jpoA Pratensis,. Smooth Stalk’d Meadow Grass.
POA; Lirincd Gen. PL T riandria D igyn ia.
Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus. Spiculx ovatae; valvulis margine fcäriofis, acutiufcuiis.
Raii Syn. Gen. 27. Herb as g r a m i n i f o l i ^e f l o r e i m p e r f e c t© c u lm i f e r a s .
POA pratenßs panicula diffufa, fpiculis fubquinquefloris,culmo ere&o Levi, membrana foliorum obtufo.
POA pratenßs panicula diffufa* fpiculis quinquefloris glabris, culmo ere&o tereti. Lifincd Sxfl.
Vegetab.p, 97» FI. Suede. 82.
POA pratenßs. Scopoli FI. Carniel, p. 70. n. 100. Biagn. Panicula diffufa fpiculae 2-3 florae.
Glumis inaequalibus, lanugine nulla.
POA panicula diffufa Ipcuftis trifloris glabris. Hatter Hiß. n. 1465. fecundum Scopoli.
GRAMEN pratenfe paniculatura medium. Raii Syn. 409. The greater or middle fort of Meadow
Grafs. Bauhin Pin. 2. pratenfe minus* Gerard 2. Parkinfoniigfi.
ADIX perennis, repens, intra terram fiffurafque 1
rorum facile penetrans.
3ULMI plerumque pedales, ere&i, .laves, vix mani- f
fefte ftnati. |
iOLIA lasvia, faturate viridia, fubinde glauca, mem- %
brana brevi obtufa inftru&a, fig. 11.
ROOT perennial and creeping, eafily penetrating into
the earth and crevices of walls.
STALK S generally about a foot high, upright,finoothf
fcarce perceptibly floated.
LEAVES fmooth, of a deep green colb.ur, fometimes
bluifh, furnifhed with a Jhort blunt mem:
brane, fig. i i . ‘
■ ANICULA ere6ta, diffufa. f PANICLE upright and fpreading.
MCULAL ovato-acutae, plerumque quinqueflorae, §
etiam biflorae, utrinque compreffaz, fig. 1, 2. f
■ ALYX: Glum a bivalvis, valvulis inaequalibus, acu-
minatis, concavis, fig, 3.
IOROLLA : G lum a bivalvis, valvulae fubaequales, f
altera concava, carina ad lentem vifa Icabri- f
ufcula, altera planiufcula, fig 4; in fundo |
calycis lanugo obfervanda, evuljis fiofeulis, §
fig' 3» 5- t
-TAMINA: Filamenta tria, capillaria, glumis Ion- Z
giora : A n th e r s utrinque bifurcae, fig. 6. f
’ISTILLUM: G ermen ovatum: St y li duo, ad *
balin ufque ramofi, f i g . 7.
. ECTARIUM: G lumul.e duae ad bafin germinis, |
1 fig- 8, aufil:. I
„EMEN angulofum, acuminatum, bafi lanugine in-
uru6to, fig. 9. mat. mag. fig. 10, au£t. f
SPICUL^E oval-pointed, generally with five flowers,
fometimes only two, flattened on each fide,
fig• 2.
. C A L YX : a G lume of two valves, unequal, acumi^
nated and hollow, 3.
CO RO L LA : a G lume of two valves, the valves
nearly equal | the one concave, with the keel
appearing. fomewhat rough if magnified ;
the other flattiffi, fig. 4: in the bottom of
the calyx a filamentofe or woolly fubftance
is apparent when the flowers are drawn out
f ig - i *
STAMINA: three Filaments, thread-like, longer
than the glumes : A n th er s forked at each
end, fig.-6.
PISTILLUM: G ermen oval: Styles two, branched
down to the bottom, fig. 7.
N E C T A R Y : two little G lumes at the bafe of the
germen, 8, magnified.
angular and pointed, at bottom woolly, o f its
natural fize, fig. 9 ; magnified fig. 10.
Li , Pm pratenfis and Poa trivialis approach very near each other in their general appearance, fo much fo,
M 5 fi$| | | | Botanift who is intimately acquainted with them, cannot, if he fees them grow together, dif-
Jffere316 l”1 at a ^^ance ; and the charafters from which modern Botanifts have drawn their fpecific
| as f0n? V have ^een vaSue and indeterminate, that the ftudent is never able to fatisfy himfelf whether he
"j| ^ one or the other ; yet there are not two graffes which afford more obvious or fatisfa&ory marks
\ ;de tlon* The difficulty which I have experienced myfelf in the inveftigation of thefe two plants, has
^reful ^ j xceetPnSty attentive to them; and what I relate is the refult of repeated obfervations, joined to a