5 a g i n a e r e c t a. U pright P earlwort.
SAGINA Llnruei Gen. Pi. T e t r a n d r ia T e t r AGy n IA.
Cal. 4-phyllus. Pet ala 4. Caps. 1 locuiaris, 4 valvis, poiyfperitta*
RailSyn. Gen. 24* Herbjj pentapetalje vas-culiferje*
SAGINA ere£1 a caule ere£to fubuiiifloro. Juinn. Syfi. Fegetab. p. 142. Sp, PI. p-. 185»
ALSINELLA folils caryophylleis* Cat. Gifs. 47»
SAGINA fcapis unifloris. Guett. Stamp* p. 276* Dalib. Paris, p-. 56*
ALSINE verna glabra* Magn. Monfp. 14. Vaill. Paris. 6. t. 3. ƒ£. 2» Rail Sym fig. 4. A 15. p. 344,
the leaft Stich-wort.
Hudfon. Fl. Angl. ed. 2. p. 73.
Lightfoot. FI. Scot. p. 125.
RADIX annua, fimplex, fibrofa.
ÇAULES plerumque plures, fupra cendentes, bi aut triuncialetse,r rateirne teexsp, ânpfui,r pauf-- raauftc eëntitaems, trliæflvoersi., geniculati, uniflori, biflori
FOLIA glloanugciat,u dininfaelr!i oresx alirnaetaar, iac,a ufelifnliali ac, orningaidtaa,, lfiænepâe ■; recurvata, latiora^ magifque acuminata. ;
pALYX:l iPoleisr ioavnattoh iaucmum tientaratipsh, ylelrueémfc,i sp, erpfilfetreunms, qfuoe- ;. claufis, margine membranaceis albidis, lævi- : bus, glaueis, fig. 1.
COROLLoAbl o: nPgea,t aolbatu qfau,a tufuobr fctrailaytac,e barpeivceio rian,d iavlibfaa,,
fig. 2, aud.
| RO O T annual, fimple, and fibrous*
• STALKS for the moft part feveral, expanded on the
STAMINtaA, :p eFtaillisa pmauelno tbare qviuoartau, ofre,t aicnetar a: petala loca- A n t h e r æ fubrotundæ, didymæ, flavefcentes, fig. 3, 4.
JpiLLUloMng:i tuGdienrem fteanm oinvuamtu m: : S t y l u s breviflimus, villofa, reflexa, S t i g m a t a quatuor, fig. 5, 6.
^■ IÇARnPacIUeaI,V uÏn :i loCcaulpasruisl, uan iovballovnigs,o c oavlyatcae, pmauelmo blorna-- gior, ore plerumque decemdentato, fig. 7, 9, 1 fig* 8, aud. ï
^®hA plurima, e fufco aurantiaca ; fubreniformia, f fcabra, fig. 10, 11. |
earth, and afterwards riling upright, from two
to Three inches high, round, purpliih, fmooth,
jointed, lupporting from one to three flowers.
LEAVES glaucous; the lower ones linear, feffile, rigid,
grooved; thofe on the ftalk uniting at
their bafe, often bent back, broader, and more
G A L YX : a Perianthium of four leaves, permanent,
the leaves oval and pointed, upright, generally
clofed, membranous and whitifh on the
edges, fmooth and glaucous.
CO R O L LA : four Petal s Ihorter than the calyx,
white, oblong, obtufe, fomewhat ftriated,
and undivided at top, fig. 2. magnified.
STAMINA : four F ilaments placed between the petals,
and a little ihorter than the petals, feta-
ceous: A nt her/E roundilh, double, o fa y e l-
loWifli colour, fig. 3, 4.
PISTILLUM: Germen oval: Sty le very fhort, the
length of the ftamina: St igm a ta four, villous,
and turning back, fig. 5, 6.
P ERIC ARP IUM : an oblong, oval, membranous C apsu
le , of one cavity and one valve, a little
longer than the calyx, the mouth opening generally
with ten teeth, fig. 7, 9. fig. 8, magn.
SEEDS numerous, of an orange brown colour, -fomewhat
kidney-fliaped, and rough on the furface,
- fig* IQ? ii -
.«j/wivvi-iLaw,, 11 gi&anjr itlcUlUiCb U VjCTCtjUUm ; Willie
jroaches nearly to the Stellaria Holofiea. As there are
erably in the parts of fru£lification,' we have thought it
> thofe. charaders, which obvioufly diflinguifh it from
ut London, particularly on Black-heath. I t flowers in
ns far, fo that the blofloms are. not iuffered fully to
,as hath been mo5 unufua% the cafe this year, ,y 79, the ftalk is generally fimple; but
Pft'Ptefentcd b th e ^ d d iT fi ftallks> whlch firft fPread on the earth' and afterwards become'upright,