FRAGARIA Lin. Gen. PL I cosandria Polygynia.
Cal. io. fidus. Petala 5. Receptaculum feminum ova-
tum, baccatum, deciduum.
Raii Byn. Gen. 25. Herbæ semine nudo polyspermæ.
FRAGARIA ßerilis caule decumbente, ramis floriferis Iaxis. Lin. Syfl. vegeiab. p. 396. Sp. PI. 709.
FRAGARIA caule proftrato, foliis ternatis retufis {ericeis. Haller, biß. kelv. 1113.
FRAGARIA ßerilis. Bauh. pin. 327.
FRAGARIA minime vefca. Park. 758.
FRAGARIA minime vefca feu Iterilis, Ger. emac. 998.
FRAGARIA non fragifera, vel non vefca. J. B. 2. 395. Raii Syn. ed. 3. p. 254.
Hudfon Fl, Angl. ed. 2. p. 222. Lightfoot Fl. Scot. p. 288.
RADIX perennis, nigricans, fublignofa.
CAULES plurimi, Ipithamæi, procumbentes, craffi,
fuffruticofi, caftanei, ftipulis hirfutis teâi.
FOLIA e furculis annotinis prodeunt, ternata, obovata,
ferrata, pilofa, fericea, fubtus albida, petio-
lis valde pilofis.
STIPULE radicales, plurimae, ovato acuminatae, mem-
PEDUNCULI plurimi, afcendentes, teretes, piloli,
biflori, braCtea trifoliata inftruCti.
FLORES albi, parvi.
CALYX: Perianthium monophyllum, planum, fe-
midecemfidum, fig. 3, ex laciniis, quinque
ovato acuminata lunt inter petala, petalis paulo
longiora, quinque lanceolata, petalis paulo
breviora, omnibus pilofis. fig. 1.
ROLLA: Pe t al a quinque, alba, parva, fubro-
tunda, patentia, remota, calyci inferta.
STAMINA : F il am en t a viginta circiter, in orbem
pofita, fubulata, alba, primum, inflexa, de-
mum ereCta, corolla breviora; A nthers
flav®, biloculares, fig. 4. 5.
PISTILLUM: Germina numerofa, minima; in ca-
pitulum collegia, fubreniformia; St y l i fim-
plices, lateri germinis inferti; Stigmata
fimplicia. fig. 7, 8, 9.
RECEPTACULUM fioris intra germina et filamenta
glandulofum leu pulpofum, villofum, minia-
tum; frublus intra germina pilofum. fig. 6.
SEMINA plurima, exfucca, in capitulum colle&a, e
flavo fufca, appendiculo fubvillofo,^. 10.11.
RO OT perennial, blackilh and' woody.
STALKS numerous, fix of feven inches in length, procumbent,
thick, fomewhat Ihrubby, of a
chefnut colour, and covered with hairy fti-
LEAVES grow out of the laft years Ihoots, three tof
ether, inverfely oval, fawed at the edges,
airy, filky, whitilh underneath, Handing on
footftalks which are very hairy,
ST IPU LE next the root, numerous, oval and pointed,
of a membranous texture.
FLOWER-STALKS numerous, afcending, round,
hairy, fupporting two flowers, and furnilhed
-with a three-leav’d bra&ea.
FLOWERS white and fmall
C A L Y X : a Perianthium of one leaf, flat, divided
half way down into ten fegments, fig. 3. of
thofe, five which are betwixt the petals are ,
oval, with a long point, lomewhat longer
than the petals fig. 1. five lanceolate, a little
fhorter than the petals, and all of them hairy.
fig- !•
CO R O L LA : five, white, fmall, roundilh, fpreading
Petals, remote from each other, and fixed
to the calyx, fig. 2.
STAMINA : about twenty F ilaments, placed-in a
circle, tapering, white, at firfl bending in-?
wards, afterwards upright, Ihorter than the
corolla; Anther.® yellow, having two cavities.
fig. 4. 5.
PISTILLUM: Germina numerous, minute, forming
a little head, fomewhat kidney-lhaped;
Styles fimple, inferted into the fide of the
germen; St igm a ta fimple, fig. 7, 8, o.
; RECEPTACLE of the fiower betwixt' the germina
and filaments glandular or pulpy, villous and
of a fcarlet colour, of the fruit betwixt the
; germina hairy, fig. 6.
: SEEDS numerous, pulplefs, forming a little head, of
■ a yellowilh brown colour, with an appen-
> dage to each fomewhat villous, fig. 10. 11.
THE name of Sterilis by which this fpecies of Strawbery is diftinguilhed, has not been given it becaufe
the plant does not produce perfect feed, but becaufe it affords no eatable fruit; its leaves point it out as a Straw-
berry, but its fructification has a greater affinity with the Potentilla, betwixt which genus and the Strawberry
this plant indeed feems'to be the link'.
In all the woods about London, as alfo on fome heaths, we find it in bloflbro as early as March, and in June
1 ripens its feed.