium of five leaves, which are
fomewhat oval, obtufe, .unequal, hollow,
purple, deciduous, Ihorter than the corolla,
the tips appearing as if bitten, jig . 1. 2.
COROLLA : eight Pe t a l s , feldom more, oftener
• fewer, unequal, inverfely heart-fhaped, fear-
let, the tip irregularly notched, the bottom
internally black, externally greenifh, jig . 3, 4.
S TAM IN A : F ilaments numerous, about forty,
thread-ihaped, and white : Anther.® oval,
obtufe, bending inward, flattened, of a black-
ifh purple colour: Pollen of a faffron colour,
fig- 5-
COROLLA : Petalo odto, raro plura, fiepe pauciora, :
inasqualia, obcordata, coccinea, apice erofa, ;
bafi interne nigra, externe viridante,^-. 3, 4_ ■
PISTILLUM: Germina numerous, upright, col-
I ledted one over another into a fhort head,
fomewhat conical: Stigm a ta pointed, the
| points turned back, jig . 6, 7.
4 SEEDS fomewhat angular, pointed, with • a kind of
* • network wrinkled appearance.
CAULIS pedalis, ere&us, fubangulatus, fiftulofus,
purpurafeens, villofus, ad bafin ufque rarno-
RAMI plurimi, fparfi, cauli fimiles, eredti, caulem
primo fiorentern plerumque fUperantes.
FOLIA alterna, e flavo viridia, infima petiolata, fu-
prema feflilia, pinnata, pinnis multifidis, ca-
pillaribus, acutis, fubtus nitidis.
CA L YX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis fub-
ovatis, obtufis, insequalibus, concavis, purpu-
reis, deciduis, corolla brevioribus, apicibus
dentato-erofis, jig . 1 ,2 .
STAMINA: F ilamenta plurima, quadraginta cir-
citer, filiformia, albâ; A nther® ovatæ, ob-
tufæ, incurvatæ, compreflæ, atropurpureæ :
Pollen croCeum, fg . 5.
TH E Pheafants-eye has a peculiar claim to an' infertion in the Flora Londinenjis, as it is one of thofe plants
which are annually cried about our ftreets, under the name of red Morocco : it may neverthelefs be doubted,
whether it has not originally been conveyed from the garden to the dungheap, and from thence become
an ornamental annual weed in many of the corn-fields in Kent, and other Counties adjacent to London, in which
it feems as much at home, as the Ranunculus arvenjis, or Corn Crowfoot.
'There is no plant more variable in its Petals, both with relpedt to number and fize ; they therefore form
a bad fpecific charadter.
It flowers in May, and the feed is ripe in June; hence there appears an évident impropriety in calling,
this fpecies autumnalis : it will moft probably be found, that the autumnalis and oejlivalis are the fame.
In the gardens, (where it is common,) it ufually flowers through great part of the Summer.