|jS M A DAMASONIUM. St a r r y - H e a d e d
W a T E R - P l A NT A I N.
I ALISMA Lin. Gen. PI. Hexand ria Po l yg yn ia .
Cal. 3-phyllus. Petala 3. Sem. plura.
Rail Syn. Gen. 2 7 . H e r b a l m u l t i s i l iq u a l seu co rn icul at^e.
ALISMA Damafonium foliis cordato oblongis, floribus hexagynis, capfulis fubulatis. Lin. Syjl.
Vegetab. p. 350. Sp. PI. p. 486.
PLANTAGO aquatica ftellata. Bauk. Pin. 190.
DAMASONIUM ftellatum Dalechampii. I. B. III. 789.
PLANTAGO aquatica minor ftellata. Ger. emac. 417.
PLANTAGO aquatica minor muricata. Park. 1245. Raii Syn. Star-headed Water-Plantain.
Hudf. FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 158.
JX perennis, fibrofa, fibris plurimis, denfiflinae |
capillatis, fimpliciufulis, ex fufco-aurantiacis, ^
in liraum profunde demiflis, junioribus al- <>
bis. ,• $
|A longe- petiolata, natantia, cordato-oblonga, $
* integerrima, utrinque glabra, obtufa, mar- |
gine ipfa purpurafcente, fubtus, nervofa, 4
nervis duöbus vix. protuberantibus parallelis x
prope marginem. $
flOLI obtufe trigoni, fubdiaphani, fpongiofi, ad a
■ bafin lati, et membranä albidä utrinque |
I inftru&i. • $
TflS fpithamaeus, teres, laevis, mudus, crafliuf-
cuius, fuperne fordide purpureus, multi- X
floras. -'l- ^
IRES albi, fubumbellati. 4
gELL.fi plerumque tres, inferior lateralis, o£to- 0
radiata, proximafuperiorfexradiata, fuprema f
triradiata, numerus vero variat in diverfis 4
plantis. ' ■ 1
fcLUCRUM umbellae triphyllum, foliolis ovato- A
lanceolatis, membranaceis, marcefcentibus. y , I gUNCULI qui radii umbellae, teretes, nudi, fef- |
quiunciales, fuperioribus brevioribus. ' a
|YX: Perianthium triphyllum, foliolis fub- $
ovatis, obtufis, concavis, patentibus, apice 4
membranaceis, cito marefcentibus, fig. 1. |
10 • ■ « I ♦ LLA: Petala tri^ fubrotunda, alba, tenera, |
I ungue flavo, fig. 2. <>
|M1NA: Filamenta fex, fubuläta, flavefcentia, |
corollabreviora: A ntheral oblongae, flavae, 4
K a • . $
tlLLUM: Germina plerumque fex, fubulata,
erefta: St y li nulli: Stigm a ta villofa, |
fubreflexa, fig. 4. ^
JICAR.PIUM: Ca psu le fex, patentes, fubulatae, |
interne compreffae, uniloculares, monofper- <5
I H j B dirPei'm!P. fig- 5- . . I
oblongum, obtufum, nigricans, nitidum, ad
lentem punftis exafperatum, fulco per me-
dium utrinque longitudinali, fig. 6.
RO OT perennial, fibrous, fibres numerous, thickly
.matted together, moftly Ample, of a brownifh
orange colour, ftriking deeply into the mud,
the young ones white. .
LEAVES Handing on long footftalks, fwimming, of
an oblong heart fhape, perfeftly entire,
fmooth on both fides, obtufe, the very edge
purplilh, ribb’d on the under fide, two very
flightly, prominent, parallel ribs near the
1 margin.
LEAF-STALKS obtufely three-cornered, fomewhat
tranfparent, fpongy, broad at the-bafe, and
edged on each fide with a whitifh membrane.
S T A LK about a fpan long, round, fmooth, naked,
clumfy, of a dirty purple colour above,
FLOWERS white, growing umbel-like.
UMBELS for the moft part three, the lowermoft lateral,
eight-rayed, the next above fix-rayed,
the uppermoft three-rayed, the number however
varies in different plants.
INVOLUCRUM o f the umbel three-leav’d, leaves
ovato-lanceolate, membranous, and withering.
F LOWER-STALKS which form the rays of the
umbel, round, naked, an inch and a half in
length, the upper ones fhorteft.
C A L YX : a Perianthium of three leaves, theleaf-
. lets nearly ovate, obtufe, concave, fpread-
ing, membranous at the top, and foon
withering, 1.
CO ROL LA compofed of three roundilh, white, tender
Petals with yellow claws, fig: 2.
ST AM IN A : fix tapering yellowifh Filaments,
(horter than the corolla: A n t h e r s oblong
and yellow, fig. 3.
PISTILLUM: G ermina for the moft part fix in
number, tapering, upright: Styles none:
St igm a ta villous, fomewhat reflexed,
fig- 4- . ' '
SEED-VESSEL: fix fpreadmg Capsules, tapering
to a point, flattened below/ one-cell’d, a
Angle feed or two in each, fig. 5.
SEED oblong, obtufe, blackilh, fhining, when magnified
appearing rough with little prominent
points, a groove running down the
middle on each fide, fig. 6.