£DUM s e x a n g u l a r e , i n s i p i d S t o n e c r o p .
SEDUM Lin. Gen. PI. D ecandria Pen tagynia,
Cal. 5 fidus. Cor. 5 petala. Squama, neäarifer® 5 ad bafin germinis. Caps. 5.
Raii Syn. Gen. 17. Herb.® multisiliqu® seu corniculat®.
SEDUM fexangulare foliis fubovatiä adnato feffilibus gibbis erediulculis fexfariam imbricatis. Lin• Fegetab. p. 359. Spec. Plant. p. 620. F/. Sueeic. n 404.
SEDUM foliis teretibus, ternatis ; caulibus fimplicibus trifidis, Hüller, biß. n. 965.
SEDUM fexangulare. Scopoli Fl. Carn. n. 558.
SEMPERVIVUM minus vermiculatum infipidum. Baubin. pin. 284. * ’
SEDUM minimum luteum non acre. Baubin. biß. 3. p. 695. Hudfon Fl. Angl ed. 1. p. 172.
ultra, teretes, glabri, punftati, inferne nudi,
oblonga, carnofa, teretiufcula, obtufa, erecto-
patentia, fexfariam imbricata, prefertim ante
florefcentiam, rigidula, adnato-feffilia, inferne
rubentia, fuperne Caulibus faltem flori-
feris e flavo viridia, infipida.
1A plerumque trifida, floribus in fingulo ramulo
* tribus ad quinque, feffilibus.
‘YX: Prrianthium quinquepartitum, laciniis
obtufis, carnofis, bafi tenuipribus.
OLLA: Petala quinque, flava, laneeolata, acu-
* minata, calyce duplo longiora, patentia. fig. 2.
^ÜNA : Filamenta deeem, fubulata, longitu-
dine corollas; A nther® fubrotundae, flaveff
f f M g 3- 4- .'11-.1_.UM: Germina quinque, eredta, oblonga,
definentia in Stylos tenuiores ; Stigmata
fimplicia. ßg. 3.
STALKS creeping at the bafe,' flowers about three inc htehso ofer mwohriec ihn phreoidguhcte, i',’ aro ruenddd,if ffi mcooolotuhr, . dotted, below naked and of
\ LEAVESb uotb bloenngd,i ngfl eaf fliiyt,t lero ouuntdwifafri,d , opbltaucfeed. ounper iogvhet,r ; ' balnoofltbhmers ionp enfi,x foromwesw, h:aetf preicgiiadll,y iebffeilfeo,*re a st hief . °{lfu cthk e toH etmhe o. f{ ata lrke,d dtihffoil ec oolonu rt,h eo nl orhwee ur pppaerrt p{taarltk s, yienllfoipwidif.f i,' at lealt on the flowering ; CYMA geonf ewrahlliyc hd iavried epdl aicnetdo ftrhormee tbhrraenec htoe s,f ivoen fleoawch
: CALYX:e rs, without footftalks. a Peri anthium divided into five legments, -
which are obtufe, fleffiy, and flenderer at the -
bafe. COROLLA : five yellow Petals, lance-ffiaped, acuminated,
Ipreading, twice the length of the
calyx, fig. 2. STAMINA: ten Filaments, tapering, the length
•of the corolla; Anther® roundiffi, and of
a yellowiffi colour. Jig. 3. 4. PISTILLUM: Germina five, upright, oblong, terminating
in llender Styles: Stigm a ta
fimple. fig. 5.
mSlowSed B I editlB“.of this plant is omitted, and not confidered even as a variety of the the'o?C°S0N’f r" the firft edlt‘°.n „hls Anglica,C l . 1? °f ,LltINJEUS ; ln hls laft edlUo“. without aifnftirgondinugc eadn yi tr eaasf oan ,d ihffei nmfta kfpese ciite sa, vianr iwethyi cohf
pfetfrom M^LHuDsoNWeV6r’ a”d S°°P0LI confirm Limbus’s opinion, and on fuch authority we furely
IhbmTetmimaesn vhT^f "o' u°rf vEt"hSalfl-(nhi t^BoSt atma-fnts ^(effici e8n'!tv etSo thcoen nftaimtuete °tfh is a diftinft fpethciee sS;' dufomr athcroeu, ghha sa cbreiedn p claonnt-s
WI at atWe t.h sfr t,hhee Jrexlalndg’' uHlar e d,i-fifee rsH yfr/onmP 'Pt‘hr’e yacerte ,i nifnta intcse sle oavfe tsh wate ki(nhda llv efirnyd r aar eflayt ioscfctfulro,r yb udti ffeitr eins cWe, ionn
Elit tnhe M se,thfe ' 3 acs™ *fi7d= tga,br°lew d i°ftna ntchee afllouwndereitn, gv ifdte.Jmigs. oif.- wbhotilhe pthlaonftes ,o fw teh ef Jienxda ntghuolfaer e oafr et hnee aarclrye ofhf othrte,
redder ;,i.0US'h0U’ !?nSer’ and more numerous, vid. Jig. i. we may alfo add, that they are in general
HLrim WBf| By °o7b!l,83 ue0.: 0t"S?0 ft rtahcce/s“.off 'Wwhi?c7h athreev ilfeibavlee s info rtmhe fix rows or angles, which are fometimes location off 4e yoreSoing is, that the acre-, another circumftance which adds acre flowers a fortnight looner than the fexangulare; the parts of the
Mud liplf htt e 110 d,ff®r.*n“» indeed a Sreac fanienefs in this refpeft runs through the whole genus,
k ecrr s I"ooPulttn ttihger °l,Wattinerg ePnled,n otVff uJlulyn eo.n Greenwich-park-wall, the fouth fide, near the weftern corner.