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Panicum verTicillatum. Rough Panic Grass.
PANICUM; Lin. Gen. PI. T riandria DigyniA.
Cal. trivalvis, valvula tertia minima;
‘Rail Syn. Gen. 2*]. Herb.® graminifoll® flore imperfecto cülmifer®;
1 ' PANICÜM verticillatum fpica Verticillata raeemulis quäterriis, involucellis unifloris bifetis, culmis diffufis;
Lin. Syft. Vegetab. p. 89. Sp. PL p. 82.
PÄNICUM fpica unica pariiculata, fetis paucioribus. Haller: Hiß. n; 1543.
GRAMEN paniceum fpica afpera. Bank. Pin. p. 8.
PANICUM vulgare fpica fimpliciet afpera; Inß. 515. Scheuch Agroß-, 47. Rail Syn: p. 394, Rough-
eared Panic-Grafs. Hudfon Fl: Angl. ed. 2. p; 24.
B v . I. Raceiiiula râmofà tüagn. nat.
B > . 2. Pars ejufdern au£t.
B ,v 2. Glumæ calycis audt;
Wig- 4. Corolla.
5. Stamina.
B fr . 6. Piftillum.
Wig 7- Semen magn. nat*
Big., 8. Idem auCt.
¥ Fig: i; One of the fmall branched rdcemi of its natural
| fize.
$ Fig. 2. A part of the fame magnified.
I Fig. 3; The glumes o f the calyx magnified;
| Fig. 4. The Corolla.
¥ Fig.. 5. The Stamina.
I Fig. 6. The Piftillum;
¥ Fig. 7. The feed of its natural fize;
* Fig: 8. The fame magnified.
1 The Panicum verticillatum m its general habit agrees exactly with the viride^ but in the fize arid form of thé
Bike, and the parts compofing it, it differs very materially : the whole plant is generally one-third larger than that
;|f the viride ; the fpike is larger, and much lefs compact ; it is evidently compofed of little branches, which grow
Kmewhat in whirls, whence its name. The feta? or hairs of the fpike are confiderably Ihorter than thofe of the
Bride, and differ from them particularly in being hooked, fo that the fpike drawn over the back of the hand or cuff
®f the coat adheres very flrongly ; and where feveral fpikes grow near each other, they are very apt* from this
Buie, to:become entangled.
B l found this plant growing laft year very fparingly in the Gardeners Grounds Bàterfea Fields, with the viridej
Knd flowering at the fame time. Mr. R ay defcribes it as having been found in a Turnip Field betwixt Putney and
B lehampton, alfo beyond the Neat-houfes by the Thames fide, going from the Horfe Ferry above Wejlminjler to
mheljèa. Scheuchzer remarks, that it is a troublefbme weed in the gardens at Paris -,