PILOBIUM m o n t a n u m . W ood W illow-herb.
EPILOBIUM LinnaVGen. PI. O ct'a n d r ia M onogynia
Calyx quadrifidus. Petala quatuor. Capfula oblonga, inféra. Semina pappofa.
'Ran Synopf. 'Gen. 22. H erbæ v a s cu l if e ræ iflore t e t r a p e t a l o an om alæ .
•EPILOBIUM foliis oppofitis, ovatis, dentatis, Limai Syjl. Fegetab.yç. 296. F I Suecic. n. 329.
EPILOBIUM foliis ovato-lanceolatis,.glabris, dentatis, Haller HiJl. n. 996.
CHAMAENERION montanum Scopoli FI. -Cam. p.270.
L Y SIMA.CHIA filiquofa. glabra major. Bauhin ;p. 245.
LYSIMACHIA filiquofa major Parkinfon. 548.
LYSIMACHIA-campeftris. Gerard emac 478. Raii.Hift. p. 86*. The greater fmooth-leaved codded
Willow-herb or loôfe ftrife. Syn.
Hudfon. FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 4.
■ Lightfoot FI. Scot.p. 198.
[RADIX perennis, fubfigndfa, fibrofa, gemmulis ruber-
rimis fuperne inftrufta.
ICAULIS pedalis ad tripedalem, ere&us, rtibicundus,
teres, fubpubefcens, fuperne ramofus, fæpe
vero fimplex.
IRAMI oppofiti.
FOLIA oppofita, pedicellis breviflimis bafi connatis
inlidentia, ovato acuta, argute dentata,
fuperne glabra, inferne pallidiora, venofa,
hirfutula, imis fæpe ruberrimis.
ICALYX: Pe r ian th ium fuperum, tetraphyllum,
foliolis lanceolatis, nervo medio confpicuo,
fig- i* .
■ COROLLA : Petala quatuor, obcordata, profunde
emarginata, pallide purpurea, calyce longiora,
patentia. fig. 2.
[STAMINA: Filamenta o£to, fubulata, alba,
quorum quatuor alterna breviora, Antheræ
flavefcentes. fig. 3.
IPISTILLUM : Germen -tetragonum, inferum, præ-
longum, fulcatum", St y lu s albus, longi-
tudine ftaminum, apice pauiulum incraflatus ;
Stigma quadrifidum, album, laciniis paten-
tibus, non vero revolutis. fig. 4. 5,
[SEMINA minima, pappofa. fig. 6.
i ROOT perennial, fomewhat woody and fibrous, on its
| ' upper part furnifhed with little buds of a
I bright red colour.
j STALKS from one to three feet high, upright, of a
£ red colour, round, fcarce preceptibly downy,
branched above, but often fingle.
I BRANCHES oppofite.
* LEAVE S oppofite, fitting on very Ihort footftalks,
whole bafes unite, ovate and pointed, Iharp-
f ly toothed on the edges, on the upper fide
i fmooth, on the under fide of a paler colour,
i veiny and very llightly hairy, the bottom
I ones often of a bright red colour.
| C A L YX : a Perianthium placed above the germen,
i compofed of four narrow pointed leaves, in
| which the midrib is confpicu'ous. fig. 1.
| COROLLA four Pet al s inverfely heart-lhaped, deeply
I notched, of a pale purple colour, longer than
the calyx and fpreading. fig. 2.
4 STAMINA eight Filaments, tapering, of a white
| colour, four of which are alternately Ihorter ;
| Anthe.«: yellowilh. fig. 3.
? PIST'ILLUM: Germen four cornered, placed be-
| neath the calyx, very long and grooved; Style
white, the length of the ftamina, thickened
| a little at top; Stigma divided into four feg-
* ments, white, the fegments fpreading but not
rolled back. fig. 4. 5.
I SEEDS very fmall and downy, fig. 6.
I MOST of the Willow-herbs that we have already figured, have grown in wet fituations, this rather delights
J1 Woods, Hedge-rows, lhady Lanes, and Hedges, fometimes it is alfo found on Walls in Courts and Areas ; it
[flowers from June to Auguft.
We fometimes find it having three or four leaves at each joint, a variety to which moft of this family is