Leucojum ALstivum. Summer Snowflake.
I LEUCOJUM Lin. Gen. PI. Hexandria Monogynia.
Cor. campaniformis, 6-partita, apicibus incraffata. Stigma fimplex.
Rail Syn. Gen. 26. Herbie radice bulbosa pr^ed it-e .
LEUCOJUM ceßivum fpatha multiflora, ftylo clavato. Lin. Syfi. Vegetab. p . 316. Sp. PL p. 414.
Jacquin FI. Aujtr. t. 203. v. 4.
LEUCOJUM ceßivum. Scopoli FV. Cam. n. 393.
LEUCOJUM bulbofum majus f multiflorum. Bauh. Pin. 55.
LEUCOJUM bulbofum ferotinum majus 1. Cluf. hiß. 1. p . 170.
LEUCOION bulbofum polyanthemum. Dodon. Stirp hiß. p. 230. The great late flowering
Bulbous Violet. Park. Parad. p. 110.
|DIX : Bulbus magnitudine nucis caftaneæ, fub-
-ovatus, extus pallide fufcus, intus albus,
tunicatus, lamellis plurimis, tenuibus, denfe
\ lA plurima, fefquipedalia, erefla, fublinearia,
faturate viriaia, unciam fere lata, obtufa,
fuperne plana, inferne lesviter carinata, ca-
rina obtufa, exteriora breviora.
JS foliis paulo altior, multiflorus, fiftulofus,
fubcomprefliis, anceps, fubtortuofus, uno
latere nonnunquam obtufo, altero acuto.
-DUNCULI plerumque quinque ex eadem fpatha,
uniflori, angulati, longitudine inæquales.
■ ORES albi, penduli, fecundi, vix odori.
iROLLA campaniformi-patens, Petala fex, ovata,
alba, mtus ftriata, ball minime cohaerentia,
apicibus crafliufculis, ftri&ioribus, macula
viridi infignitis.
IRMINA: F i l a m e n t a fex, alba, filiformia : A nther
oblongae, fubquadrangulares, eredlze,
luteas, apice poris duobusdehifcentes,^g\i,2.
pILLUM: Germen fubovatum, inferum: S t y lus
albus, ftaminibus paulo longior, inferne
attenuatus, fuperne virefcens; Stigma.
breve, fetaceum, ereflum, acutum, fig. 3.
[RICARPIUM: Capsula fubpyriformis, mem-
branacea, trilocularis, trivalvis, fig. 4.
WNA plura, majufcula, fubrotunda, atra, ni-
tentla, fig. 5. .
\ R O O T : a Bulb the flze o f a chefnut, fomewhat ovate,
> externally o f a pale brown colour, internally
► white, coated, the coats numerous, thin,
and clofely compafled.
\ LEAVES numerous, about a foot and a half in
t length, upright, nearly linear, of a deep
| green colour, almoft an inch in breadth,
| obtufe, above flat, beneath {lightly keeled,
i> the keel obtufe, the lowermofl leaves fhorteft.
| S T A L K a little higher than the leaves, fupporting
many flowers, hollow, {lightly flattened^
r two-edged, a little twilled, one fide fometimes
obtufe, the other acute.
\ FLOWER-STALKS for the moll part five proceed-
) . ing from the fame {heath, each fupporting
r a fingle flower, angular, and of unequal
| lengths.
FLOWERS white, pendulous, growing all one way,
J'' with little {cent. v
j> CO ROL LA fomewhat bell-lhaped, fpreading, Petals
J fix, ovate, white, finely grooved within
1 fide, _ not at all uniting at bottom, tips
f thickilh, a little puckered, and marked with
j a green- fpot.
I STAMINA fix white, thread-fhaped F ilaments :
k . A n th e r s oblong, fomewhat quadrangular,
[ upright, yellow, each cell open at top,
\ fig. 1, 2.
j> PISTILLUM G ermen fomewhat ovate, beneath ;
[ Sty le white, a little longer than the {lamina,
tapering downwards, above gr-eenifh;
^ S tigma like a final], fhort, upright,.pointed
> briftle, fig. 3.
| SEED-VESSEL : a Capsule fomewhat pear-fhaped,
> ' . membranous, having three cavities and
► three valves, fig. 4.
[ SEEDS feveral, fomewhat large, nearly round, black,
► and glofly, fig. 5.
Jowers about the middle of May.
l lW betwixt G reenw ich and W oolw ich, about half a mile below the former, clofe
fed] with7 ’ T nr h-‘gh ^at,ef mar,k-„S!owinS (where no garden, in all probability, could ever havi
n L L X - a^ ltSs’ C a l t / t a Oamnthe cro ca ta , and A n g elica fy lv e jlr is : Prof. Tacouin
Kits. " he J " A ’iftn a c a , and S c o r o u , in his F lo r a C a r n io lica , defcribe it as growing in fimila
xh 13 tj]e oppofite ih^6* Cr<1'^C^ *n P ra ^ s u ^ s 6C f u ^ p o lu ftr ib u s. It has a Ho been found in the ljle o f D o gs
i»ais°whna^?” tal growing in fo public a place, could have efcaped the prying eyes of the mam
H i fati.fi.a r •refiu e.d ln London for fuch a length of time, feems flrange : for my own part, I an
■ h i* nneu ot its being a native of our lfiand, and have no doubt but it will be found in many othe:
Initially fee^h ^ave gjveni rvas drawn on the fpot above defcribed, where it growl more luxuriantly thar
IDily moift in S i l i * • e rea*on which is, that in gardens it feldom has a foil or fituation fuffi.
irallyknowS'r1**.!’ eve? T ournefort, united it with the Snowdrop; and in our gardens it i;
pdon from .1,. / e oamc of the great Summer Snowdrop; but as it differs very eflentiallv in its f’ructi
fdpoad i„ feme A. U5‘ - T ,hav? ■thought U naceffilry “ > g™ it the new Englilh name of Snowflake, t<
I ‘0 tome degree with' the Linniean generic name Leucojum, m