rysiMACHiA Nemorum. Wood. Moneywort, or
L o o s e s t r i f e..
tVSlMACHIA Linnoei Gen. PI. P e n t a n d r i a M o n o g y n i a .
Cor. rotata. Capf. globofa, mucronata, 10-vaIvis.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 18. H e r b æ f r u c t u s i c c o s i n g u l a r i f l o r e m o n o p e t a l o .
LYSIMACHIA nemorum foliis ovatis äcutis, floribus folitariis, caule procumbente. Lin. Sy/l.
Vegetab.p. 165. Sp. Pl.p. 211.
LYSIMACHIA caule decumbente, foliis ovatb-Ianceolatis, petiolis alaribus unifloris. Haller hifll
p.. 278. ’ - .
ANAGALLIS lutea nemorum; Bauhin Pin. p. 252.
ANAGALLIS lutea. Gerard emac. 618.
ANAGALLIS flore luteo. Parkivf. §58.
ANAGALLIS lutea nummularias fimilis. J . Bank. III. 370. Raii Syn. p. 282. Yellow Pimper- •
nel of the Woods. Hudfon FI. Ang. p. 86. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p. 138.
■ ADIX perennis, fibrofa, fibris albidis. f RO OT perennial, fibrous, the fibres whitifh.
MULES plures, decumbentes, teretiufculi, utrinque jj STA LK S feveral, decumbent, roundifh, with a fur-
fulcati, idque alterne, lzeves, rubentes, ex $ row on each fide, and that alternately,
ima parte radicantes. £ fmooth, of a red colour, ftriking root at the
| bale. —■ i
JLIA oppofita, petiolata, ovata, acuta, utrinque | LEAVES oppofite, ftanding on foot-ftalks, ovate,
glabra, fubundulata, e flavo-viridia, venis <> pointed, gloffy on each fide : Somewhat
prommulis; petiolis brevibus, latiufculis. ? waved, of a yellowifh-green colour, the veins
% a little prominent; leaf-ftalks ftiort and
1 broadilh.
■ EDUNCULI axillares, bini five folitarii, teretes, | FLOWER-STALKS axillary, growing fometimes-in
■ umflori, tenues, quam folia longiores. p pairs, fometimes fingly, round, one-flower’d,
| flender, and longer than the leaves.
■ ALYX; Perianthium quinquepartitum, perfiftens, | CALYX : a Perianthium deeply divided into five
■ laciniis fubulatis, fubtriangularibus, jig. 1. | fegments, and permanent, the fegments awl-
I lhaped, and fomewhat triangular, 1.
0 COROLLA monopetalous, yellow, tube wanting, the ■
X limb divided into five ovate fegments, 'ftp-, 2.
y 3. at bottom more intenfely yellow and
| mining, in the mouth o f the. corolla fmall yelo
low glands are obfervable betwixt the fila-
| ments, and the edge of the corolla is orna-
0 mented with little glands ftanding on foot-
| ftalks, jig. 6.
$ •
| STAM INA : five Filaments, fmooth, upright,
0. fomewhat thickeft, in the middle ; A n th e r s
| oblong, bent a little downwards, Jig. 4. 5.
| PISTILLUM: G ermen roundilh, fmooth; Sty le
$ filiform, fomewhat thickeft at top ; Stigma
| Ample* Jig. 7.
$ . • ■
y SEED-VESSEL: a globular Capsule of one cavitv.
1 fig- 8- .
pOROLLA monopetala, flava, tubus nullus ; limbus
■ quinquepartitus, laciniis ovatis, fig. 2. 3.
bafi faturatius flavis, nitidifque, in fauce corollas
glandulas flavae inter filamenta locantur,
et margo corollas glandulis pedicellatis or-
natur, fig. 6.
«AMIN A: Filamenta quinque, las via erefla,
medio paulo crafliora ; A nther.« oblongæ,
mcurvatas, fig. 4. 5.
^ T I L L U M : G ermen fubrotundum, Iasve ; St y lus
filiformis, apice paulo craflior ; Stigma
fimplex, fig. 7.
« R IC A R P IU M : Capsula globofa, unilocularis,
fig* 8» '
^BMlNA plurima, orbiculata, plana, fig. 9. ^ SEEDS numerous, round, and flat, fig. 9.
■ i heL tj 1l blolr°?,S O,f this Plant are exPanded. ‘bey fomewhat refemble thofe of the common Pimpernel in
Bnn rfs of A r i 6 ° der.Botani(ls’ ^ho Paid liule regard to fuch minute but neceffary diftinaions, as the.
■ >ith in it. * 1 &p- conftdered it as an Anagdhs; L inn-eus has joined Ejhich i4 h , ---------- tu I llla c r e a 11 as an nnagabus-, i - in n ie u s lias jo in e d it w ith the Mit ownitehy wthoer tM, otoneywort, to
Etn leaves r ■ llablt. “ bears no fmall affinity, but from which it elfentially differs in many particulars -
■ W'lUlk,’ w W are more pointed, the flowers are fmaller, lefs bell-Ihaped, and Hand on much longer
■ ™ the ftalks are, generally redder. 6
V 9°d it^DarX»\°)VS m°ift * oods.> and is not uncommon in the neighbourhood of London ; in Charlton-
I r ucuiarly abounds, flowering from June to September.