or Water V iolet.
HOTTONIA Un.Gen.Fl. Pentandria Monogynia.
Raii Syn. Gen. i8-. Herbje fructu sicco singulari, flore Monqfetalo.
HOTTONIA palußris, pedunculis verticiilato-multifloris. Lin. Syfi. Vegetab. p. 164.
HOTTONIA florum verticiilis fpicatis. Haller, hiß. p. 632.
MILLEFOLIUM aquaticum feu Viola aquatica, caule nudo.^ i \ i . Parkinfon, i z $6.
VIOLA paluftris. Gérard, emac. 82$. Raii Synop. p. 285. Hudfon. Fl. Angl p. 72. Scopoli Flor*
Car nid. n, 215. Fl. Dan.icon. 487.
■ )IX e plurimis fibrillis capillaceis albis confiât, quæ
[ in limum profunde dimittuntur. 1
jLISfive Scapus floriferus, pedalis, fimplex, eredus,
I multiflorus, verfus apicem glandulis fcabrrufcu-
I lus, ad bafin foliis plurimis inftruftus, undepet
■ aquam longe excurrunt caules plures qui fibrillas
I dhnittunt.
DJA plurima, pleru.mque immerfa, pinriata, in api-
™ cibus caulium juniorum denfa, reflexa, pinnis
linearibus planis.
WES pallide purpurei, verticillati, fpicati, pedunculi
■ ad. 10. Bra&æâ, ad bafin inftrudti, poft floref-i
I centiam reflexi.
BYX: Perianthium monophyllum, quinqueparti-
tum: laciniis linearibus, ere<fto-patulis,y£g\ 1.
J ROOT Confiftsof numerous white capillary fibres, which
:: penetrate deep into the mud.
: : STALK or flowering ScaFus, a foot high, Ample, up-
;; right, fuftaining many flowers, towards the
top roughilh with little glands, furnilhed at
I • bottom with numerous leaves, from whence
I feveral ftalks proceed, and run out to a confif
. derable length through the water throwing out
! numerous white fibres.
; LEAVES numerous, generally under the water, pinnated,
growing in tufts on the tops of the
young ftalks, bending downwards, the Pinnæ
linear and flat.
FLO WERS o f a pale purple colour, growing in whirls,
and forming a fpike. Peduncles to 10 in number,
furmfhed at bottom with a Bradteâ, when
the flowers are gone off turning downwards.
; CALYX ; a Perianthium of one leaf, divided into five
segments, which are linear, upright and fome-
what fpreading, fig. \.
|R0LLA : monopetala, hypocraterifbrmis, tubus ion- :
■ gitudine calycis, limbus quinquefidus, planus : f
I laciniis ovàto-oblongis, emarginatis, fig. 2. |
COROLLA : monopetalous and falver-fhaped, the tube
the length of the calyx; the l im b divided
into five fegments and flat; the segments of
ah oval oblong fhape with a notch at the extremity,
fig. 2.
ecta. Antheræ oblongæ, flavæ, fig. 2. right, A ntheræ oblong and yellow, fig. 3. 311 filifbr- l PISTILLUM: G humen rouudiflr, Sttlu thread-fhaped
■ is. St igm a globofum, / g . 4. | and fhort, St igm a Ipherical, Jig. 4. P
l Ap S B f l B -iiucularis, fub-IsEED-VESSELl around Caps™,* of one cavity,
y nightly tranfparent, fig. r.
recepta-1 SEEDS numerous, ovai, of a pale brown colour, y , .
P a’ Sg' O- | affixed to a round receptacle within the capfule
■ A ‘ 6- ’
H f e i r ' - ' r,! " I B Particul;lrly in J divide the Meadows, and flowers
I I U the right-hand (id! of ' ‘{“ V " am°ng 1 variety of other places it may be found in
B o »ot find „ 1 f he F,.eld ‘“ ding from Kent-ftreet Road to Peckham.
Both of wllh'ft p i ' ” !Ttl0“ S J'L,P°feflmS I ! ProPerties “ recommend it but its beauty and'fiugula-
l e fares „ ” ,„ 1 P f i ,s a degree fufficent to command our admiration. 7 S
Water’ and aSbrd 3 NidUS’ ^ nM N0Urifl,ment- t0the
Boerhaave afterwards