R a n u n c u l u s F l a m m u l a . S m a l l S p e a r -W o r t .
RANUNCULUS Lina. Gen. PI. Polyandria Polygynia.
Cal. 5-phyllas. Petal a 5, intra ungues, poro mellifero. Sem. nuda.
Raii. Syn. Gen. 15. Herbie semine n u b# p o l y s p e rm y
RANUNCULUS Flammula foliis ovato-Ianceolatis petiolatis caule declinato. Linn. Syß. Vegetab. ed. 14.
Murr. p. 515. Sp. PI. ed. 3. p. 772. FI. Suec.n. 494. Scop: FI. Carn. ed. 2.
n. 682.' Hudf. Angl. ed. 2. p. 240. Procumbent Crow-Foot-or Spear-Wort.
Lightfoot Scot. V. 1. p. 288. An lus-mor, Ghlais-leun Gaulis.
RANUNCULUS foliis ovato-oblongis integerrimis, caule procumbente. FI. Lapp. 325.
RANUNCULUS caule declinato foliis elliptico-Ianceolatis fubferratis. Hall. Hiß. 1182.
RANUNCULUS longifolius pahiftris minor. Baub. Pin. 180.
RANUNCULUS flammeus minor. Ger. 814. fig . 2. the lefler Spear-Wort; alfo, Ranunculus flam-
meus ferrat, ßg. 3. emac. p. 961. ßg . 2, 3. Rail Syn. ed. 3. p. 250. the lefler
RANUNCULUS paluftris flammeus minor five anguftifolius. Park. Fbeat. p. 1214.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris fimplicibus, majufculis.
GAULES pedales et ultra, fuberefti, flexuofi, parum
comprefli, fubangulofi, pubefcentes, purpu-
reo-virides, ramou, Ramibreves, alterm, div^-
FOLIA radicalia ovato-Ianceolata, utrinque acuta,
longe petiölata, petiolo çanaliculari com-
reflb ; caulina remota, oblongo -lanceolata,
revius petiolata, petiolis bafi dilatatis, vagi-
nantibus ; fijprema. et floralia linearia ; omnia
lævia, nunc integerrima, nunc plus minus
den ta ta, dentibus obtufis, inæqualibus, callo-
fis, fubfufcis. '
FLORES in caulium ramorumque fummitate, flavi.
CAL YX: Perianthium 5-phyllum, foliolis -ovatis,
obtufis, villofiufculis, Concavis,lutefcentibus,
deciduis,'Jig. 1.
COROLLA: Petala 5, calyce triplo Iongiora, rotun-
dato-fubobeordata, patentia, parum concava,
flava, fuperne fplendentia, ungue breviflimo,
fa- 2- v
NECTARIUM: foveola in ungue cujufvis petali.
STAMINA: Filamenta plurima, ad 30, Corolla
multo breviora ; A nther y ere6tas, oblongae,
didymae, flavas.
PISTILLUM: G ermina numerofa in capitulum col-
lefta; Sty li nulli; Stigmata reflexa,
: M 3-
I ROOT perennial, fibrous, fibres fimple, and rather
STALKS a foot high or more, fomewhat upright,
cropked, a little flattened, {lightly angular,
dqwny, of a purplifh green colour, branched ;
• Branches fhort, alternate, divaricating.
LEAVES next the root ovato-lariceolate, pointed at
each end, {landing on long foot-ftalks, the
foot-ftalk hollow on one fide, and flattened,
thofe of the ftalk oblong-lanceolate, {landing
on fhorter foot-ftalks, which are dilated, ana
{heathing at the bafe; the uppermoft, and
thofe next the flowers, linear; all of them
fmooth, fometimes perfectly entire, fome-
times more or lefs toothea, teeth obtufe,
unequal, callous, and of a brownifli colour.
The Ranunculus Flammula grows plentifully with us in marfhy places, and efpecially in the wet, and more
boggy parts o f heaths and commons, where it flowers from June to September..
The latter part o f L in nyu s’s defcription o f this plant, does not accord with the appearance it ufually aflumes
with us, caule adfcendente, which is the reverfe of declinato, is indeed more applicable to it, not but the plant frequently
FLOWERS on the top of the ftalk and branches
C A L YX : a Perianthium of five leaves, which are
ovate, obtufe, {lightly villous, concave, yel-:
lowifh and deciduous, Jig. 1.
grows nearly upright, as the old authors have reprefented it, though not fo perfe6lly upright as the
Lingua. Mr. Hudson’s englifh name of procumbent, as it implies a greater approximation to the earth, is ftill
more obje6lionable; nor can much be faid in favour of B auhin’s name of longifolius, which fome have
adopted, as it gives an idea of a longer leaf than the plant has. The old Botanifts called thefe two fpecies
of Ranunculus Spear-Worts, from the fhape of their leaves, the great and lefler. Mr. Ray and Mr. L ightfoot
adopted thofe names, and we fee no good reafon why they fliould be difcontinued.
6 CO RO L LA : five Petals, thrice as long as the calyx,.
roundilh, and fomewhat inverfely heart-
V Ihaped, fpreading, {lightly concave, yellow,
s on the upper fide glofly, claw very fhort,
l . f s - 2.
^1 NECTARY : a little cavity in the claw of each petal. STAMINA: Filaments numerous, to thirty, much
fhorter than the Corolla; A nther y upright,
oblongs double, and yellow.
PISTILLUM : Ger min a numerous, forming a little
head; Styles none; Stigmata bent back,
A - 3- '