Hudfon FI. Angl. ei, 2. p. 144s.' P e n t a n d r i a Digynia.
Corolla radiate. Fruffus fübövatus, flriatus, fetis rigidis
Rail Syn. Gen. 11. UmbelM? ER.i£ HerB^:.
■ CAUCALIS Anthrifcus involucris multifidis*, umbella conferta, feminibus oblongis, foliolis ovatis
pinnatifidis, ramis ereftis. Hudfon Fl. Angl, cd. 2. p. 12,
IXORDYLIUM Anthrifcus umbellis confertis, foliolis ovatodanceolatis, pinnatifidis. Linn, Syfi,
Vegetab. p. 275. Mantif. 350. Jacq. Fl, Auflr. v, 3, t. 251,
I CAUCALIS foliis duplicato-pinnatis., nervo multoties latioribus. Hall. Hiß. n. 741.
I CAUCALIS Anthrfcus. S'copoli FI. Cam. n. 311.
I CAUCALIS famine afpero flofculis rubentibus. Bauh. Fin. *53.
ft CAUCALIS minor flofculis rubentibus. Ger. emac. 1022.
[ CAUCALIS minor flore rubente. Parkin/. 921.
I ANTHRISCUS quorundam femine afpero hifpido. I. B. III. 2. 83. Raii Syn. ed. 3, p. 219; An. 4.
Hedge Parflev.
K annua, tenuis, fufiformis, parum fibrofa, extus $
I flavicans, intus alba. %
|IS 4—-6 pedalis, ere&us, fubflexuofus, teres, pur- |
purafcens, fcaber, fetis minutis rigidis vix vi- 1
fibilibus deorfum appreflis vefiitus, ramofus. |
Rami plures, alterni, fuberefti.
E pauca, fere palmaria, remota, patentiflima, |
duplicato-pinnata, ad apices deflexa, petiolata, $
petiolis canaliculatis, bafi latiore fubvaginan- $
tibus; Finnarum tria, quatuorve paria, cum *
impari, ovatas, acutae, inferiores petiolatae, &
latiores, fequentes fefliles, breviores, angufti-
ores, extima longiflima, lineari-lanceolata; $
Foliola incifo-ferrata acutiufcula, fetis minutis $
eonfpicuis tarnen obfita. |
| s )ellis mediocribus planis, albi aut ru- !
bentes, inodori.
ILL A uniyerfalis planiufcula, rara, inæqualis, '
I radiis circiter octo ; partialis paulo denfior, ■
I convexiufqila, inæqualis, radiis 12 aut pluri- '
1 bus, exterioribus longioribus, omnibus fetis .
1 furfum appreflis hifpiais.
lUCRUM : univerfale polyphyllum, dimidia ra- !
I diorum longitudine, foliolis radiorum pie- ■
I rumque numero, linearibus, acutis, margine '
I membranaceo, albido ; partiale polyphyllum, j
■ foliolis cQnfimilibus, appreflis, longitudine
I umbellularum.
pNTHIUM proprium 5-dentatum, exiguum fepæ
I inter pilos reconditum.
BLLA: uniyerfalis difformis, radiata; Flofculi difci
; ; “Ottivi y propria difci mas, parva, petalis 5
inflexo-cordatis, æqualibus ; propria radii her-
j . ^ita, petalis 5, inflexo-cordatis, paten-
timmis, fubtus villofiufculis, extimis pauco
; wajonbus, fiifidis, fg , 1. auft.
BNA omnibus, Fila men ta 5, capillaria, petalis
■ paulo longiora; A ntheræ parvæ, diaymæ,
■ purpùréæ, f ig . 2.
■ d^ oERMEN °blongum, infemm, hifpi-
■ Um; Styli duo, breves, patentes, denium
l i f e Stomata duo, obtufa.
I nullum: Fruïïus parvus, ovatus, le- '
| ; erT preffu s,/g.4. r ;
|A duo, hinc gibba, trifulca, fetis rigidis fur- j
’ i;„m 1 1 1 3 a^is aut rubellis hifpida, illinc '
eafiftfllongitudinaliter excavata, jig. 5. ;i
ROOT annual, flender, tapering, flightly fibrous, yel-
lowilh without and white within.
STALK from 4 to 6 feet high, upright, a little crooked,
round, purplifh, rough, covered with
minute rigid briflles, prefled downwards to
the ftalk, and fcarcely vifible, branched. The
Branches numerous, alternate, and nearly
LEAVES few, a hand s-breadth nearly in length, dif-
tant, fpreading greatly, doubly pinnated,
turned downwards at the tips, Handing on
footftalks, which are hollowed above, broader
at the bafe and fomewhat fheathing;
Pinna three or four pair, with an odd one,
ovate, pointed, the lower ones Handing on
footflalks, broader, the upper ones feflile,
ftiorter, narrower, the outermofl very long,
betwixt linear and lanceolate; the Jmail
Leaves of which they are compofed incifor
ferrated, a little pointed, covered with very
minute yet vifible fetae.
FLOWERS white or reddifh, without fcent, growing
in middle-fized flat umbels.
UMBEL: the univerfal one flattifh, thin, unequal,
with about eight rays ; the partial one a little
thicker, fomewhat convex, unequal, with about
twelve or more rays, the outermoH longefl,
all of them hifpid with fetae prefled upwards.
INVOLUCRUM: the univerfal one compofed o f many
leaves, about half the length of the rays,
the leaves ufually as numerous as the rays,
linear, pointed, the margin membranous and
white; the partial one compofed of many
leaves, fimilar to the others, prefled to the
rays, the length of the fmall umbels.
PERIANTHIUM of each floret 5-toothed, minute,
often hid among the hairs.
COROLLA: the general one milhapen, radiated; Florets
of the difk abortive; each floret of the dijk
male, fmall, of 5 petals, inflexo-cordate, equal;
each floret of the radius hermaphrodite, of 5
petals, inflexo-cordate, very widely fpreading,
on the under fide flightly villous, the outermofl
ones fomewhat largefl and bifid, jig. 1. magn.
STAMINA in all the flowers, 5 capillary Filaments,
a little longer than the petals; A nther as
fmall, double, and purple, fig. 2.
PISTILLUM : G e r m e n oblong, beneath die corolla,
hifpid; S t y l e s two, fliort, fpreading, finally
bowed back; S t i g m a t a two, blunt.
SEED-VESSEL none: Fruit fmall, ovate, flightly
flattened, fig. 4.
SEEDS two, on one fide gibbous, with three grooves,
hifpid with rigid briflles of a white or red
colour, bowed upwards, on the other fide
marked longitudinally with one fmooth hoi-
low groove, Jig. 5.
■ We prefumé Mr. Hudson means polyphyllis,