A grimoniâ E üpatoria; A grimony.
AGRIMONIA Lin. Gen. PI. Dodecandria Digynià.
Cal. J dentatus, altero obvallatus. Petala 5. San. 2, in fundo calycls.
AGRIMONIA Eüpatoria fruâibus hifpldis. Lin. Svfl. Peg. p.
AGRIMONIA foliis pinnatis, pinnulis alterne minimis. Haller Hi/l. q q i.
AGRIMONIA Eüpatoria. Scopoli Fl. Cam. n. 567.
EUPATORiUM veterum feu Agrimoniâ. B au h. Pin. 321.
AGRIMONIA Ger. etnac. y 12.
AGRIMONIA PanSyn.p. 2,2. Agrimony. Hudfon. PI. Angl. ed. 2. A ao6.
RADIX perennis, ramofa, rubefcens, fquamis nigri-
. .. cântibus obfeflà. *
angulofus, hirfutus, rubicundus' aut - rubro f punâ'atus, fimplex vel ramofus. f
CAULIS pedalis ad tripedalem, ere&us, teres, pbfolete I
FOLIA alterna, fubambrofiaca, hirfuta, interrupte pin- |
nata cum impari, 5 vel 6 juga, pinnæ fub- |
oppofitæ, feflïles, lubovatæ, venoiæ, ferratæ, |
ciliatæ, pinnulæ plerumque integræ aut trifidæ. *
STIPULÆ duæ, oppofitæ, majufculæ, amplexicaules, I
patentes, profunde ferratæ. f
BRACTEÆ trifidæ, laciniis linearibus, hirfutis.
SPICA terminalis, elongata, hirfuta, floribus breviter +
pedicëllatis. * I
CALYX: Perianthiummondiphyllum, quinquefidum, |
fuperum, perfiftens, laciniis ovatis, acutis, jfg-. |
1. 'extra fetis fili'formibus, rigidis, apice 'pur- J
pureis, uncinatis, cindtum, fig. 2. intus fub- |
ftantia flava glandulofà claufum; Involucrum f ad bafin germinis diphyllum foliolis binis feu *
tridentatis, fig. 3. Iît
COROLLA : Petala quinque, fubovata, .flava, pa- I
tentia, feflilia, fubftantiâ 'glandulofa calycis in- I
- ferta, fig. 4, |
STAMINA: F ilamenta undecim, feu duodecim, *
lutefcentia, curvata, cum petalis inferta; A n- I
^ ’ theræ didymæ, coropreflæ, fig. 5, |
PISTILLUM : G e r m é n inferum, ßg. 6. S t y l i duo, I
curvati, longitudine ftaminum. St i g m a t a |
obtufa^j/%. 7. I
PERICARPIUM : C a p s u l a e calyce orfa, nutans, ex- |
tra^ fulcatum, fuperne cindta ariftis ùncinatis, *
- unilocularis, ßg.. 8. ■%
SEMINA duo, fubrotunda* glabra, ßg. p.
ROOT perennial* branched; of a reddifli colour, befet
with blackilh fcales.
STALK from one to three feet high, upright, round,
faintly angular, hirfute, feddi;fli or dotted with
red, lingle or branched.
LEAVES alternate, fomew'hat fragrant, hirfute, interruptedly
pinnated with an odd one at the end,
compofed of five or fix pair of pinnae, pinna:
moltly oppofite, feflile, fomewhat ovate, veiny,
ferrated, edged with hairs, tlje ftnall pinn® for
the molt part entire or trifid.
STIPULE two, oppofite, rather large,'embracing the
ltalk, fpreading, and deeply ferrated.
FLORAL-LEAVES trifid, the fegments linear and
SPIKE terminal, elongated, hirfute, the flowers Handing
on very' fliort foot-ftalks.
CAL YX: a Perianthium of one leaf, divided into
five fegments, placed above the germen,
and permanent, the fegments ovate, pointed’
Jig. 1. externally furrounded with rigid, filiform,
hooked, briftles, purple at the points, Jig.-
2. within doled with a yellow glandular fub-
ftance; Involucrum at the bafe of the germen
compofed of two leaves, each of which has
two or three teeth, Jig. 3.
COROLLA: five Petals, fomewhat ovate, yellow,
fpreading, feflile, inferted into the glandular
fubltance of the calyx, Jig. 4.
STAMINA: eleven or twelve Filaments, of a yel-
lowilh colour, bent and inferted. with the petals.
Anthers compofed of two lobes and flat-
. tened, Jig. 5.
PISTILLUM: Germen beneath the calyx,' Jig. 6.
Styles two, bent,' the length of the ftamina.
Stigmata blunt, Jig. y.
SEED-VESSEL a Capsule, arifing from the calyx,
- drooping, grooved on the outfide, oil the upper
part furrounded with .hooked beards, of one
• ' cavity, Jig. 8.
SEEDS two, roundilh and fmooth, Jig. 9.
Agrrmony is a plant of very general growth, being found not only in Europe, but in Virginia and Tapan
It has been chiefly regarded as a medicinal plant, and as fuch is often raifed in gardens. Culture does not feem
to produce any material change in its quality. Another fpecies or variety, of foreign original, common alfoIn 9
Hens, and differing little m appearance from our indigenous Agrimony, promifes to be Superior to it in virtue as
itstafte is more aromatic, and its fmell much ftronger, and very agreeable Casfab B in » r » f , l i v V « , -
’Imtum FABius-CoLukKA Eupatorium Dio/eoridls odoratum It aromaticum. Lewi! Dirt ed Aik i 20 f ‘ “
Theleaves r f Agrunony have a flightly bitterilh,. Voughilh taftej accompanied with
' IjH aromatic flavour. The fiowers are in fmell ftronger, and more apreeahle rim, rh. 1' „« , 5 - J
fc™*1“ weaknef- ,Thcy rei>dily give out their virtues both to water and relified fp’irit. The leaves ’impart'to'the
W m e X “ L “ <teeP« reep-0!>,0" J th= fl0WerS ^ Id * e ir own deep yellow ftudure to
tomilir"7 Y ° “ e °-f ” dde,r “ rr“bo,rants ;Jand,in thls intention is fometimes employed, efpecially among the
ommon people, againft habitual diarrhoeas, and cacheflic and other indifpofitions ' from a lax ftrte of r w f r a
«falions of the'leaves, which are not ungrateful, may be drank as tea. I fcme.resioinrf
! W i n diet drinks for purifying the blood, and in pe&ral Apozems. U . ' J ” ° ther
' plant delights in a dry foil, and grows almoft-every where, in this kinjrdom m „.n.,, ' , •
Orders of fields, and by the fides of hedges and ditches, flowering from July to September. P P ' ’ “ the
tattle m general diflike and leave it untouched. - ‘ r