Erica C inerea. Fine-Leaved Heath.
ERICA Linnai Gen. PI, Octandria Monogynia.
Gz/. 4-phylJüs. Cor. 4rfida. Filamenta jreceptaculo inferta. Anthères
bifidæ. Caps. 4-locularis.
Raii Syn. A rbores et Fru tic'es.
ERICA cinerea foliis ternis glabris Jinearibus.
ERICA cinerea antheris criftatis, corollis ovatis, ftylo fubexerto, foliis ternis
Linncei Syjl. Vegetab. p. 303.
ftigmate capitato.
ERICA humilis, cortice cinereo Arbuti flore., - \Bfluhin. p. 486.
ERICA virgata five VI. Clufii. Parkinfon 1483.
ERICA tenuifolia Gerard emac. 1380. Raii Syn, p. 471, Fine-Leaved Heath.
p. 144. Oeder Dari. icon. 38. -
Hudfon Fl. Angl.
lUJIA perenms, ngnoia. f p c ic am a i an a
ALES faffruticofi, pedales, lignoG, cor'tice cine- STA LK S Ihrubby, about a foot high, woody • the
reo,.ramofi, rarais oppolitls. ’ . | bark of an alh colour, branched; the branches
LIA terna linearia, patentia fupra glabra, n it id a j LEAVES growing three together, linear, fpreading
traniverfim rugofa, infra canahculata, fatu-$ above fmooth and (hining, tranfverfcfc
rate viridia, Jig. 1,2. ' A -wrinkled; below hollow, of a deep-green
f , colour, j%\ 1, 2.
[ORES faturate .purpurei ta to fonori, fpicati, | FLOWERS o f a deep-purple colour, fonorous when
lpicis longis, verticillato-glomeratis, termina- | touched, growing in long, cluttered, and
- s* I whirled fpikes, which are terminal.
»LYX Pcrianthidm tetraphyllum,- foliolis Ian- $ CA L YX : a Perianthium of four leaves, o f a point-
ceolatis, acummaos margme membranaceis, £ ed oval (hape, membranous at the edge, co- ,
coloratis, perfiftentibus foliolis duobus aoutts | loured, continuing, with two pointed and
et multo mmonbus ad bafin, fig. 3, 5. £ much rmailer leavcs at thf, bott£m of them>
i J S -3 . 5-
.ROLLA monopetala, ovata, ore quadrifido, la- | CO ROL LA of one Petal, oval, the mouth divided
emils obtufis, fepe emqrtuis, perfiftens,yfg.4. | into four fegments,. which often occur wi-
$ thered, continuing, jig '. 4.
(AMINA I Filamenta o&o, fubulata, alba, C o -<
| ST AM IN A : eight Filaments, tapering, white,
> fhorter than the Corolla, inlerted into the
i Receptacle: A nthera fomewhat arrow-'
j fliaped, adhering together, with two cavities
rollabreviora,reoeptaculoinferta ; A nther æ i
fubfagittatæ, cohærentes, biloculares, bicor- '
nes, cornubus laciniatis, ad bafin rubris, bi- <
foraminofæ, fig, 6, 7. ' <
pTILLUM : Germen cylindraceum, fulcatum ; \
Stylus fubulatus, purpureus, Corollâ in- <
elufus, Staminibus longior ; Stigma fubro-|
tundum, fig. 8, 9, 10.
rICARPIUM Capsula fubrotunda, quadrilocu- <j
laris, quadrivalvis. J
open at top, and two little horns, which are
[ jagged and red at bottom, 6, 7.
1 PISTILLUM: G cylindrical, grooved; Style
! tapering, purple, enclofed within the Corolla,
but longer than the Stamina: S tigma
roundilh, fig. 8, 9, To.
: SEED-VESSEL a roundilh Capfule of four cavities
and four valves.
M'NAl plura, fubovata, fuperficie reticulata, T e , J SEEDS fcveral, o f an oval (hape, the furface reticu-
Suac^ruplo majora. | bated,, four times, larger than thofe of the
a Crofs-Leaved Heath.
fhewy IS®grows genera,iy with I; cr*-umei
I i “ 8r0WS t0 a Pret‘y confiderable height, it is applicable to the fame ufes as the Common Heath.
A ' f a ' C ^ fr01” the '*-ea™A Heath by the Gnenefs, fmoothnefs, and deep-green colour of its
• auwers alio grow more in fpikes, and are of a deeper purple colour.