Glaucium C o r n ic ulatum . R ed H o r n e d -Poppy.
CHELIDONIUM. Linn, Gen, P I Polyandria Monögynia.
Cor, 4-petaIa. Gal. 2-phyllus. Siliqua l-locularis, linearis.
Pan Syn. Gen, 22. Herbæ vafculiferæ flore tetrapetalo anomalæ.
CHELIDONIUM eornkulatum pedunculis linifloris, foliis feffilibus pinna tifidis, caule hifpido Linn
Syfl- leg. e i; 14. Murr. p, 48g. Sp, P I ei, 3. p. 724. H uif. F l Angl. ei. 2. p. 229.’
GLAUCIUM hirfutum flore phcêniceó» • Tourru Inß. 254.
PAPAVER corniculatum phoêniceum hirfutum. Baufa Pin, 371.
PAPAVER corniculatum rubrum. Bod. Pempi, 449*
PAPAVER cornutum phceniceo flore. Cluf, Hiß: 2. p; xci.
PAPAVER cprnntnm f lW . A 294. f . 2. emoe, 367. ƒ 2. Red-horned Poppey.
RADIX annua* fufiformis, parum fibrofa, flavet (
cens. ■ ' .
CAULIS pedalis ad fefquipedalem, erefliufculus, $
tejes, leviter fulcatus, pilis longis diftantibus Î
hifpidus, pallide virens, ramOfusj rami cauli a
, fimiles, divaricato-patuli. |
FOLIA candicantia, radicalia in orbem polita, erèc- y
ti u feu la, petiolata, cætera feffilia, femiam- §
plexantia, alterna, remota, lînuato-pinna- ï
tifida, utrinque pilis uti çaulis hifpida; f
laciniæ in radicalibus alternas; extirnæ con- JC
fluentes, in fuperioribus caulinjs oppofitæ, â
dentatæ, dentibus obtufîufculis, mucronatis, §
nunc remotis, nunc apprùximatis, ad apices f
plerumque ternis. # |
FLORES folitarii, magni, rübro-crocei, erefli, caduci. @ft
PEDUNCULI terminales, foliis oppofiti, breves, ad \
' apices dilatati, 'cauli fimiles. . §
CALYX: Perianthium pedunculo brevius, diphyl- f
lum, hirfutiffimum, foliolis ovato-obloncris, X
concavis, caducis.
COROLLA: Pet al a 4, fubrotunda, inæquaîia, bafi ft
anguftiora, plana, margine erofo-crenata, ad y>
bann macula oblonga nigra notata, fig. 1. Q
STAMINA : Filamenta 15 circiter, planiiifcula, f
corolla breviora : A ntheræ oblongæ, ob- Sf
tufæ, eompreflæ, ere&æ, ' didymæ, °pallide A
. aurantiâcæ, ^ -. 2. a
PISTILLUM: G ermen cylindraceum, fericeo-tomen- f
tofum, longitudine ftaminum ; Stylus nullus; f
Stigma capitatum, craflum, bifidum, viride, § fig. Q. ’ Q
PERICARPIUM: Siliqua cylindracea, ftri6la, fub- f
compréffa, uncias circiter 8 longa, pilis ft
appreflis fcabriufcula, ftigmate bilabiato 0
terminata, bi val vis. . |
SEMINA pi u rima, nigricantia, fubrèniformia, pulchre I
reticulata, diffepimento fpongiofo nidulantia. f
ROOT annual, fpindle-fhaped, fligiitly fibrous, yel-
lowifh. - 1
STA LK a foot or a foot , and a half in height,
fomewhat upright, round, (lightly grooved
covered with long diifant hairs, of a pale
green colour, branched, branches' like the
ftalk, fjpreading widely. '
LEAVES whitiih, thole next the root placed circularly,
fomewhat upright, (landing on foot-
Hall«, the reft feffile, . half embracing the
• ftalk, alternate, remote, finuated and pin-
natifid, covered on both fides with hairs as
on the ftalk, the fegments in the root-leaves •
alternate, the outermoft ones confluent, in
the upper ftalk leaves oppofite, toothed,
teeth fomewhat obtufe, terminating in a fhort
point, fometimes remote, fometimes near each
other, the tops having ufually three.
FLOWERS growing fmgly, large, bright red, inclining
to orange, upright, quickly falling.
FLOWER-STALKS terminal, oppofite the leaves
fhort, dilated at top, like the ftalk.
CA L YX : a Perianthium fhorter than the flower-
ftalk, two leaved, very hairy, leaves ovato-
oblong, quickly falling.
CO ROLLA: 4 Petals, roundifh, unequal in fize,
narrower at the bale, the edge notched or
knawed, the bale marked with an oblong,
black fpot, fig, 1, •
STAMINA : about fifteen Filaments, a little flattened,
fhorter than the corolla; A n th er s
oblong, obtufe, flattened, ereft, double, of
■ a pale orange colour, fig. 2,
PISTILLUM: G erman cylindrical, covered with a
filky down, length o f the {lamina - S t y l e
none; S t igm a forming a head, thick, bifid
and green, Jig. q.
SEED-VESSEL: a cylindrical Pod, ftraight, fomewhat
flattened, about 8 inches long, rou<diifh,
with hairs preffed to it, terminated by the
two-lip’d ftigma, having two valves.
SEEDS numerous, blackifh, fomewhat kidney-fhaped,
beautifully reticulated, nettling in the fpongy
bv i f n l c V r / B° taniftSTregarded H f l i p p y =>* a Papaver: T o u r n e po r t made it a diftinfl „enus
HA°LE»r A n .i» L h h !t, 0USht ? ! m0ft celel?rat,ed 'yfematfc Botanifts of modern times- in p f r tic u C
r • !> A danson, J ussieu, and Scopoli ; the latter obferves, that if the fruit is not to be attended m i ’
forming the generic charaHer, neither (hould the Poppy be feparated from the'Celandine. - “
This ornamental fpecies, diflinguilhed bv the.colour of its flowers its general rono-hnef. ,
^Norfolk“ lfk Y S ° me difc°VT d bY Mr-.STILI-™>^aET in the Tandy com-lellb''of fom^mrte
w Norfolk is a well-known european plant, growing wild in corn-fields bv road fides in Smin P j
r JT and “ d « p e - ■ «feed in AuguR cG m u s o b f e ^ f Z " ' a f th eV an t
glows old it becomes fmoother, and a fmooth variety of it is mentioned by C. B auhine. P
A ® ? o n ^ e| M 5 f t - w h i c h the foil is light and the fituation dry, it will come up