Poa R e t r o f l e x a . R e f l e x e d M e a d o w - G r a s s .
POA Lin, Gen. PL T riand ria D ig yn ia .
Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Spicula ovata: valvulis margine fcariofis acutiufculis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 2 j. Herbie g ramin ifoli.« flore imperfecto culmiferas.
POA retroflexa panicula diffufa, ramis poft florefcentiam retroflexis, fpiculis fublinearibus fubquin-
POA dijlans panicula ramis fubdivifis, floribus quinquefloris: flofculis diftantibus obtufis, Lin.
Syft. Vegetab. p. 115. f
AIRA aquatica var B. Hudfon FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 34.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa.
CULMI plures, fpithamæi, pedales, aut fefquipedales, $
obliqui, foliofi, inferne fubinfraßi, teretes, |
laeves. f
[FOLIA glauca, lævia, acuta, radicalia fubconvoluta, |
caulina plana, ereßo-patentia ; Ligula brevis, <*
obtufa, fubtruncata, iubinde bifida ; Vagina |
lævis. $
' .. 1 . . • . . 4 [FLORES paniculati, panicula palmaris aut fefquipe- $
dalis, difiufa, ramis inæqualibus, ramöfis, f
fubflexuofis, tandem ad bafin pertumidis et $
retro porreßis, inferioribus fubquinis. $
[SPICULÆ fublineares, fubquinquefloræ,nonnunquam |
penitus virides, at fæpius albo et purpureo $
pulchre variegatae, fig. 1, 2, 3. f
tCALYX: Gluma bi'valvis, valvulis ovatis, obtufisf, ^
concavis, inæqualibus, altero Huplo breviore, f
fig. 4. auß. I
(COROLLA: bivalvis, valvulis fubaequalibus, exte- %
riore majore, concava, obtufiufcula, fig. 5, $
interiore plerumque bifida, ad lentem utrin- |
que ciliata, fig. 6.
[STAMINA: Filam en ta tria, capillaria; A ntheræ f
parvæ, luteæ, fig. 7. I
PISTILLUM: G ermen obovatum, fig. 8 ; St y l i ^
duo, patentes, ad bafin ufque ramofi, fig. g. |
[NECTARIUM : Glumulce duæ, ovato-acutæ, ad I
bafin germinis, fig. 10.
11 exhibet fpiculam fpeciminis ficcati in qua I
flofculi remotiores.et fubtruncati.
ROOT perennial, and fibrous.
STA LK S feveral, afpan, a foot or a foot and a half
in length, obliqué, leafy, (lightly elbowed
below, round and fmooth.
LEAVES glaucous, fmooth, pointed, radical leaves
fomewhat rolled up, (talk-leaves flat, betwixt
upright and fpreading ; Membrane (hort,
oDtufe, fomewhat truncated, now and then
bifid ; Sheath fmooth.
FLOWERS growing in a panicle, a hand’s breadth or
half a foot in length, fpreading, the branches
unequal, ramified, fomewhat crooked, finally
much fwelled at the bafe, and ftretched out
backwards, the lowermoft about five in
SPICULÆ fomewhat linear, containing five flowers,
more or lefs, fometimes entirely green, but
more often, prettily variegated with white
and purple, fig. 1, 2, 3. ,
CA L YX : a Glume of two valves, the valves ovate,
obtufe, hollow, unequal, one of them not
more than half the length of the other, fig. 4.
CO RO L LA : compofed o f two valves, the valves
nearly equal, the outer one largeft, concave,
a little blunt, fig. 5, the inner one ufually
bifid, and, if magnified, edged on each fide
with hairs, fig. 6.
STAMINA: three capillary Filaments ; A ntheræ
fmall and yellow, fig. 7.
PISTILLUM: G ermen inverefely ovate, fig. 8:
Styles two, fpreading, branched down to
the bottom, fig. 9.
NECTARY : compofed of two fmall Glumes, ovate
and pointed, at the bafe of the germen, fig. 10.
Fig. 11 exhibits the fpicula of a dried fpecimen, iri
which the flowers are further apart, and appear
fomewhat truncated at top.