'erpruca/ Jat&ßata/
V eronica Scutellata. Bog Speedwell,
Lin. Gen. PL D iand ria Mo nogynia.
. Cor. Limbo 4-partito, laciniä infima angüftiore. Capfula bilocularis.
RaiiSyn. Gen. 18. Herb.® früctu sicco singulari flore monope talö.
fcutellata racemis lateralibus-alternis : pedicellis pendulis, foliis hnearibus integerri-
mis. Lin. Sy fl.. Vegetab. p .'§ j. Sp. PL p. 16- Fl. Suec.■ n. 17.
foliis lanceolatis, ferratis, glabris, ex alis racemofa. Haller Hifl. 533,
fcutellata. Scbpoli Fl. Cdm. n. 22.
AN AG ALLIS aquatica anguflifolia fcutellata. Bank. Pin. 252.
VERONICA aquatica anguflifolia minor. Narrow-leav’d Water Speedwell, or Brooklime. Rail
Syn. p. 280. Hud/on. FI. Angl. ed. 2. p. 5. Lightfoot FI. Scot. p . 74.
RADIX perennis, fibrofa, fufca. ROOT perennial, fibrous, o f a brown colour.
CAU LIS: paulo fupra terram furculi plerumque f ie r i - S T A L K : juft above the ground young fhoots fpring
les e.rumpunt, qui hurni repunt, caulis florifer x forth, which are for the mod part deftitute
fubere&us, debilis, teres, vix angulofus, gla- 0 of flowers and creep on the earth, the flower- F
ber, ramofus, femipedalis ad pedale
bafi | ing ftalk is nearly upright, weak, round, fcarce
etiam aliquando repens.
perceptibly angular, fmooth, branched, from
fix inches to a foot in height, fometimes alfo
creeping at bottom.
FOLIA oppofita, feflilia, lineari-lanceolata, glabra, a LEAVES oppofite, feflile, betwixt linear and lanceo-
■ minutim et rariter dentata. | late, fmooth, finely .tooth’d, teeth diftant.
FLORES albi, feu pallide carnei, racemofi. f FLOWERS white, or o f a pale flefh colour, growing
in racemi.
RACEMI laterales, plerumque alterni, laxi, flexuofi, X RACEMI lateral, for the moft part alternate, loofe,
multiflori. V crooked, and bearing many flowers.
BR ACTE.E minutae, lanceolate. | FLORAL-LEAVES minute, and lanceolate.
PEDUNCULI capillares, alterni, demum penduli. | F LOWER-STALKS capillary, alternate, finally pen-
X dulous.
CA L YX : Perianthium parvum, quadripartitum, la- | C A L YX : a Perianthium fmall, deeply divided into
ciniis ovato-lanceolatis, fubaequalibus, fig. 1. 0 four fegments, which are ovato-lanceolate and
| nearly equal,, fig. 1,
COROLLA monopetala, rotata, plerumque alba, la- | CO ROL LA monopetalous, wheel-fliaped, for the moft
cinia fuperiore venis purpureis pifta, fig. 2. | . part white, the upper fegment ftreaked with
Y purple veins, fig. 2.
STAMINA: F ilamenta duo, medio incraflata, alba; ^ STAMINA: two F ilaments, thickeft in the middle
A nther.® albas, fig. 3. | white; A nther^e white, fig. 3.
PISTILLUM : G ermen viride ; S tylus declinatus, | PISTILLUM: G ermen green; St y le depending,
albus ; Stigma obtufum, flavefcens, fig. 4. | white; S tigma blunt, yeflowifh, fig. 4.
PERICARPIUM: Capsula comprefla, fuborbiculata, | SEED-VESSEL a Capsule nearly round, flattened
emarginata, bilocularis, polyfperma, ad 16. | emarginate, of two cavities, containing nu-
J%- 5- ? merous feeds, to 16. fie:, s.
T - B •
SEMINA orbiculata, plana, flava, fig. 6. | SEEDS round, flat, and yellow, fig. 6.
This fpecies of Veronica is diftinguifhed from the others by feveral charaflers, fuch as, its place of - growth,
which is peculiar, it being feldom found but on bogs, or the edges o f ponds, efpecially fuch as we find on
heaths and moors, hence we have called it Bog Speedwell; the narrownefs as well as fmoothnefs of its
leaves alfo ftrikingly diftinguifhes it; L innaeus’s term of integerrimis, as applied to them, is certainly too
ftrong, for they are always toothed, though faintly, and in a Angular manner; and if thefe chara6lers were
not fufficient, the loofe ftraggling manner in which the flower ftalks grow, would at once point out the Scutellata
as a diftinfl fpecies.
It is common in the fituations above defcribed on moft o f our heaths, and flowers from June to September.