(yuzrut'/ncu/xj Aeder,
Ranunculus Hederaceus. Ivy-Leaved Crowfoot.
RANUNCULUS Lin. Gen. PL Polyand ria Po l yg yn ia .
Cal. g-phyllus. Petala 5 intra ungues poro mellifero. Sent. nuda.
Raii Syn. Gcn. 15 . H e r b æ Semine n u d o polyspermæ.
RANUNCULUS hederaceus foliis fubrotundis trilobis integerrimis, caule repente. Lin. Syft. Vegetal?,
ft. 431. Sftec. PL ft. 781.
RANUNCULUS aquaticus hederaceus luteus. Bank. Pin. 180.
RANUNCULUS hederaceus rivulorum fe extendens, atra macula notatus. I. B. ÎII. 782. -
RANUNCULI aquatilis varietas altera. Ger. emac. 830.
RANUNCULUS hederaceus aquaticus. Park. 1216.
RANUNCULUS aquatilis hederaceus albus. Raii. Syn. p. 249. Hudfon Fl. AngL ft. 243. Lightfoot
FL Scot. ft. 294. Oeder Fl. Dan. ic. 21g.
RADICES plurimi, fimplices, albidi, in limum pro-
.funde demiffi.
CAULES plurimi, teretes, folidi, geniculati, crafliuf-
culi, repentes, late diffûfi.
FOLIA petiolata, plerumque quinquelobata, fubcar-
nofa, nitida, avenia.
PETIOLI ad bafin vaginâ magna, membranacea, in- <
ftru&i. , <
PEDUNCULI axillares, petiolis breviores, uniflori, <
primo ereâi, peraââ florefcentiâ verfus ter- \
ram recurvati. <
FLORES parvi, albi.
CA L YX : Perianthium pentaphyllum, foliolis
ovatis, margine membranaceis, flavefcenti-
bus, fig. 1.
CO ROL LA : Pet al a quinque, alba, oblonga, obtu-
liufcula, calyce longiora, fig. 2.
NECTARIUM : Porus nudus prope bafin cujufvis
petali, Jtg.3. <i
STAMINA: Filament a quinque ad decem. A n- \
TtiERyE oblongas, flavae, Jig. 4. <
SEMINA plurima, obtufa, Jig. 5. in capitula fubro-
tunda, viciae vulgaris magnitudine fere, denfe
^ ROOTS numerous, Ample, whitifli, penetrating deeply
| into the mud.
| STA LK S numerous, round, folid, jointed, thickifh,
b creeping, fpreading wide.
k LEAVES Handing -on foot-ftalks, generally divided
^ into five lobes, fomewhat flelhy, Alining, and
y veinlefs.
• LEAF-STALKS at the bafe furnilhed with a large
*■ membranous {heath.
■ F LOWER-STALKS proceeding from the alas o f the
leaves Ihorter than the leaf-ftalks, fupporting
v one bloflom, at firft upright, after the flower-
| ing is over, turned back towards the ground.
FLOWERS fmall and white.
| C A L YX : a Perianthium of five leaves, which are
0 ovate, membranous and yellowifh at the
edges, 1.
| CO R O L LA : five white Petals of an oblong fliape,
a fomewhat obtufe, and larger than the calyx,
| fig- 2-
| N E C T A R Y : a naked Pore at the bafe of each petal,
1 fig- 3*
STAM INA : Filaments from five to ten. A n-
xherjE oblong and yellow, Jig.4.
<> SEEDS numerous, blunt, Jig. 5. crouded together in
roundifh heads, about the fize of the com-
0 mon tare.
Neither L innaeus, Ha ller, nor Scopoli, mention this plant in their refpeftive Floras. O eder figures
it in the Flora Danica: the plant he gives us appears as if it had grown in water of fome depth : with us
it is raoft commonly found fpreading widely on the mud of flow (hallow rivulets, especially where the foil
is fandy.
It flowers during mod o f the fummer months.
We fometimes meet with the leaves having a dark fpot in the middle of each, and in fome fituations the
blolfoms are much larger than in others.