S p o t t e d -S t a l k ’d P e r s ic a r ia .
PERSICARIA maculofa procumbens foliis fubtus incanis. Rail Syn. 146.ailtera minus lasto proveniens. eadem eft 1planta Polo
uch then is the difference, which, from repeated examinations, I have been able to difcover betwixt the ■Uf~, obnuumt Pise rfujibcajerfiat aton dm tohere P Venafryielvtiaens ictuhman ina niyts omfo ollu cro omthmeorn ftate ; in this (late however it does not always n, I make the following, having found them all about Perjicarias : without any defire of multiplying: London: 6
1 Polygonum Penfylvanicum. var. caule et Jloribus rubris. 2 ................................................ caule maculato.
3................................................. foliis fubtus incanis.
■»- ifti iifnt °efv ethryo fTe evfpaerifett ieexsc iesp vtienrgy iotfst ecno lfoouurn, dt hwei tfhta ltkhse tarunde ffploewcieerss obne idnugn grehdil,l sb, uats n aolftofo i nb eCaourtni-ffuilellyd sb, riagnhdt hole of the Polygonum Perjicaria. x y 6
laiteio nfse,c oanndd voafrteienttyim heesr ew iftihg utrheed , which indeed comes near to a diftinft fpecies, grows much in the fame large ditch on the right-hand fiPdoel yogfo nthume rPoeardj icbaertwiae einn tthhee ednidtc ohef s about St. George’s-Fields, particularly s very common m the month of Blackman-Street and Newington, where red, a chata&er which it keeps vSeepryte mcobnerf.t anItlty ,n obtu to nitlsy fdpiifkfeerss afrroem m tuhceh oftlheenrd ienr erh,a vrainthge irt sm ftoarlek ffop oetvteedn ibi et hfoofeo?t -oftfa ltkh eo fP tehreji claeraivae, s oisf rae mreadr kcaoblloyu rr,o ubugth n; otth eq uliittetl efo g blarnigdhst oans tthheo ffeo oot-ff ttahlakts' polfa tnhte: flothwee rus,n daenrd ftihdee *» soifn t hteh ef rruicchti fficoailt iaobno avree mfimenitlaior nteod ,t hiotf eis ofufl lt haes tlraureg ef paesc itehse, Pbeuntf ythlvea nfeiceudms airtfee flfm; ablluetr :w hwehne nit tghrios wvsa riine tya eirreanlltyfphial sa intsd lfeiatuvaetsi ownh, itaes ounn dtehren ewaathte, rya npda rtws illo fc eBrtlaacinklhye abthe atnadk ePne ckfhoar mth-Re ye, it becomes much fmaller njivey examined: its fpotted ftalk, and the roughnefs of the foot-ftalks ofP otlhyeg olneuamve sP,e rwjicilal,r ihao wife vneor t' lily difcover'it. *
rh•sej twhihrde rev atrhiee tyfo, ilw iist hn oleta vveersy h roicahry, aonnd t hise oubnvdieoru ffliyd ee, niso ufgohu nddi fhtienrgeu ifahnedd .there in corn-fields and other
fIcvf,iedretsy t h°e*f eII Pft rgikroinugn dv aroinet iwesh, icith isi t fgurbojweas,, liakned allilk eo ththeer plants, to vary in fize according to the richnefs "yt and lometimes not. Polygonum Perjicaria, its leaves are fometimes
ffc“de f™cri™ptivioe nasc,c otuhnet ,o wbficllu, ripteyr hwahpisc,h ahpaps ehairt hteerdtoio udsw ealnt do nu ntihnitse rdeifflfiincugl tt oG feonmuse, ; (hiafl,l hino wfoemveer debgyr eteh ebfee jnjv™ed, ia nrd w tohuel dr nooadt, ohof wmevveefrt,i gwatiiiohn h imma dtoe teaakfeie ru ptoon tthreu fty owuhnagt iBs ohteanreif ta,d vI a(nhcaelld ,t hbinukt tmo y etximame inuefe feualclyh lpalnigd hitts oienv ethrael fpuabrtj'esf ft.or himfelf; thus he will become improved, and be able, perhaps, to throw a hill
p Smpoaurlrdo wca raenfdu lloyt hweer efdm tahlle mbi rdfrso mar eh ivs edryu nfgohnidll s.of the feeds of this fpecies and its varieties: but the