SAPONARIA Lin. Gen. PL D ecandria D ig yn ia .
Cal. i-phyllus, nudus. Petala 5, unguiculata. Capf. oblonga, i-locularis.
Raii Syn. Herb^e pentapetalas vasculiferae.
SAPONARIA officinalis, calycibus cylindricis foliis ovato-lanceolatis. Lin. Syß. Vegetab. p. 347. Spec. PL 584.
SAPONARIA foliis ovato-lanceolatis, trinerviis; floribus tubulofis, urabellatis. Haller hiß. helv. n. 980.
LYCHNIS officinalis. Scopoli. FL Carniol. p. 303. n. 510.
SAPONARIA major läevis. Bauhin. pin. 206.
SAPONARIA Ger. emac. 444.
SAPONARIA vulgaris. Parkinfon. 641.
LYCHNIS Saponaria di&a. Raii Syn. p. 339. Common Sopewort. Hudfon Fl. Angl. p. 339. Oeder. FL Ban. icon. 543.
blX perennis, cortice rubente te&a, profunde de- f ROOT perennial,' fcendens* lateque reptans, gemmis vivacibus | ftriking d eceopv einretod twheit hg rao urenddd, ilahn cdo flporuera bdainrkg, ihnofrttrius& daif, fichiilnlicm etr ietxictiir preaptuern.t is asmulus, ex §4 wlikidee ,C fouurcnhil-hGerda fws, ithit liivs inwgi thb utdhse, wghreeantceef,t
jULES.■ peQdail:e set ultra, ere£l.i , ri. g.i di. , teretes, fub- 4f STALKSd iaff icfuolotty orro omteodr eo uint ohfe gigahrdt,e nusp.right* rigid, : roupbpeonftietsis, . geniculati, fuperne ramofi, ramis #| broraunncdh, eodf, at hree dbdraifnhc hceosl oouprp, ojfoitien.ted/at top LIA ovato-lanceolata, connata, brachiatim oppo- | LEAVES of an oval pointed ftiape* connate, alter|
oovpaptoo-fliatinsc. fita, glabra, trinervia, patentia.
lORES terminales, fubumbellati, carnei,
quinquedentatum, fig. five teeth, fig. I. ROLlLaAti,: cPaelytcael paa uqluoi nlöqnugei;o urènsg,u feigs a. n3g,u4f t; i,l iamngbuus- |A COROLLlaAr : five Pei^t* *a,,*l»s* ,* »t,hw«e clawjgss fnt—ar roiw:_, a_n g.u- planus, obcordatus, bafi bidentatus, fig. 3.
ftuerbtia c: orollas, alterna unguibus petalorum in- A n th e r s oblongas, pallidae, fig. 5.
1 fnparteealydi onpgp. ofite, fmooth, with three ribs* and |§ FLOWERcoSl otuerrmedi.nal, forming a kind of umbell, flefh iYX:b aPfie mritaronptrhefiluumm, mfcoanboripuhfcyullluumm,, toubbluolnogfuumm,, || CALYX:p reaf fePde irni aant tthhe ibuamfe , orofu gohnief hl,e oabf,l ontugb, uwlairth*
ltahre, a little longer than the Calyx, fig. 3.4; at bloimttob mfla wt, iinthv etwrfeol yli httelaer tt-efehtahp, ed, furmfhed fig. o. MINA ’.Filament a decern,fubulata, longitudine f STAMINA: ten F ilaments, tapering, the length
fc „I.»™,, „„„„it,,,. „ „ ,,i„ ..„m t of the tube, o f the Corolla; the alternate ones
inferted into the claws o f the petals: A nthe- w , « R^ oblong, of a pale colour, l j | c. STILLUM : G ermen oblongum, teretiufculum, PISTILLUM: G ermen oblong, roundifh, tranfverfly
• tranfverfe rugofum, vinde: St y l i duo, fu- | wrinkled, and green: Styles two, taperbulati,
albi: St igm a t a fimplicia,j%. 6,7,8. | ing, and white ; Stigmata fimple’ fig . 6*
■ RIClAoRnPgIiUtuMd :i neC caaplyscuils,a v eonbtlroicnogfaa,, ucnaliylocceu tleafrtias,, ^| SEED-VtEheS SleEnLgt:h aonf othbelo Cnagl yCxa, pbseulllyein ogf o ount e ccoavveitry- ore quadndentato, fig. 9. | ed with the Calyx; the mouth having four
'i-MMtImNaA pil un• ma, m. gn. canti. a, rem. formia, fuperficie I0- SEEDS ntuemether,o us, b9l.ackifh, kidney fhaped* the fur- granulata, fig. 1 o, 11. > face granulated, fig. 10, 11.
fiiep en, afmoerm oifn Sgo pleikweo ritt ,h aas blaetehne rg iwvietnh tow athteisr ,p laanndt , tfarokmin git so aunt fwfpeoritisl go,f i ng rae acfoen, fi&decr.a bflreo mde gcrleoeth, thine tphuer pfaomfees Nr; whence it has been called the Fuller’s-herb. e
tp|m e “b oanta.dn ifts area rpepaedayr tfou ffdiociuebntt twoh ceothnefirr mth iist ahse rfbu cbhe. a Bnaetiinvge oofft enG rceualtt-iBvartietadi nin ; gbaurdt etnhse, otenf taimccoonuienst ooff
pm« WÏitSh m n ao f“eowu bp!l aocfetse na bfoouutn tdo wamn,o nmga yth per orbcafubjleyo hfa gvaer dbeenens; oafn tdh itsh kei npdla.nts which we havé here and (B aid naturally to grow in moift fituations ; and flowers during the months of July, Auguft, and September
Sh tn ?re , 0'd, oub™ler l;e tales sa olffo 1 1t hcautl tAivnagteudla irn vtahrei egtayr dthene sS, afrpoomna trhiea pceonrfceafvlaly a wnhgilticea t oo fth Be deep purple blolTom’d auhin and Morison* A oilier peaarvtse so lfu rtrhoeu fnrdu Sthifei c«aatllkpn, a; nfdo uthned bolroifgioinma llbye cboym Ges monopetalous, but generally fplit, and deflitute erard, in a fmall grove of a Wood called the
Q ’ Mn LiMarrow, in Northamptonshire; where, according to the teftimony of Morton, hifi. nat agr Milk rI s ”? lonSPerro dt0u cbeed f obuentwd i;x ta an dG wenhtiicahn vaanrdie ttyh ea pSpoepaerws omrto, rea sl ike a lufus naturae, as R ay confiders it, L innaeus firft fuggefted.
[4eptdenanetleS are eafily cuItivated: indeed much care is required, that they do not fpread too much
fCcrtZf' ‘^°n ji °CfS tah ^ adt,hrieerd e hxearfbfl’ fd lolkesc nao ft° lflounlonn a o Mffoipeer, fob uwt enllo at sf oth falti popfe trhte'; fBreelrhg .h eMrba.t . MAe dd.ecoftion of the L die and dirt were waflied out with it, but not ftains ; idem.
‘‘■’-/ i f il l not !bitter, but fweet; afterwards warm and biting iner in in the _______, throat;d if m chewed Rutty |Mat.RH|long, | Med. lü quite
a11;011° ««ro 1b iettaevre, sa'bnidtt earu,f temreu c; ilbaguitn noouts c,hfalingghetldy bayu fvteitrreo,l aonf dir oancr;rid, idid, eamn.and if chewed long, quite acrid: «ob° nl*i wyn I0ntf “,f• i™ln °‘uf “'hoen dorfie tdh eh crorbo- t;f uBdedregniluys b. ecame of a blackifh green colour, by the addition of vitriol ■ pfty ■ nenril*"?d ‘y “ ?lo. decoflion tions<.i,; has of the been whole raade herb ufe of is fudorific,to cleanfe and and promotes beautify the the {menfes kin; idem.; (The l a “10? be very ßronS' it proves purgative ; idem. idem, ex Mangeto.
I'Soration “ y 0t are *Ilade ufe of in the afthma ; balf a dram of the root taken with honey,- promotes
i^ * G f'Ce’ chranic direafes' and obilraSions of the vifeera,' it has .been recommended by Boer h a v e ;
'L' fCcQ11h iaus pbeen?onr r etoc oSmamrfeanpdaendl lian; vNenewermeaal nasn dC hfecmro. pbhyul oLuesw diisf.i iafes, particularly in the former b1y Stahl *