jut f cus C a m p e s t r i s . H a i r y F i e l d R u s h .
JUNCUS Lin. Gen. PL H e x a n d r ia M o n o g y n ia .
Cal. 6-phylIus. Cor. o. Capfula l-locularis.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 27. H e r b * g r am in if o l iæ f l o r e im p e r f e c t o c u lm if e ræ .
JUNCUS campeßris foins planis fubpilofis, fpicis feffilibus pedunculatifque. Lin. Syfi. Veg. p. 280.
JUNCUS planifolius ; fpicis petiolatis, nutantibus ; petalis ariftatis. Haller Hiß.
JUNCUS campeßris. Scopoli Fl. CarnioL p. 258.
GRAMEN hirfutum capitulis Pfyllii. Bauh. Pin. 7.
GRAMEN exile hirfutum. Gerard emac. 17.
GRAMEN nemorofum hirfutum minus anguftifolium. Parkinfon 1185.
Raii Syn.p. 416. Small Hairy Wood-Grafs.
Hud/on FL Angl. 132. ed. 2. p. 152.
Lightfoot Fl. Scot. 186.
■ J)IX perennis, craflitie pennæ coracis, fublignofa,
fibris plurimis nigricantibus inftru&a, reiLMluI
fimplex, palmaris, aut dodrantalis, ërec-
[ tus, foliofus, bafi tumidus, teres, lævis,
UIA plana, pilofa, pilis e margine foliorum erum-
pentibus, acuta, apidbus fæpe rufis, mem-
brana deftituta, foliola duo ereéla inæqualia
f|ï|ulis fubje&a culmum terminant.
|lCULÆ plerumque tres, fubovatæ, fig. 1. floref-
cente planta erefta, pedicellis inæqualibus
infidentes, inferiore fubfeflili.
IdUNCULI filiformes, e vaginâ ciliatâ prodeuntes.
LORES decem aut duodeeem circiter in fingula fpicula,
iJL’YX-: fquamulæ plerumque quatuor, ovato-acutæ,
membranaceæ, inæquales, foliolis calycinis
multo breviores, fingulum. flofculum ambi-
unt, ßg. 2.
jALYX prOprius, h e x ap h y llu s : folio lis lan c eo la to -
acuminatis, paten tibus , p e r llen tib u s , nitidis,
carinatis, e fufco -p u rp u re is, fig..3 .
PROLLA nulla.
TAMINA: F i l a m e n t a fe x , fu bu lata, b rev iflima :
A n t h e ræ o b lo n gæ , c a ly c em æ quante s, fla-
væ, quadrifulcatæ, b icu fpid a tæ , ßg. 4, 5,
demiflo p o lline to rtuo fæ .
ISTILLUM: G e r m e n v ir id e , triq u et rum , acuminatum:
S t y l u s b rev is , filifo rm is : S t i g m
a t a tria, lo n g a , filifo rmia, fle x u o fa , vil-
! lofa, ßg. 6.
piCARPIUM : Capsula tefta, triquetra, unilo-
cularis, trivalvis, ßg. 7, 8, 9.
$ ROOT perennial, the fize of a crow quill, fomewhat
woody, furnilhed with numerous blackifh
$ fibres, creeping.
f S T A LK Ample, from three to nine inches high, up-
| right, leafy, fomewhat enlarged at bottom,
$ round, fmooth, and without joints,
f LEAVES flat, hairy, the hairs proceeding from the
$ edges of the leaves, pointed, the tips often
§. of a reddifla brown colour, not furnilhed
with any membrane: two fmall, upright, un-
# equal leaves, placed under the fpiculze, ter-
I miiiate the ftalk.
| SPICULiE, generally three, fomewhat oval, fig. 1,
upright when the plant is in flower, fitting
| on uneven footftalks, the lowermoft fpicula
f nearly feflile.
| FLOWER-STALKS thread-fhaped, proceeding from
| a fmall (heath edged with hairs,
f FLOWERS about ten or twelve in each fpicula,
| feflile.
f CALYX : moft commonly four fmall fcales, of an
| oval pointed (hape, membranous-and uneven,
# and much (horter than the leaves of the
true calyx, furround the bafe of each floret,
S ' Jig- 2. 7 . ' H i | CALYX : the proper calyx is compofed of fix leaves,
# fpear-(haped, with a long point, fpreading,
| permanent, fliining. keeled, of a brownilh
purple colour, Jig. 3.
| COROLLA wanting.
| STAM INA : fix F il am e n t s , tapering, and very
(hort: A n t h e r .® oblong, the length of the
calyx,- yellow, with four grooves, terminating
in two points, Jig. 4, 5. on (hedding the
b pollen becoming twilled,
f PISTILLUM: G ermen green, three-cornered, pointed
: S t y l e (hort, thread-lhaped, crooked,
# and villous, fig. 6.
|- SEED-VESSEL : a C a p s u l e c o v e r ed b y th e c a ly x ,
| thre e-co rn ered , o f one c a v i ty an d three
| v a lv e s , fig. 7 , 8, 9 .
UNA plerumque tria, fubrolunda, olivacea, Jig. % SEEDS ufually three, of a roundilh lhape, and olive
10 11. * colour, Jig. 10, 11.
[Tie above defcription is taken from the Juncus campcjlris, when growing in its moft ufual ftate in dry
Mures; in fuch fituations it has feldom more than three or four fpiculae; in moifter and richer (oils, parti-
|Ularly on boggy ground, it will often have a much greater number: but though n varies m fize and the
.umber of its parts, it dill continues very diftin£l from the pilofus, or Hairy Wood Rufh.
I h flowers.in April and May, and ripens its feeds in June.
(The hairs of this, and fome of the other Junci, are of a very Singular kind; a ftranger to plants would
ifPpofe that fome animal had been robbed of its hair by rubbing on it.
| | appearance of this plant indicates a dry foil, and confequently not very luxuriant pafturage.