»en a F l a v e s c e n s . Y e l l o w O a t G r a s s .
■ a VENA Lin. Gen. PL T riandria D igyn ia.
Cal. 2-valvis, multiflorus : arifta dorfali contortä.
Rail Syn. Gen. 27. Herb® graminifoli® flore imperfecto culmifer®.
I aVENA flaveßens panicula laxa, calycibus trifloris brevibus, flofculis omnibus ariftatis. Lin. Syß.
Vegetab. p. 105. Sp. PL 118. Fl. Suec.. p. 103.
I AVENA triantha, locuftis teredbus, calycina gluma altera minima, petiolo villofo. Haller. Hiß. p. 1497.
I GRAMEN avenaceum pratenfe elatius, panicula flavefcente, locuftis parvis. Raii Syn. p. 407.
■ GRAMEN avenaceum, fpica parva flavefcente, locuftis parvis. Moris. Hiß. 3. p. 215. f. 8. t. 7. fig. 42.
Scheuch. Agroß. p. 223. t. 4. f. 18.
IaNICULA triuncialis et ultra, dum florent fpiculæ
quam maxime diffufa, e flavo virefcens, e recta ;
poftèa coar&ata, fubfecunda, e flavo-fufca,
PfJLÆparvæ, bifloræ, etiam trifloræ et quadrifloræ,
[ flofculis omnibus ariftatis. fig. 3. 4.9.
&LYX : Gluma bivalvis, valvulis inæqualibus, fub-
membranaceis,acuminatis, altéra majori, fig. 1.2.
pROLLA : Gluma bivalvis, valvulis inæqualibus, altéra
minore fubdiaphanâ, membranacea, peni-
tus alba, apice bifida, altera majori tribus aut
quatuor nervis viridibus infignïta, concava,
bifida, ariftata. fig. 3. 6.
ECTARIUM : Glumula duæ longitudine germinis,
■ apice laciniatæ. fig. 8.
■ A ex dorfo circa medium valvulæ majoris erum-
pit,; in vivâ planta redta, valvulâ duplo fere
longior, in ficcâ recurva. fig. 4. 9.
|ÀMlNA: Fil ament a tria, capillaria, longitudine
H florum, Anther® flavæ, bifurcatæ. fig 'S'
^■ LLUM : Germen ovale, nudum ; St y li duo,
R ramofiffimi, ex apice germinis, deflexi. fig. 7.
R ^ T oblongum,,/ acuminatum, nudum, valvulâ
H majori inclufum '
I RO OT perennial, when cultivated manifeftly creeping.
^ STALK from one to two feet high, upright, round,
i furnifhed with three or four purplifti joints,
and covered with numerous fhort hairs.
£ LEAVES flat, rarely exceeding two lines in breadth,
together with the {heath which is finely
grooved covered with hairs of a moderate
I length.
| PANICLE three inches and more in length, while the
£ fpiculae flower fpreading as wide as poffible,
of a yellowifh green colour and upright; af-
£ terwards doling together, with the fpiculae
£ moftly one way, and becoming o f a yellowifh
| brown colour and Alining.
£ SPICULiE fma 11, containing two, three, or four flowers,'
all of which have awns. fig. 3. 4. 9.
£ CALYX. A glume of two valves which are unequal,
£ fomewhat membranous, pointed, one larger
I than-the other, fig. 1 .2 .
£ COROLLA. A glume of- two valves which are un-
| equal, the leaft fomewhat tranfparent, mem*
^ branous, white, and bifid, the largeft marked
£ with three or four green nerves, hollow, bifid,
and furnifhed with an awn. fig. 3. 6.
£ N E C T A R Y : two fmall Glumes, the length of the ger-
| men, jagged-at top. fig. 8.
£ AWN fpringing from about the middle of the back of
£ the larger valve, in the living plant ftrait,
almoft twice the length of the valve, in the
£ dried one crooked back. fig. 4. 9.
£ STAMINA : three F ilaments very fine, the length
of the flowers ; A nther® yellow, forked at
£ both ends. fig. 5.
| PISTILLUM : Germen oval, naked : Styles two,
£ very much -branched, growing from the top
* of the germen, and hanging down. fig. 7.
£ SEED oblong, pointed, naked, inclofed in the larger
t valve.
i, t tcrm fiavefcens has with propriety been given to this fpecies o f Avena, as its panicle, efpecially on doling after
ypowered, is of a yellower hue than any of the others, and this is one character which may ferve to diftin-
H P5 a^ed to this it is one of the leaft of the genus, its panicle is finely divided^its fpicul® are fmall, delicate,
H^neully contain two perfect flowers; and Its leaves and ftalks are confianlly hairy: cultivated in a garden, it
larger in every refpeft, and the fpiculas contain three or more flowers.
U r ? femark that H I Arifta or Beard in the living nLanrt* is ftrait, but crooked in dried fpecimens.
InpXj I10t common as the Avena elatior, it is to be found in moft paftures, efpecially fuch as are elevated, in
g|||nead©ws, an^ frequently on grafly banks by the road fide, it flowers about the end of June.
■ L ^ ngi-leet has not enumerated this grafs among his valuable ones, yet it is more deferving of that
V 11 “ lan fomeof thofe he has figured, efpecially the mountain and Jilver Hair-grajs, the latter of which is a
bain VVltb refpeft to agriculture, unworthy of the Farmer’s notice: the yellow'Qat-grafs is a perennial,
, any c°unties a principal part of the fineft pafturage on the downs, and in divers meadows contributes to
P®e*f tl'e s as WeF a.s greatnefs of the crop. As to time, it is not fo early as many of the.Pixy, nor is it fo late as
RSL cn<, tri^e > 011 the whole, from the remarks I have made on it in its wild and cultivated'ftate, I would
I' lt as one of the few out of the many Englifh grafles worth the husbandman’s attending to.