L y c o p u s eu rop tE u s . W a t e r H o r e h o u n d .
LYCOPUS Lim Gen. PI. DiAndria Monogynia
Cor. 4. fida: lacinia unica emarginatä. Stamina diftantiä, Semina 4. retufa»
Raii. Syn. Gen. 14. Suffrutices e t Herb je vert ich. latte.
LYCOPUS europaus foliis fmuato-ferratis. Lin. Sy ft. Fegetab. p. 63. Sp. PI. p. 30. FL Suec. n. 31.
LYCOPUS foliis acute ferratis et appendiculatis. Haller Hift. 220.
LYCOPUS europaus-. Scopoli Fl. Carn. n. 29.
LYCOPUS paluftris glaber J . R. H. 191.
MARRUBIUM paluftre glabru m Bauh. p. 230.
MARRUBIUM aquaticum. Ger. etnac. 700.
MARRUBIUM aquaticum vulgare. Partins. 123a. Raii. Sylt. p. 236. Water Horehound.
Hudfon Fl. Angl. ed. 2.
Lightfoot Fl. Scot.
CAULIS pedalis, ad tripedälem-, fe'reflüs, quadratus,
hirfutus, ad bafin ufque ramofus; Rami
oppofiti. ],
FOLIA oppofita, ovata, acuta, feffiliä, fubrugöfa,
hirfutula, finuato-ferrata.
FLORES parvi, albi, adgenicula in verticillos denfös
C A L YX : Perianthium femiquinquefidumm, ohniorfpuhtyulmlu,m ,l atcuibniuilsa taucmu,- minatis .Jig. 1.
COROLLbAre vims,o nopetala, alba, "Tubus cylindraceus, fubasquaLliibmubSu,s f uqpueardiroirfeid eums, arvgililnöaftuäs,, omlanciinbiuiss praefertim inferiore ritbro pun&atis. fig. 2.- 3.
STAM INA : F ilament a duö, corollä longiora,
primum inflexa, demum redta ; A ntherte
parv», fublunulatae, albidae. Jig. 4.
PISTILLUM: Germen quadrifidum, fubftantiä glan-
dulofa ad bafin cin&um ; Stylus filiformis,
redtus, longitudine Staminum; Stigma
bifid um. fig. 5.
MINA quatuor, fig. 9. fufca, nitida, oleo quafi illinita,
SE fubtriangularia, externe planiufcula, lineä,
fubcordatain medio impreflä, interne medio ad
angulum produdto, lateribus fubinvolutis.
Jig. 6. externe, fig. 7. interne vifum.
0 1 ti .i_.jvd rrom one to three feet i n height, upright, four
t corner’d, befet with rough, hairs, branched
| quite to the bottom ; Branches oppofite.
j.' LEAVES oppofite* ovate, pointed, feffile, fomewhat
£ wrinkled, (lightly hirfute, fawed at the edge,
| the incifions deep and fomewhat waved.
\ FLOWERS finall, and white, difpofed round the joints
t in thick whirls.
f C A L Y X ; a Perianthium of one leaf, tubular, and
I hirfilte, (lightly divided into five fegments,
\ which run out to a fine point.jig-. 1.
\ COROLLA rrionopetalous and white* Tube cylindrical,
fhort, Limb divided into four fegments, blunt,
fpreading* villous within, the fegments hear*
ly equal, the uppermoft notched, all of them
efpecially the lower one dotted with red,
l Jig- 2. 3.
■ STAMINA : two Filaments, longer than the corolla,
at firft bent in, afterwards ftraight; A ntherte
fmall, fomewhat crefcent*like and whitifh.
PISTILLUM4 :‘ Germen divided into four parts, fur*
rounded at bottom by a glandular fubftance;
S tyle filiform, ftraighr, the length of the
Stamina; Stigma bifid. Jig. 5.
SEEDS four, fig. 9. brown, fhining as if anointed with
oil, fomewhat triangular, externally flattifh,
with an imprefl'ed fomewhat heart-fhaped line
iir the middle, internally the middle running
out to a point or angle, the fides fomewhat
rolled in fig. 6. feen externally, fig. 7. in
Water, it flowers in Auguft and September. ’ ojr UQSS 01 nV6rS’ ana Itrear? s of
affinity With the of RAy. but genus Sahia, dif-
The leaves vary in being more or Ms hairy, and more or Ms finely divided,
root being of ^ le muepin^Tind^renders it o^exthpationT11161 * ^ f° t0Uch !t ■