Poa A qu atic a. W ater Meadow Grass.
POA Lin. Gen. PI. T riandria D ig yn ia *
Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Spicula ovata i valvulis margine fcariofis acutiufculis.
R ii i Syn. Gen. 27. H erbæ graminifoliæ flore imperfecto culMiferæ.
POA aquatica pmicula ƒ îfFufa^ fpiculis fexfloris Iinearibus. Lin. Syft. Végétai, p. 97. Sp. PI.
POA altiffima, foliis latiffimis, panicula ampliffima, locuftis diftichis fflullifloris. Haller hijt. n. 1454,
POA aquâtica. Scopoli PI. Carn. n. 10g.
GRAMEN aquaticum paniculatum latifoliûmj Batik. Pin. 3.
GRAMEN 6. RaiiSyn.p. 4 ,1 . Great Water-Reed-Grafs. HudfoU
RADIX perennis, repens.
CULMUS tripedalis, ad fepedalem, ereâus, foliofus,
craflitie cuirai arundinacei, fuperne ubi nudus,
teres, lævis, fubtiliffime ftriatus ; geniculis
FOLIA femunciam aut unciam fere lata, utrinque
glabra, tenuiffime ftriata, carinata, carina
marginibufcjue afperis, àd bafin folii utrinque
macula triangularis flava, vagina glabra, ■
ftriata, carina prominente, membrana brevis '
obtufa. ‘
PANICULA maxima, femipedalis, aut pedalis, ere&a, ]
ramofiflima.- <
FEDUNCULI fubtriquetri, fcabri, fuperne, flexuofi.' |
SPICULÆ lanceolatæ, fubcompreflæ 6— 8. florae,
colore ex fpadiceo et viridi mifto.
CALYX : Gluma bivalvis, valvulae membranaceas,
uninerviæ, ovatæ, concavæ, interiore bre-
viore et acutiore.
COROLLA bivalvis, valyulæ fubæquales, obtufe,
exteriore majore, concava, nervofa, ad bafin
tuberculata, interiore planiufcula.
STAMINA: Filamenta tria, alba, capillaria ; A nther
æ oblongæ, utrinque bifidæ, flavæaut
PISTILLUM : Germ e n ovatum,' glabrum ; St y l i
duo, fuperne ramofi, infeme nudi, paulo infra
apicem prodeuntes.
NECTARIUM : fquamula parva truncata ad bafin
SEMEN teSum, hinc convexum, ilriatum, inde çon-
çavum, pallide fufcum.
I RO OT perennial, and creeping.
X S T A LK from three to fix feet high, upright, leafy,
a £" e thicknefs of a reed ftraw, on the upper
X part where it is Baked, round, fmooth, very
X r v atnru ,% gr° ° ve? ; th? J°ints yellowilh.
X LEAVES half an inch and almoft an inch broad,
| fmooth on both fides, very finely grooved,
x keeled, the keel as well as the edges rough,
| the bafe of the leaf on each fide is marked
with a yellow triangular fpot, the Jheath is
& imooth and ftnated, the keel prominent, the
jj membrane lhort and obtufe.
K PANICLE very large, from fix' inches to a foot in
> « ™ , L en,£!,I .uPrlSht> -very much branched.
> Pi-OWER-STALKS fomewhatthree-cornered,rough,
['? crooked above. 6
> sp *CULiE lanceolate, fomewhat flattened, contain-
I lno “ om fix to eight flowers, variegated with
> green and purple.
J CAL YX : a Glume o f two valves, the valves mem-
branous, one-ribbed, ovate, concave, the in-
| nermoft fliorter and more pointed than the
, other.
‘ CO ROL LA compofed o f two valves, which are nearly
equal, obtufe, the outer one largeft, con-
cave, ribbed, with a fmall tubercle at the
t T . “ e lnner one nearly Hat.
STAM INA : three, white, capillary F i l a m e n t s ;
A n t h e r a oblong, bifid at each end, yel-
low or purple. 1
PISTILLUM: G e r m e n , ovate, fmooth; S t y l e s
two, branched above, naked below, proceeding
from a little below the top.
N E C T A R Y : a fmall truncated fcale at the bafe of
the germen.
SEED covered, convex and flriated on one fide, concave
on the other, of a pale brown colour.
Ä S Ä fa i " a m IP
1 M BBS %^trerflr and w RH m m PPS
i S ! « J U f t j ä .* • Caterpillar being Loth and of a I S H
| Poiatoria,feS t a n d hL Iv eK°f a m" ch larger Caterpillar, when full-grown, nearly the fize of the Pi