V eronica serpyllifolia. Little smooth
Speedwell, or Paul’s Betony.
VERONICA Linnai Gen. PI. Diandria Monogynia.
Rail Syn. Gen. 18. Herb® fructu sicco singulari, flore monopetalo.
VERONICA ferpyllifolia racemo terminali fubfpicato, foliis ovatis glabns, crenatis. Linnan Syjl. Vegetab.. p^
56. FI. Suecic. p. 6.
VERONICA caule re£to, foliis ovatis, glabris, crenatis', petiolisex alis umfloris, breviffimis. Hall. bijl. n. 546.
VERONICA pratenfis ferpyllifolia. Bauhin. pin.' 247.
VERONICA pratenfis minor. Parkinfon. 551.
VERONICA minor. Gerard emac. 627.
VERONICA foemina quibufdam, aliis Betonica Pauli Serpyllifolia. I. Bauhin. III. 285.
VERONICA Rail Syn. p. 279. n. 3. Hudfon, FI. Angl. p. 4. »- 4- Scopoh. FI. Carmol. V. 1. p. 12. n. 10.
OEder FI. Dan. icon. 492.
RADIX perennis, fibrofiffima.
CAULES numerofi, ad bafin repentes, dein ere&i, fim- •
plices, palmares, teretes, læves.
FOLIA oppofita, fubconnata, fubrotundo-ovata, rariter \
et obfoleteferrata, glabra, trinervia. ;
FLORES albi, venis cæruleis pi&i, fpicati, pedunculati, j
alterni, Bracteæ magnæ, ovatæ.
CALYX : Perianthium quadripartitum, laciniis ovato- ;
acutis, glabris, fig. 1.
COROLLA monopetala, rotata ; tubus breviffimus ; la- |
ciniæ fubcordatæ, inferiore anguftiore ; fuperiore ;
laciniâ ftriis aut venis purpureis o£to notata, ■
lateralibus venis duabus, inferiore penitus alba, :
fig* 2.
STAMINA: F ilamenta duo, alba, apice incraffata,■
fig. 5, 6. A nther® cærulefcentes.
PISTILLUM: Germen fubcompreffum, Stylus albus,
,apice paululum iucraflatus,perfiftens. Stigma-
capitatum, rubens, fig. 3. .
NECTARIUM ad bafin germinis, ut in
PERICARPIUM: Capsula fübcordata,
magnitudine plantæ magna, fig. 4.
ROOT perennial, and very fibrous.
STALKS numerous, creeping at bottom, then growing
upright, fimple, three or four inches high,
round and fmooth.
LEAVES oppofite, nearly uniting at bottom, of a round|
ijh-oval form, here and there Jlightly ferrated,
fmooth and trinervous.
FLOWERS white, coloured with blue veins or ftripes,
growing in fpikes on foot-ftalks alternately.
Floral leaves large and oval.
; C A L YX : a P erianthium divided into four parts, the
fegments o f an oval-pointed fhape, and fmooth,
p fig- *•
■ COROLLA monopetalous, wheel-fhaped, the tube very
fhort, the fegments fomewhat heart-lhaped, the
lower one narroweft; the upper fegment marked
with eight purple veins or ftripes, the fide ones
with two, and the lower one entirely w h i t e , 2.
: STAMINA: two Filaments, white- and thickilh towards
the extremity; the A nther.® blueifh,
; PISTILLUM: the Germen flattifh j the Sty le white,
a little thicker towards the extremity, and con-
; tinuitig. Stigma roundilh^ and of a redifti
colour, fig. 3.
Veronica Cha-| NECTARY at the bottom of the germen as in the Ve-
| ronica Chamsedrys.
fufca, pro | SEED-VESSEL: a Capsule fomewhat heart-fhaped,
of a brown colour, and large in proportion to
I the plant, Jig. 4.
SEMINA plurima,. 60 numeravi,
ta, fig.. 8.
luteo fufca, fub-ova-1 SEEDS numerous, of a yellowifh brown colour, and
fomewhat oval fhape, fig. 8. We counted 60
* in one capfule. 1
No particular virtues are attributed to this little plant by Writers.
It is one of the leaft of the Veronicas, and occurs frequently in Meadows and Fields, and fometimes in Gardens,
flowering, in the Spring and Autumnal Months.
There is a great deal of delicacy in its bloffoms; but they are too minute to make its beauty confpicuous enough
for the Garden.
Its finall, round, fmooth, and fhining leaves readily diflinguifh it from the other Speedwells.