Men y an t he s t r i f o l î a t a . B u ckb e a n .
MENYANTHES Lin. G en. PI. Pentandria Monogynia.
Corolla hirfuta. Stigma 2-fidum. .Capfi i-locularis.'
Rdn Syn. Gen. 18. H er bæ fructu sicco singdeaki, fcore monopjstalo.
MENYANTHES tn/i/iaia foliis ternatis. Lin.'Syfi. Vegetal). p. 164. Sp. PI. 208. Fl. Suce, b
Jfl. Lappon.p. 50» • '
MENYANTHES foliisternaçis. Haller Hiß. n. 633.
MENYAXTHES trifolîata, Scppoli Fl. Cam. n. 2I2) .
TRIFOLIUM paluflre. Bauh. Pin. 327.
TRIFOLIUM paludofum. Gir. emac: 1194. Pariinf.. I21L. ’
TRIFOLIUM ƒ Germanorum. Rail Syn. p.. 283. Mgrih-Trefoil, Bubkbeans.-
Budfin Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 8j. Ligbtfiot Fl. Scot. p. 137. Oeder FI. Ban. 341.' -
JRADIX perennis, repens, lofcgâ, geniculata, fibrofa. 1
■ PAULIS procumbens, variæ longitudinis pro rationed
loci, vaginis tedtus. J
» 0 L IA petiolata, tern ata, ovata, obtufa, utrinque gla-1
. bra, vérjofa, margine repanda. |
ROOT perennial, creeping, long, jointed and fibrous.
STALK procumbent, various in its lengthy according
to its fituation, covered by the (heaths of the
| '[}. .■ leaves.
LEAVES landing on foot-dalks, growing three together,
ovate, obtufe, fmooth on both (ides,
veiny, the edge waVed or Terpentine.
LEAF-STALKS round, driated, forming a (heath at
• the bottom.
SCAPUS, or flowering dem, Ample, naked; arifing from
the (heaths of the leaves, upright, round,
fmooth, longer than the leaves.
THYRSUS terminal, fomewhat pyramidal, naked.
FLORAL-LEAVES ovate, fomewhat pointed and hoi*
.... low-.,
C A L YX : a P e r i a n t h iu m o f one leaf, de eply divided
in to' five fe gments, a t '' b ottom w r in k ly , th e
- fegments u p right, ob long , obtufe, fmo o th ,
and coloured on th e edge . fig. i.
COROLLA monopetalous, betwixt bell and funnel-
(haped, externally of a rofe colour, internally
white; Tube thick, longer than the calyx,
having five grooves ; Limb divided into five
fegments, which are narrow and pointed,
(preading and turned back, bearded on the in-
fide, the tips naked, beard the length of the
calyx, thready and white, fig. 2.
STAMINA: five F ilaments, tapering, white, growing
to the tube of the corolla ; A n t h e r as
purplilh, arrow-lhaped, the tips bending in ;
Pollen yellow, fig. 3.
PIST1LLUM : Germen ovate, green, (hining ; Style
cylindrical, above a little thickened, twice the
length of the (lamina ; Stigma compofed of
two lips, green and villous, fig. 4.
K ‘n h'S„tin?e th‘S P‘ant " as generally called by the name of MarJb-tnfiil, and fome.
■ “ pouncl word Boo A, generally known by the name of Buckbean, whether this be a corruption of the
I EngliJh word wl fh’ n“ ° f °W Dufch B °-X hoc cft Ph‘,fmI“m hircinum, or whethe/it beau ori-
'; but there is o^no-nr° f i ' f e n° df cr,mmeb 1( b? ng a P°int on which the learned themfelves are not
B one of the moft h. point m which_ all who have feen the Buckbean in perfeSion will at once agree, viz. that
can b° aft. nor does it fuffer when compared with“ ffie Kalmia's,
■ > much pains wh,c,h. are Purchafed “ an extravagant price, and kept up
I f ' r f without anv treble hi mh" thlsddicate native, which might be procured without any expence, and cu t
H * trouble, qlouoms unfeen, and wades its beauty in the defart air.
^oggy mhadT Si 1 1 1 1 1 fiT i‘h I P°nds and lakes- and may he found in
I r -V m the marfliTR oK v . ^ bj U r- ahundred y ards dlftant from the Red Houfe towards Che/fed, alfo plenti-
■ " - S ' l K ‘n?nd of * . where7 in greater plenty than in the
i May and June.
JETIOLI teretes, ftriati, bafi vaginatL
BCAPUS (implex, nudus, e vaginis foliorum natus, erec- ;
tus, teres, glaber, foliis longior. . j
terihinalis, fubpyramidalis, nudus.
MRACTEÆ bvatæ, acutiufculæ, concavæ.'
M?AL\X : Perianthium monophyllum, quinque par- ;
titum, bafi rugofum, laciniis eredtis, oblongis, j
obfufis, lævibus, margine coloratis. fig. 1. :
■ »ROLLA monopetala, campanulato-infundibulifor- :
nils, extus rofea, intus alba ; Tubus craflus, ;
çalyce longior, quinque-fulcatus ; Limbus quin- :
que-partitus, laciniis ovato-lanceolatis, acuti- ;
ufeulis, reflexo-patentibus, intus barbatis, api- •
oibus nudis, barbâ longitudine calycis, fila- '
mentofa, alba. fig. 2. ;
■ AMINA: Filamenta quinque, fubulata, alba, co- f
rollæ tubo-adnata ; A ntheræ purpurafeentes, ï :
îagittatæ, apicibus incurvis ; Pollen flavum.
m jig . 3,
■ S T IL LUM : Germen ovatum, viride, nitidum ; !
tylus cylindricus, fuperne paululum in- •;
craHatus, daminibus duplo longior; St ig m a -
bilabiatum, flavum, villofum. fig. 4.
jPÜies about*aç>^-eS a^.outr't^e ^ and ° f St. Helena, near Rotberhitbe, and no
omes, in many of which it is the principal plant. It flower