BROMUS Linnæi Gen. PL T riandria D igyn ia.
R a iîSyn. Gen. 27. Herbæ G raminifoliæ flore imperfecto Culmiferæ.
BROMUS mollis panicula ere&iufcula, fpiculis ovatis pubefcentibus, ariftis re&is, foliis molliflime
villofis, Linnæi Syft. Végétai, p. 102. Sp. PI. p. 112.
BROMUS hirfutus, locuftis feptifloris ovato conicis. Haller Hiß. p. 1504.
BROMUS Polymorphus. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. p. 80.
FESTUCA avenacea hirfuta, paniculis minus fparfis. Raii Synop. p. 413. Hudfon Fl. Angl.p. 32.
n. 1. Secalinus. Schreber. Gram.pl. 6.fig. 1. ,
iADIX biennis*.
EULMUS pedalis ad tripedalem, ereftus; G eniculi
tumidi, cylindracei..
■ OLIA cum Vaginis pilis mollibus veflita.
ffANlCULA ereftiufcula, nunc coarftata, nunc dif-
BPICULAL ovato-acutce, turgidas, fubcompreffe, ple-
rumque villofas, o&oflorae, circa oras gluma-
rum albidae, ßg. 1.
CALYX: Gluma bivalvis, valvulis inaequalibus, mu-
ticis, ßg. 2.
COROLLA: G luma bivalvis, valvulä exteriore lata,
concava, ftriata, ariftata, ßg. 4. interiore pla-
niufcula ciliata, lanceolata, ßg. 3. A rista
valvulis paulo longior, fubre&a, ßg. 4.
WECTARIUM: Glumula bipartita, ad bafin petali
interioris, jig. 5. parum au6l.
®TAMINA: Filamenta tria capillaria, A ntherk.
primum flavasy oblongae, dein futcae et bi-
furcatae, jig. 7, 6. auft.
■ ISTILLUM: G ermen ovatum, api.ce fubemargi-
natum, fig. 8. St y li duo, ad bafin ufque
plumofi, ex uno latere germinis enati, fig. 9.
BEMEN oblongum, concavum, calyci adnatum,
fig. 10. denudatum, fig. 11.
ROOT biennial*.
§ STA LK from one to three feet high, upright; the
x Joints fwelled and cylindrical.
I LEAVES together with their Sheaths covered with
foft hairs.
PANICLE nearly upright, fometimes clofe, fometimes
C A L Y X : a Glume of two valves, the valves unequal, I without any beard or arifta, fig. 2.
SPICULyE ovate and pointed, turgid, flattifh, generally
villous, containing eight flowers, whitilh
about the edges o f the Glumes, jig. 1.
COROLLA: a G lume of two valves, the outermoft
valve broad, hollow,- ftriated, and bearded,
fig. 4. the innermoft flattifh, ciliated or hairy
at the edges and pointed, fig. 3. the
A rista a little longer than the valves and
nearly ftraight, fig. 4.
■ Our Farmers in general are not very warm in their recommendations of this Grafs, neverthelefs it abounds
■ moft of our bell meadows. It fprings up early, and ripens its feeds generally about the time of Hay-making,
■ he feed is large, and each panicle contains nearly as much as that of a common Oat; indeed it feems to have
■ ore pretenfions to the name of Corn than of Grafs.
■ Although Cattle may not be fo fond of the leaves and panicle of this Grafs while green as of fome others,
®et may it not (when cut down, as it ufually is, when the feed is nearly ripe) contribute to render the hay more
nutritive? and hence may it not be a proper Grafs to fow with others ? It feems at leaft to deferve the attention
the Farmer.
There is perhaps no clafs of plants more affefted by difference of foil and fituation than the Grafles; hence
:|ie fame plant has often been divided into feveral fpecies;NECTARIUM: and to fuch varieties a fmall is kind the of prefent Glume Plant deeply incident,divided,
| s ^occafion Scopoli to give it the name of Polymorphus.
HI V; ^ tt grows on a wall, or dry bank, the Spiculas are generally more upright, and clofer together: when *°“ ts rich and moift, the Spiculse fpread out, and the whole plant becomes much larger: in Meadows the
■ piculs frepuently lofe their villous appearance and become perfe&ly fmooth. To determine this fpecies then
?lj’ 11101:6 certainty, recourfe mufl be had to the parts of Fru&ification.
placed at the bafe of the inner petal,
fig. g. a little magnified.
STAMINA three Filaments very fmall, A n th er s
. firft yellow and oblong, laftly brown and
forked at each end, fig. 7. 6. magnified.
PISTILLUM: G ermen ovate, with a flight depreflion
at top, fig. 8. two Styles feathery quite
down to the bottom, proceeding from one
fide of the Germen, fig. 9.
SEEDS oblong, concave, adhering to the Calyx, fig.
10. the Calyx taken off", fig. 11.
According to Linnæus,