PapaverA rgemone. L ong prickly-headedPoppy.
PAPAVER Lin. Gen. PI. Polyandria Monogynia.
Cor. 4 petala. Cal. 2 phyllus. Capfula i-locuhris, fub ftigmate perfiftente
poris dehifcens.
Raii Syn. Gen. 22. He r v a s c ü l if e r a :, flore tetrapetalo anomalie.
PAPAVER Argemone capfulis 'clavatis hifpidis, caule foliofo multifloro. Lin. Svfi. Vegetab. p. 407.
Spec. PI. 725. F l. Sttec. n. 466.
PAPAVER' foliis hifpidis, pinnatis, pinnis lobatis, capitulis ellipticis, hifpidis. Haller Hifi. n. 1063.
PAPAVER Argemone. Scofioli F l. Carn. n. 636.
ARGEMONE capitulo long'iore. C. Bauh. Pin, 172. Ger. emac. 273. Park. 370.
PAPAVER laciniato folio, capitulo hifpido longiore. Raii Syn. p. 308. Long rough-headed baftard
Poppy. Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2.p. 230. Lightfoot F l. Scot. p . 279.
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa.
CAULIS : ubi læte crefcit caules profert plures, pedales,
et ultra, foliofos, adfeendentes, hirfutos, inter
fçgetes vero caule folitario eredto fæpius gaudet.
FOLIA radicalia plurima, longe petiolata, pinnata,
pinnis incifo-dentatis, dentibus mueronatis,
caulina tripartita, pinnatifida, omnibus pilofis,
fuperne faturate viridibus, nitidis, inferne pal-
CALYX: Periantkium diphyllum, feu triphyllum,
deciduüm, papillofo-hifpidurn.
COROLLA : Petala quatuor, miniata, fubereâa, re-
motiufcula, obverfe ovata, apice crenulata, bafi
nigricantia, maxime caduca, 1.
STAMINA: Filament a viginti çirciter, purpurea,
plana, apice dilatata, nitida. Antheræ b reib*^
viffime pedicellatae, biloculares. Pollen cse-
^fe.rulefcens, fig . 2. au&.yfg. 3.
PISTILLUM : Germen longitudine filamentorum,
elavatum, fubangulatum, hifpidum, pilis ca-
nis, adpreffis. Stigmatis radii 3 ad 5 vil-
lofi, caerulefcentes, fig. 4.
PERICARPIUM: C apsula oblonga, clavata, fubangu-
lofa, hifpida, inferne nudiufcula, purpurafcens, D B H SEMINA plurima, minuta, nigricantia, fig. 6, 7.
forth feveral leafy, hairy ftalks, a foot or more
in height, and bending upwards, but among
corn it is molt commonly found with a fingle
I . upright Item. # &
I LEAVES next the root; numerous, Handing on long
foot-ftalks, pinnated, the pinna: deeply in-
I dented, - the teeth terminating in a fhort point,
thofe of the ftalk deeply divided into three
fegments which are pinnatifid, all the leaves
are hairy, on the upper iide of a deep green
.colour, and Aiming, on the underfide paler.
| FLOWER-STALKS hairy, hairs preffed clofe to the
X ftalk.
|C A L Y X : a Perianthivm compofed of two or three
leaves, deciduous, hifpid, the hairs iffuing
I from fmall papilla .or prominent points.
I COROLLA: four Petals, of a fcarlet colour, nearly
I upright, a little dilfant from each other, in-
1' verfely ovate, finely- notched at top, and
i blacki fh at the bafe, Jig. i .
I STAMINA: about twenty Filaments, of a purple
colour, flat, dilated at top, and Alining. A n-
| thera: Handing each on a very Ihort foot-ftalk,
having two cavities. Pollen biueifli, fig . 2.
| one of the ftamina magnified, fig. 3.
I PISTILLUM: G ermen the length of the filaments,
thickeft at top, fomewhat angular, ‘hifpid, the
| hairs grey and preffed to it. St ig m a com-
* pofed of 3 to 5 villous rays, of a bluifh colour.
I fig . 4.
I SEED-VESSEL: an oblong, club-fhaped Capsule,
fomewhat angular, hifpid, below for the moft
part naked, of a purplifh colour, fig . 3.
X SEEDS numerous, minute, and blackifti, fig. 6, 7.
This fpecies of Poppy is diftinguifhed by a variety of particulars befides its long prickly heads, which, though
not abiolutely neceffary to difcnmmate the fpecies, are well worthy of our attention. The divifions of the leaves
are finer than in any of the other poppies. The petals in general grow more upright; and, inftead of havino- the
edges falling over each other, are ufually a little diftant. The ftamina are very remarkable, having the'filaments
uncommonly dilated towards the top, not at the bafe, as Haller aflbrts; and the Anther* Hand on a very {lender
toot-ltalk placed on the top of each filament. ■ . 1
Like moft of the other poppies it ufually grows in corn fields, and is not very unfrequent in the neighbourhood
ot London. About the beginning of June it bloffoms in Batterfea Fields ; but is often overlooked from the extreme
tugacity of its petals, which rarely continue expanded more than fix hours.