SAXIFRAGA, Linn. Gen. PI. D ecandria B igyn ia .
Cal. 5-partitus. Cor. 5-petala. Capß 2-roftris, i-locularis polyfperma.
Raii Syn. Gen. 24. Herb.æ pentapetâLæ vAscüliferæ.
SAXIFRAGA Hirculus fol iis caulinis lanceolatis àl ternis nudis inermibus, caule ere&o. Lirw.Syft.
Vegetah. ed. 14. Murr, ƒx 413. Sp. PI. edi 3. p. 576. Fl. Suec. ed. 2. n. 370. MantiJJ,
p. 383. Fl. Dan. t. 200.
SAXIFRAGA Hirculus foliis alternis lanceolatis integerrimis acutis nudis, caule adfcendente foliofo.
Hudf. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 181.
SAXIFRAGA foliis éllipticis caule unifloro. Hall. Hiß. n. g72.
SAXIFRAGIA petalis latiflimis luteis lineatis. Hall. Hiß. t. xi.
GEUM anguftifolium .au&umnale, flore luteo guttato. J . R. H. 252. Raii. Syn. ed. 3. p. 355.
SEDUM paluftre luteum bicorne nardi celtieæ foliis. Mor. Hiß. Ox. III. 477. ƒ 12. 5.
HIRCULUS frificus Dortmanni. Cluf.Cur. poß. 5. • :
CHAMÆCISTUS frificus foliis Nardi celticæ. Bauh. Pin. p. 466.
CHAMÆCISTUS Frificus. Frifian D warfe Ciftus. Ger. Em. p. 1284. fig. 8. Park. Th. p. 656. f 3,
ÎdIX perennis, fibrofa.
luLlS fubfpithamæus,' fus, teres, fub-b iefrleoâruiusf, cupliuliss, friamripsl efxle, xfuoolifois- fufcefcentibus veftitus.
kcULI radicales foliofi, procumbentes, radicules
I■ IA fpliaar,f aa, di nbfaefrinne tmubageirsc ueolon finefrttrau, &fuab, erlein&eaa,r i-fleafnfi-- fcieuoflcautlaa,, opbitluisf iruafrcius lcaa, ùIælinviisa , fiinmtielgliemrrisim cail,i actraa.f-
I ROOT perennial, and fibrous.
■ I STALK laebaofyu,t rao ufnpda,n fuhpigpho,r tninega rluyf uuapllryi gahbt,o uAtm tpwleo, 1 flowers covered with brownilh hairs, crooked,
g:. , ; and few in number.
|f: -S HOOTSo uft rfoimbr esth. e root leafy, procumbent, putting
i* LEAVES growing irregularly, more crowded below, 1- tnuebaerrlycl eu parti gthhet, bfaeffel,i leb, eftuwrnixilth leinde wari tahn ad fmlaanl-l ' ecnetoilraet,e ,t hifcokmilehw, headtg ebdlu wnti,t h fmhaoiorsth ,l ikpeer fteh&ofley © on the ftalk.
- |§| FLOWE. RopSe ny.ellow, large, nodding before they rORES flavi, majufculi, priufquam aperiuntur
1I YX o- bPloenegiaisn,otbhtuifuism,p il5is-p chayullliuumm,f imfoilliiobluiss ciolivaattios,- |X CALYX:o vaa tPoe-orbilaonngt,h oiubmtu feo,f efdivgee dl eawvietsh, hwahirisc hl iakree concaviufculis, demum refiexis. 6I- trheoflfeex oend. the ftalk, fomewhat concave, finally
^ROLLA * Pe t a l a quinque obovata, flava, calyce V COROLLA : five Pe t a l s obovate, yellow,^ much
d multo longiora, fubnervofa, gibberibus duobus Y longer than the calyx, fomewhat ribbed, each
acuminatis ad bafin infignita, punftifque nu- I charaaenfed by two pointed tubercles at its
merofis aurantiacis ad medium ufque macu- a bafe, and marked with numerous orangejata>
‘ a coloured fpots from the middle downwards.
[AMINA: F il am en t a decern, fubulata, flava, | STAMINA: ten F il am en t s , tapering, yellow, up-
erefta, alterna breviora, perfiftentia; .An- f
t her 45 flavas, compreflte, biloculares, loculis |
demum inferne divergentibus. , <
BTILLUM: G ermen oblongum, majufculum, bi- i
fidum; S t ig m a t a duo, plana, villofa, in- <
fidentia. 1
right, the alternate ones Ihorteft, continuing
A n t h e r s yellow, flattened, bilocular, the
cavities finally diverging below.
| PISTILLUM : G ermen oblong, rather large, bifid ;
S t ig m a t a two, flat, villous, fitting on the
, germen.
3ARPIUM: Capsola prater morem grandis. »v SEED-VEfpSeSciEesL o: f at hCisa gpesnuulse. larger than in the other
tVhaoriuogush ptahret sp orefl eEnut rfoppecei,e sa so ifn S Sawxiefrdaegne, iSs wexittzreermlaenlyd , raLraep liann dth, isa ncdo uSnibtreyr,i aa, nadn da latolwgaeythse rin lobcoagl,s :i ta icsc ofroduinndg
|Ray, it was firft difcovered on Knutsford-Moor, Chelhire, by Dr. K i n g s t o n ; upwards of twenty years
isley, MI rre. cHeivoewd aarnd ,a cScuorugneto no,f oift, Kacncuotsmfopradn,i efde nwt mithe rao odtrsa owfi nigt,, tfhroe mp rModr*u ce of which I ftill retain; and B e n j a m in H a l e y , Gardener to
r---- - E g e r t o n , E fq . Tatton-Park, ne ar Knutsford. ' m . |fatn isy f oo fv tehreym d,i fyfeerte nitt fhraosm b eaelln t hceo nEfouuronpdeeadn w Siathxi ftrhaeg es, that there is fcarcely a poflibility of its being miltaken | and form of its petals, the lower half of which isa ubteuanumtiafluisl,l yf -rfopmo twtehdi cwh iitth oobrvainoguefl,y a dnidff etrosw ina rtdhse tfhuep ebraiofer j|raecrhfo nasr en otwt oco nvevreyrf lainntg wuliathr bpootiannteicda lp rnoajmefetsio, nasr e{ yatpdt. Jtoig a. flf.i)x aw dhiifcfhe rIehnetw ms eaa npientga lt om iatsg ntirfiiveida,l name (Hirculus) pat it imparts; Hirculus fignifies a little goat, and has been applied by fome of the old Botanilts to the
jfsiana celtica, which the prelent plant refembles in its foliage. : . J/Aitss t chuisl tpulraen, ta, nwd htehno lpe rionpdeereldy mtraeya tebde, cbolomwpsn flreede lyin, aa nfdm aisll vceormy poarlnsa, mite ntal, we mail give a tew directions 1 not egregioully neglefted; all that is neceffary, is to place a rootb eoinf gi t oinne ao fp tohto loef pblaongt se atrhtha,t wanildl i Ph et hpeo pt oatn md paa np aunn doefr w aa ftrearm, feo, ttoh agtu tahred eaagrathin ffht aflelv .ebree cforonfllta; notlry thmeo. piflta; nti,nw tihlle twhriinvtee r vietr yw wille lbl ein ptrhoep oepr eton Ifndeta n(cife mofoiinftc, raenafde ; fothrme epdl acnhti eafllfyo mofa yb obge ienacrrteha)f eadn db yt hcruotwtin gosu ot fI thhoeo tIsh,o owths,i cwh hwicihll wtialkl ef trriokoet raonodt iaff fpourdt jjer a clofe glafs towards the clofe of the fummer; if the plant be kept in a pot, it will be neceffary to renew
e ln two or three years.