rUMEX Lim ai Gen. PI. Hexand ria T rio yn ia .
Cal. 3-phyllus. Petala g,.conmventia; Sem. 1, triquetrum.
Rail. Syn. Gen. 5. Herb« flore imperfecto seu stamineo vel apetalo potius.
RUMEX crifpus floribus hermapliroditis : valvulis integris graniferis, foliis, lanceolatis undulatis acutis.
Linnoei Syft. Végétai, p. 284. Spec. Plant, p . 478. Fl. Suède, p. 117.
LAPATHUM foliis crifpis, imis ovatis, fupremis lanceolatis, calycibus verrucofis. Haller hiß. n. 158g*
LAPATHUM crifpüm. Scopoli Fl. Carniol. p. 261.
LAPATHUM folio acuto crifpo. Bauhin. Pin. 115.
LAPATHUM acuti varietas folio crifpo. Ger. emac. 387.
LAPATHUM acutum minus. Parkinfon, 226.
Raii Syn. p. 141. Sharp-pointed Dock with curled leaves.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 134.
Lightfoot Fl. Scot. 108..
RADIX perennis, flavefeens, fufiformis, per Setatem <
fuperne ramofus evadit.
IaULIS bipedalis aut tripedalis, ere&us, ftriatus, læ- >
vis, ramofus.
■ DLIAlançeolata, undulata, acuta, fubtus venofa, pe- ;
tiolis fulcatis.
■ .ORES in fpicas denfiffime glomerati, caulem peni- !
m tus fere occultantes.
ÄLYX: Perianthium triphyllum, foliolis cymbi-
formibus, corolla brevioribus, ß g . 1.
fOROLLA: Petala tria, ovata, concava, demum
conniventia, magna, granifera, venofa, reticulata,
integra, Semen unicum, triquetrum,
nitidum, pallide fufeum foventia,j?g. 3,7,8,9.
p AMINA: Filamenta tria, capillaria, brevia :
Antheræ flavat,ßg. 3.
■ ISTILLUM: G ermen triquetrum:' St y l i très,
reflexi: Stigmata laciniata,ßg. 4, 5, 6.
\ RO OT perennial, tapering, of a yellowifh colour, becoming
branched at top as it grows old.
i* STA LK two or three feet high, upright, finely grooved,
fmodth, and branched.
I LEAVES lanceolate, waved, pointed, underneath vei-
Y ny, the foot-ftalks grooved.
I FLOWERS crowded very thickly together in fpikes,
and almoft entirely hiding the ftalk.
i C A L Y X : a Perianthium of three leaves, which are
boat-lhaped, and fhorter than the Corolla,
l. A - 1-'
| CO R O L LA : three oval, hollow Pe t al s, finally be-
| coming clofed, and large; each bearing a
grain, veiny, reticulated, entire at the edges,
including a three-cornered, ftiining, pale brown
Seed, 3; 7, 8, 9.
| STAMINA: three very fine ftiort F ilaments : A n-
| THERiE yellow, fig. 3.
I PISTILLUM: G ermen three-corner’d : S tyles
| three, turning back: Stigm a ta jagged,
!;• •• fg- 4» 5» 6*
|Thei)ocAf, like the feveral'fpecies of Gooffoot and Orach, are with difficulty diftinguifhed from each other.
I The fpecies here figured, is one of the moll common, as well as the moll injurious as a weed. It is
found in almoft every kind of foil and fituation ; as in wet meadows, by the fides of roads, and in cultiva-
ground, into which it .is generally introduced with dung. I have remarked fome Clover fields in which
B ls plant formed nearly one half o f the crop.
1 ma7 he diftinguifhed from the other Docks by its yellow root, waved leaves, and large and numerous
fed-coverings, which grow fo thick as almoft to hide the ftalk, and which are larger than in moll of the
Boer Docks, of a roundiffi fhape, with prominent veins, and an entire or flightly waved edge.
1 flowers in June, July, and Auguft.